The Holy Lord In the Comic World

Chapter 144: : The official debut of Panku Box

"Sleeping bear suddenly woke up!" Ah Fu stared wide-eyed, sat up abruptly, and pressed the spell under the pillow.

"Tiger attack!" The moment he sat up straight, Ah Fu rushed directly towards Jackie Chan.

"Ah!" Jackie Chan dodged it with his agility.

However, the noise made by the two has already woken up the rest of the people.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Zhou woke up from his sleep, rubbed his eyes, and asked.

"Some accident seems to have happened...Come on, let's go and have a look." Rasu put on his clothes, put the spell in his arms, and walked towards the hall.

"Little snake, go and get the charm!" Jackie Chan yelled at the little snake while responding to Ah Fu's attack.

Hearing this, the little snake ran towards the bed pillow in the bedroom, but a figure stood in front of her.

"What do you want? Miss? Why don't you play with me?" A man wearing orange sunglasses stretched out his right hand as he said, and saw the dragon charm placed in the center of his palm like a mosaic.

"Oh? I'm worried that your stamina is not enough..." Xiao Snake said teasingly, and at the same time assumed a fighting posture.

On the other side, Niu Warrior and Tru, who came late, saw the gang in the hall, and rushed over with a roar.

"Jackie Chan, I'm here to help you!" Niu Warrior roared, and ran towards A Fu and Jackie Chan who were entangled with each other.

Seeing the aggressive Niu Warrior rushing towards him, Ah Fu glanced sideways, and then jumped up quickly.

"Raven Crow takes flight."

However, Jackie Chan was not so lucky, he was hit by the wall directly by Niu Warrior who couldn't stop the car.

"Oh~" Jackie Chan rolled his eyes and fell powerlessly to the ground.

"Ah...sorry." Warrior Niu touched the mask awkwardly, and said ashamedly.

"Mount Tai is overwhelming!" Ah Fu saw the timing and stepped directly on Niu Warrior's shoulder.

"Oh!" Niu Warrior subconsciously yelled and was trampled to the ground.

"Ah!" At this moment, Tohru who was behind Ah Fu roared angrily and rushed over.

However, it was of no use. The offensive German move was completely cracked by Ah Fu, and the boy was suppressed and beaten.

Warrior Niu was also having a hard time. Just as he stood up, he was beaten up by Lasu who was invisible with the snake spell.

"Rats run the maze! Hungry wolves move forward! Small fishes swim in the water!" Ah Fu's offensive words rained down on Tru.

"Ah! What did you just say?" Trud's eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked loudly towards Ah Fu who was about to hit him.

"I said... Xiaoyu..." Ah Fu stopped like a conditioned reflex, and began to recall the desau words just said.

Tru saw the timing and knocked Ah Fu down with one blow.

"You forced me to do this..." Ah Fu stood up again and said angrily.

As he spoke, he took out the sheep charm from his bosom, and exerted a little force.

With a flash of white light, Ah Fu fell powerlessly to the ground. Ah Fu, who had turned into a soul, rushed towards Tohru, but...he went straight into Tohru's body.

When looking back, Tohru's huge body had already slammed heavily on Ah Fu who was lying on the ground.

"No!" Ah Fu yelled, and hurriedly flew towards his body.

After returning to his body, Ah Fu clutched his stomach in pain, feeling the sensation of being hit by a heavy weight from his abdomen.


On the other side, after using many times of dragon blasts and still failing to hit the little snake, Zhou frantically clenched the pig charm in his left hand, and shot two laser beams from his eyes, which instantly shattered Zhou's sunglasses.

Then there was a stroke of strokes...

"Oh? So it's near-sighted?" Seeing this, the little snake muttered with a smile, and then kicked and kicked for a week, and successfully got the spell.

On the other side, Ah Fu, who had adjusted his state, stood up and raised the tiger charm in his hand to Tru.

"The divine power of yin and yang balance, you can't defeat me!" Ah Fu pinched his waist and said confidently

A second later, Ah Fu was knocked out by Tru with an expression of disbelief.

"It's psychological balance, fool." Trud looked at the spell in his hand, and mocked Ah Fu.

On the side of Niu Warrior, although Lasu did not defeat him, because Lasu accidentally stepped on a stone while running with the rabbit charm and fell, so...

"It seems that everything depends on me!"

Ah Fen was floating in the air, and Seder was posing very well.

I saw a green light shooting from the side, knocking Ah Fen down at once.

"It's such a big mosquito, didn't anyone notice it?" Looking towards the place where the light came out, the old man slowly walked out of the bedroom with a smoking puffer fish in his hand.

"Damn it, retreat!" At this moment, Holy Master came out from the side room and saw this scene, and hurriedly ordered to everyone.

Looking at the mafia gang who fled, Jackie Chan and the others cheered excitedly.

"Oh! How many times do you need Dad to say it? The spell is not important!" Dad emphasized again.

"But Dad..." Jackie Chan seemed to want to say something.

However, the old man seemed to be deaf, and walked towards the stage in the hall, carefully studying the murals on the wall.

Ten minutes later...

"Father... what are you doing?" Jackie Chan asked puzzledly while counting the spells.

"Here... is the ruins of a temple with ancient history... the murals on the wall are about the legend of the nine great demons..." the old man adjusted his glasses and said slowly.

"But Dad, didn't we already know about the Nine Great Demons?" Jackie Chan put the spell back into the bag and asked.

"No, here's more comprehensive... It is said that the eight immortals will lock the eight demons into the gate of hell, and at the same time use the Panku treasure box as the key to the gate of hell. All liberated..." the old man frowned and translated.

"So, Waloon and the others came here just for that treasure box?" Jackie Chan patted his forehead and said.

"That's why I said that spells are not important... Fortunately, the Lord and the others haven't..." the old man said with narrowed eyes.

"It's There is no so-called treasure box in that room, only this box that looks like a treasure box." At this time, Xiaoyu poked her head out from the side room and said loudly.

"Oh! It's not good!" Dad's eyes widened suddenly, and he shouted loudly.

At this time, the mafia gang on the Gobi Desert all.

"The Panku treasure box has been taken away..." The Holy Master's voice was extremely angry.

"That...Holy Lord, that Panku treasure box..." Ah Fen asked nervously, stammering.

"That's the only way to open the gates of **** and liberate my brothers and sisters. If I don't rescue them, then you don't even want to get rid of me!" The Holy Master said quietly to the crowd.

"Is this the box?" At this moment, Zhou, who was the most silent at the end of the line, spoke while holding a purple box in his hand...

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