Not for becoming an immortal?

This sentence made the members of the group a little confused.

You know, those supremes are a little delirious in order to become immortals.

Isn’t it bad to become an immortal and be an ancestor and live forever?

In the one-leaf sky covering world, becoming an immortal can be said to be the best result that all cultivators dream of, and how many great emperors in ancient times are crazy about it.

But the ruthless emperor said that cultivating the Dao all his life is not to become an immortal?

Sword Immortal Li Hanyi: “Not for becoming an immortal?” And for what? ”

Dominant: “I want to know too.” ”

“Ah, this won’t be another Versailles speech, right?” ”

Chen Beixuan: “Shhh! I seem to smell pretending! ”

Immortal King An Lan: “Emperor Ye Tian, don’t sell Guanzi, say it quickly!” ”

Immortal Qin Shi Huang: “Emperor Ye Tian, that is, don’t hang our appetite, hurry up!” ”

Jiang Li Emperor [Supreme World]: “Emperor Ye Tian, cough, it’s not difficult to find the coordinates of your world, you know what I mean!” ”

Jiang Li the Great Emperor [Supreme World]: “[Thirty-meter Great Dao .jpg]”


The ruthless emperor cultivated all his life but did not become an immortal.

This sentence once again aroused everyone’s strong curiosity.

They all urged Ye Hei to say quickly.

Especially Jiang Li, he directly warned with a thirty-meter big knife, and almost put the knife on Ye Hei’s neck.

You say it or not!

Ye Hei estimated that he would have an appetite, not once or twice.

This makes people really feel the urge to cut people!

Ye Hei obviously had a lot of desire to survive.

I saw that in the video, Ye Hei said slowly.

“Not for becoming an immortal, waiting for you to return for red dust.”

These words made the members of the group have endless doubts.

Who are these people?

And what kind of person is it worth waiting persistently for such a figure as the ruthless emperor?

Why did everyone feel a sense of sadness from this word?

For a while, the curiosity in the group reached its peak.

Combined with the picture in the previous video, after the ruthless emperor calmed the dark turmoil, he once came to Ye Hei’s side and said a similar thing.

Such words are inexplicable, though.

But there is clearly a connection between the two.

Could it be said that this is not for becoming an immortal, just to wait for you to return in the red dust, and it is Ye Hei who is waiting?

Su Xiaoyu [Low-level World]: “If you don’t understand, ask, is this waiting for Ye Da Guy?” ”

Dominance: “+1”

Little Lord Luo Feng: “Same question.” ”

Xiao Huohuo: “+1”

Chen Beixuan: “Curious! “390


For everyone’s questions, Ye Hei did not reply in the group.

At this time, the video picture regenerates and changes.

I saw that in the Forbidden Zone, two people walked towards each other.

One is the peerless white-clothed female emperor, and the other is Ye Hei, who has become a heavenly emperor and suppresses all the enemies in this world.

It’s like going both ways.

The two kept getting closer.

One step, two steps, three steps…

Closer, closer!

This made everyone look forward to it.

No matter what the relationship between Ye Hei and the female emperor is, if Ye Hei is really the person the female emperor is waiting for, then this regret and longing will be made up.


Just when Ye Hei and the white-clothed female emperor were close at hand, there was only a pause, but the two passed by.

The white-clothed female emperor went away alone, she was still wearing that ghostly mask, her indifferent eyes contained a faint sadness, and the ghostly mask seemed to be laughing instead of laughing, like crying instead of crying.

It’s like laughing, and it’s like tears will fall in the next second.

Two people.

Stagger with each other!

This stunned everyone.

Why is it separated?

Isn’t Ye Hei the person the female emperor has to wait for?

In the video, Ye Hei’s expression was complicated, with a wry smile, and he shook his head repeatedly.

“I’m not the one to wait for the female emperor.”

“I’m just the person who is really waiting for the female emperor, and I have the same appearance.”

“Or rather, the reincarnation of that person.”

“And the reason why I came to the Burial Emperor Star was not an accident, but was attracted by the obsession of the female emperor, all because of her obsession.”

“In the end, I’m just a similar flower in endless reincarnation, not that person.”

So it is!

All the members of the group immediately understood something.

I am also very sorry.

Emperor Ye Tiandi was just a similar flower.

In this way, it is naturally impossible to make up for the shortcomings in the female emperor’s heart.

It’s not that person after all!

And obviously, everyone still does not fully understand.

Since Ye Hei is not the person that the female emperor wants to wait for, who is the person that the female emperor really has to wait for?

Just when everyone wanted to ask questions in the group, the video screen turned.

I saw that it was a barren small village, in this small village, there was a dilapidated thatched hut, and two young children were playing with each other.

Although his clothes were covered with patches and his little face was dirty, it was difficult to hide his innocence, and he was full of laughter.

It was a little girl’s entire childhood.

At a young age, both parents died prematurely, leaving only her and her brother.

Although it was a difficult time, the two of them were able to have a good time.

