The video uploaded by Su Xiaoyu was not long, only a few minutes, and it was over soon.

However, a blue planet in that deep space of the universe was imprinted in everyone’s minds and was written down by everyone.

Its name.

– Earth!

Su Xiaoyu: “How about my world is not very weak, to be laughed at by the big guys woo woo [weak, pitiful, helpless]”

To be honest, Su Xiaoyu was nervous.

It’s good that Reiki has revived, but her world hasn’t even begun to revive Reiki, and she doesn’t even have a realm division.

Those who live on Earth are all ordinary people.

This kind of plane, compared to the world of the group of bigwigs, is simply too low.

There is nothing that can be handled.

That’s why she kept the video short.

To put it nicely, she is still a little pressed.

It’s not like someone’s own world is originally crotch-pulling, and it is also long and incomparably detailed.

That would be a shame on the person.

And her world is so rubbish, she will definitely be ridiculed by the big guys.

Perfect big world.


“Interestingly, on this planet, there are high-rise buildings, there are aircraft ships, there are satellite rockets, and all kinds of thermal weapons.”

“Such a weak mortal can actually fly away with the so-called scientific and technological means.”

“Even, to create a nuclear weapon that can destroy the world.”

An Lan’s eyes flashed with interest.

Knowing that among the heavens and realms, there is such a world, which makes him feel very fresh.


One leaf covers the world.

“Earth? My former home planet. ”

All kinds of thoughts came to his heart, and Ye Hei couldn’t help but miss it.

Back then, Tarzan’s journey, Kowloon’s coffin, took him to the other end of the starry sky.

He then embarked on the path of preaching.

Fight the Holy Land family, fight the ancient creatures, break the ancient road of the starry sky, and block the dark turmoil.

In the end, he became the Heavenly Emperor who suppressed all enemies in the world!

Of course.

Emperor Ye Tian could still see some differences, and the earth where Su Xiaoyu was located should not be the same earth as him.

Its historical development is not the same as his real home planet.


Galaxy Emperor World.

In the vast starry sky of the universe, Jiang Li sat cross-kneeled, surrounded by brilliant stars, surrounded by thousands of laws of avenues, extremely gorgeous.

After watching Su Xiaoyu’s video, he muttered: “It’s like my world, the earth before the opening of the galaxy era.” ”

Not bad.

In his world, there is also the existence of the earth.

Because an alien ship accidentally fell to Earth, their technology has been explosively improved, and the world pattern has changed.

Otherwise, it is not much different from the world where Su Xiaoyu is located.

Jiang Li did not despise Su Xiaoyu’s world because of this, in his opinion, one day in the future, the earth will also get an adventure that will change its own destiny.

Just like his world.

What will happen in the future, no one can say.


Immortal Qin Shi Huang.

“Sure enough, as Su Xiaoyu said, this world is indeed ordinary.”

“It’s not an exaggeration to call it a low-level plane.”

In the main hall, Ying Zheng spoke, and thousands of majesties were completely formed, emanating out, subduing everything.

Ying Zheng looked indifferent.

Not all worlds are worthy of the Immortal Qin army, and a low-level plane like Su Xiaoyu has no value in conquering.

It’s so ordinary!


Su Xiaoyu: “Woo hoo, big guys, my world is a low-level plane, you can laugh if you want.” [.jpg grievances] [tearful .jpg]”

In the chat group, I saw that after a long time, no one had spoken, the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, and Su Xiaoyu couldn’t hold back.

I couldn’t help but speak again, my expression a little frustrated.

Although she also said at the beginning, her world belongs to a low-level plane.

The high end is not going anywhere.

But when the big guys watch the video, they also have a trace of expectation.

But it turned out to be a disappointment.


Her world, indeed, crotch-pulling!

Douluo Xiaolu World.

“Huh, that’s it?”

Tang San directly laughed sarcastically.

He also thought how powerful Su Xiaoyu’s world was.

I didn’t expect it, that’s it.

On a planet, there are a group of mortals living on it, and there is not even the existence of gods.

Low-end, too low-end.

This kind of world, is it embarrassing to compare it with him?


Talking about it was not too enjoyable, Tang San couldn’t wait to speak in the group.

Tang San [Low World]: “@苏小雨, that’s it?” That’s it? That’s it? Is this your world? ”

Tang San [Low World]: “Haha, it’s so powerful!” ”

Tang San [Low World]: “It’s really eye-opening!” ”


As soon as these words came out, Tang San suddenly felt that his pores were relaxed.

Since he joined this group, he has been subjected to all kinds of bad words and intimidation, but he has accumulated a lot of resentment.

Now, finally, it was his turn to take a breath.


Just as Tang San finished speaking, the chat group swiped the screen in vain.

Immortal Qin Shi Huang: “@唐叁, shut up the low-level world!” Is it your turn to speak? ”

Emperor Ye Tian: “Force me to go offline to stab you again!” ”

Immortal King An Lan: “It’s too cheap to stab him directly, you should draw his soul out as an oil lamp!” ”

Emperor Jiang Li: “It’s not me who said, what do you mean to mock others?” ”

One stone sets off a thousand waves, and it is not too much to use it here.

Tang San’s three words and two words suddenly aroused the strong disgust and disgust of others.

For Su Xiaoyu’s world, none of them said anything.

What grade are you Tang San?

Is it the turn of this fantasy floor tile?

Why don’t you know what you are doing, and laugh at others?

Tang San: “????? ”

Tang San: “Am I not right?” ”

Tang San: “This kind of world is not a low-level plane. ”

Tang San was stunned.

This group of people is sick!

He was telling the truth, why was it targeted at him again?!

Immortal Qin Shi Huang: “Hehe, from the point of view of Xuan, although this little girl’s world is a little ordinary, it is not comparable to someone.” ”

Emperor Ye Tian: “Daoyou, is the person you are talking about surnamed Tang?” ”

Immortal Qin Shi Huang: “Everyone who understands understands!” ”

Immortal King An Lan: “Then I understand.” ”

Emperor Jiang Li: “Then I understand too!” ”

Emperor Ye Tian: “Second understand!” ”

Tang San: “????? ”

In the Douluo Xiaolu world, countless question marks popped up in Tang San’s heart.


You said that the rest is okay, but you said that his world is not as good as Su Xiaoyu’s world?

Isn’t this talking nonsense with your eyes open?

It’s excessive!

A certain Reiki revived the world and watched this scene played out in the group.

Su Xiaoyu’s eyes were moist.

How could she not see that the big guys were all speaking for her.

You really, I’m crying to death!!!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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