She is attached to her brother, and the grimace mask is their only toy.

There were no extravagant jewelry, but the teenager, in order to amuse her, made a ring for her from a bronze piece, and although it was rough, the little girl took it as a baby.

I thought that such days would last forever, but one day, this calm was broken.

At that time, a major cultivation force, the people of the Feather God Dynasty found them, saying that her brother was a cultivation wizard, the Desolate Ancient Holy Body, and wanted to take him away.

Although they were unwilling in their hearts, what ability did they have to resist at that time.

Before leaving, the boy took away the ghostface mask and left the bronze ring.

The teenager told her that when he returned, he would definitely take her to a good life.

The little girl was naturally reluctant to let her brother leave, but because her cultivation talent was so poor, the people of the Feather God Dynasty couldn’t look at it at all.

The turn back where the teenager was taken away remained forever in the little girl’s heart.

However, this is their last face.

The young little girl waited for her brother at home, but, a few years later, she only waited for the corpse of the teenager, but she could not even look at it more before she was forcibly pulled away, and she could only cry in the rain, so helpless and aggrieved.

When the Feather God Dynasty took her brother away, it was not to cultivate her brother, but to fancy her brother’s physique, the Desolate Ancient Holy Body.

The Feather God Dynasty wanted to gather sects to ascend to immortals, and they found Emperor Zun’s Chengxian Ding, as well as some records of becoming immortals.

Poured the essence blood of countless physiques on Cheng Xian Ding, hoping to take them to the Immortal Domain with this.

And the little girl’s brother is one of the victims they chose.

He has no right to refuse, maybe his last regret before he dies is his sister.

The death of her brother has also become an eternal regret in the little girl’s heart, an eternal lack in her life.


Dominating the world: “Is this little girl the future ruthless emperor?” It’s so pitiful, I want to cry when I see it! ”

Xiao Huohuo: “This Feather God Dynasty is really a beast!” Unexpectedly bullied to a little girl who has no power of chicken in her hands! ”

Su Xiaoyu [Low World]: “Woo, so pitiful!” I want to hug her! ”

Sword Immortal Li Hanyi: “Such a poor little girl, even her only relative has been lost, so there is no one to take her in?” Distressed! ”

Little Lord Luo Feng: “This Feather God Dynasty is really infuriating, if I am in that world, I will definitely uproot this force!” ”

Immortal King An Lan: “Hmph, bullying the weak, if the Feather God Dynasty knows that this is the future emperor, will it still have this boldness?” ”

Immortal Qin Shi Huang: “What is the Feather God Dynasty, if he is in that world, he will definitely teach him to be a man!” ”

The scene in the picture made the crowd feel sympathetic and distressed, and at the same time angry.

At this time, the picture suddenly turned.

The former little girl disappeared, replaced by a supreme female emperor.

She stands above the nine heavens, looking down on all living beings and coercing the nine heavens and ten earths.

The whole universe shivered under her breath.

All the gods and demons surrendered and prostrated at her feet.

All the world respects, all ways are respected, heaven and earth, I am the only one!

Even many forbidden area supremes are taboo and dare not be born.

No one would have thought that this was the little girl who was crying in the rain.

I only know that this is an unprovokable emperor!

This is the ruthless emperor who has just become an emperor, once he became an emperor, ten thousand ways became empty, and in this life she reigned in the world.

It’s just that a ghostly mask covers her (BFCH) appearance, like a smile instead of a smile, as if crying or crying.

In her hands, she also wears a bronze ring.

Even in the past long years, even if she became an emperor, these two things were still kept by her side.


The white-clothed female emperor stepped out and disappeared here in an instant.

At the same time, at the other end of the endless distance, above the territory of the Feather Dynasty, the void fluctuated, the slightest ripple spread, and a vague phantom appeared.

She gradually became clear, standing tall under the ancient green world, proud of the world.

The figure became clearer and clearer, manifesting itself from nothingness, and the Feather God stepped upwards.

Her hair is flying, her clothes are hunting, and a slender figure is rich and peerless, as if coming from a mythical world, she is so detached, like an immortal.

King’s Landing Feather God Dynasty.

Her breath was released wantonly, and the terrifying extreme coercion alarmed the strong people all over the universe, making the ancient heavens tremble, and the entire big universe was in danger under this breath, shocking the world!

At this moment, the entire Feather God Dynasty was in chaos, and fear spread in ten directions, which was clearly aimed at them!

“Who offended my Feather God Dynasty!!”

At this time, in the Feather God Dynasty, a domineering voice came, resounding in all directions.

Even if there is no great emperor sitting in the town, the Feather God Dynasty is a behemoth.

On weekdays, no one dares to commit it.

With this voice, the Feather Emperor Lord also appeared.

When he saw the female emperor in white, his color changed instantly.

“There is no place for our Feather God Dynasty to offend the Great Emperor, what do you mean by this, Great Emperor?”

When the Great Emperor came in person, this made the Feather Emperor tremble.

The female emperor in white was silent.

“If there is anything offended, please ask the Great Emperor to bear more, and our Feather God Dynasty is willing to compensate.”

The Feather Emperor was extremely humble and trembling.

The female emperor in white was still silent, and her response was only a sword.

A sword swung by the Great Emperor!

Absolutely domineering, absolutely destructive! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Quickly activate the Great Array of Imperial Protection!!”

The Feather Emperor Lord was extremely furious, and roared.

For a time, countless chaotic qi was entangled, and the laws of the avenue arose.

The Imperial Dao Great Array hooked the general trend of heaven and earth, attracting the power of spiritual veins, wanting to fight against this sword.

At the same time, the imperial soldiers left by the Feather Emperor also recovered on their own, suspended above the Feather Emperor.

The appearance of the imperial soldier and the imperial array made the people of the Feather God Dynasty settle down a few times.


The great array shattered, the imperial soldiers broke, and among them the gods wailed.

One sword!

The Feather God Dynasty is overthrown!

Only traces of sword qi that stretched for hundreds of millions of miles proved that the Feather God Dynasty once existed.

From beginning to end, the female emperor did not say a word, but just swung a sword, as if she had done a trivial thing.

Then, he turned and left.


Xiao Huohuo: “It’s so cool to see me, and the Feather God Dynasty is extinguished!!! This wave is comfortable!!! ”

Dominating the world: “Haha, you deserve it!” Your Feather God Dynasty also has today!! ”

Su Xiaoyu [Low-level World]: “It’s really happy!” He is the cause of the day, the effect of today, and the Feather God Dynasty uses himself as an example to illustrate that as long as a wave does not die, it will not die! ”

Chen Beixuan: “This Feather God Dynasty finally made the ruthless emperor more inclusive, and died of laughter!” But leaving a living mouth is an insult to her! ”

Immortal Qin Shi Huang: “It is worthy of being a ruthless person, the first time to become an emperor is to find the Feather God Dynasty to liquidate.” ”

Immortal Qin Shi Huang: “I can only say, well done.” ”

Immortal King An Lan: “Hehe, otherwise keep it for the New Year?” ”

Jiang Li World [Supreme World]: “What else can I do, I can only let the Feather God pay attention to the next life!” 【Funny .jpg】”

Little Lord Luo Feng: “Be careful, junior!” 【Dog head .jpg】”

For a while, there was a happy breath in the group.

It was so refreshing to see the Feather God Dynasty being overthrown.

No one sympathizes.

All of them were very happy.

At this point, the picture in the video turns again.

After becoming an emperor, the ruthless emperor still continued her path of cultivation, she had traveled all over the universe, she had traveled through this red dust, and left one footprint after another in this world.

But at all times, she was always alone.


Still so.

Even if he has lived one life after another against the sky, the red dust fairy who has achieved the years without adding to his body will last forever.

She still has shortcomings.

Sometimes, she stood in the forbidden area of the Desolate Ancient Ancient and silently looked into the distance.

Sometimes, she sits cross-legged on a barren planet and feels the Tao and the Dharma.

Sometimes, she diverged into a debut fruit and turned into the little girl with pigtails walking in the red dust world, wandering around alone.

No matter when or where you are.

There was no more smile on the face of the ruthless emperor.

Probably, compared to being invincible in heaven and earth, she would rather return to that carefree childhood, accompanied by her brother, and live a poor but happy life.

Tread, tread, she…

The white-clothed female emperor who has been standing in the forbidden area of the Desolate Ancient Forbidden Area for many years silently went on the road, her back was lonely, and she gradually drifted away…

In the depths, there seemed to be a sigh, ethereal.

“Not for becoming an immortal, just to wait for your return in the red dust…”

This moved many members of the chat crowd.

The person that the female emperor has to wait for is not a powerful existence, but only accompanied in childhood, the only relative, the brother who depends on him for life.

However, this obsession and shortcomings may never be able to make up for it.

Even Ye Hei is just another similar flower in countless reincarnations, not the first or the last.

Xueyueqing could never return to the lakeside in his memory, and the female emperor could no longer wait for his brother.

Red dust waits for thousands of lives.

It’s finally empty!

Su Xiaoyu [Low World]: “Woohoo! Cry! Crying for me!!! ”

Sword Immortal Li Hanyi: “Not for becoming an immortal, just to wait for your return in the red dust, I finally really understood this sentence, a generation of invincible female emperors, can not make up for the lack in the heart!” ”

“My eyes are in the brick!” Tears broke down the family! ”

Dominating the world: “Too big a knife, too much a knife!” I am a bully, crying directly to death!!! ”

Immortal Qin Shi Huang: “Hey, I didn’t expect such a powerful and stunning woman, and there was such a sad past, and I was moved.” ”

Chen Beixuan: “I didn’t expect that I Chen Beixuan would act in my life, and there would be times when I needed tissues, she really, I cried to death!” ”


At this moment, most of the members of the entire chat group.

Bursting into tears on the spot!.

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