The Holy Lord In the Comic World

Chapter 149: : just recharge

I saw Ren Yizheng, who was wearing a black robe, wearing blue beard gloves, and holding a Panku treasure box, looking down at the crowd in a personable manner.

"Who are you?!" Jackie Chan shouted at Ren Yi.

"Who is this guy? His skills are so powerful..." Rasu asked while standing beside Valon, looking at Renyi with admiration.

"Could it be Holy Master's elder brother?" Ah Fen guessed.

"No, it's impossible, the devil can't touch the Panku treasure box..." The Lord directly denied Ah Fen's idea.

Hearing the Holy Master's negative voice, Ren Yi almost didn't fall off.

Fuck you... As one of the demons, you still don't recognize me, can't even hear my voice? But it's true, after all, I've been in contact with Panku's treasure box, but I haven't received any harm, because... Ren Yi thoughtfully looked at the two gloves on his hands.

A strange thing happened, I saw that the glove seemed to have self-consciousness, one glove came off by itself, lay on the other hand, wrapped the treasure box, and then the other glove also came off, and the two The gloves wrapped the Panku treasure box like this, left Renyi's hands, lay down on a pillar beside him, and remained still.

"Well... not bad, blue beard gloves, they are good things." Ren Yi glanced at the gloves lying quietly beside Panku's treasure box, and nodded in satisfaction.

"It's not in vain that I took the time to find you."

"Am I not mistaken? The gloves on his hands seem to move?" On the flat ground below the palace, Zhou raised his glasses, wiped his eyes, and asked Ah Fu beside him in disbelief.

However, Ah Fu didn't answer what he meant, just like Zhou, he looked at the Holy Master next to him suspiciously.

The Holy Lord felt the eyes of everyone, and shook his head helplessly, indicating that he was not clear either.

However, Ren Yi's next actions completely calmed the Lord.

Ren Yi slowly took out a thick ancient book from inside his robe.

"That's it!" When the Holy Master saw the ancient book, he immediately lost his composure, and stared at Ren Yi in disbelief.

"Holy Master? Is that something very precious? Is there any need to be so surprised?" Ah Fen asked in bewilderment.

"That's my... demon magic book..." Holy Master said in a low voice, while keeping his eyes on the magic book in Renyi's hand.

"The devil magic book? What is that?" Rasu asked while looking at Ren Yi.

"It records all kinds of demon magic. I compiled it myself. Then something happened and I lost it. I didn't expect...he could find it..." The Holy Master has been staring at the demon in Renyi's hand At the same time, the tone of the magic book became heavier and heavier, as if it was about to explode.

At the same time, just as Ren Yi took out the magic book, the system's notification sounded...

"System prompt: It is detected that the host is currently holding a demon magic book, which records a large number of ancient demon magic and black magic. Do you want to add it to the black magic column?"

"Yes!" Ren Yi was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

A few seconds later, Renyi opened the magic interface of the system, and began to observe the difference from the original black magic column. The scene in front of him completely stunned him.

I saw in the black magic column, densely packed magic icons, magic names like bugs, and magic introductions like heavenly books...

"This... At least there are thousands of spells..." Ren Yi swallowed, and whispered.

"Holy Master, I have to admire you..." After a short period of sluggishness, Ren Yi looked down at the Holy Master who had been staring at him, and praised.

"Huh? You know me?" The Holy Lord who possessed Valon asked in confusion.

Forehead? Almost forgot he was possessed by Valon now... Forget it, he doesn't recognize me anyway. Renyi thought to himself.

"Yes, that's right, not only do I know you, I also know you very well... Among the nine demons, the fire demon has the power of twelve spells, and can summon the shadow army. He is a demon wizard..." Ren Yi Said word for word.

But the Holy Master's expression is getting worse and worse.

"To be honest, we are not actually enemies. I came this time to release all the demons." Ren Yi said when the atmosphere became more and more serious.

"Huh?" Now it was the audience's turn to be confused.

"This guy is also an enemy..." Jackie Chan, who was quietly hiding behind a stone, looked at Ren Yi solemnly and muttered.

"What good will it do you to let go of the devil?" The Holy Master obviously didn't believe in Ren Yi, and asked.

"I don't seem to have a reason to tell you this, do I?" Ren Yi asked directly.

This sentence directly knocked the Holy Master down, fell into a short sleep, and replaced Valon.

"Wait a minute, since we are in the same group, shouldn't you return the Panku treasure box? How about we open the demon's door together?" Ah Fen stepped forward at this moment and suggested.

"Indeed, that's fine, Panku..." Renyi thought for a while, and realized that the Panku treasure box he snatched seemed useless, and planned to return it back, when Renyi turned his head to look at the blue beard gloves...

"Huh? Where's the box?" Looking at the empty pillar, Ren Yi was taken aback.

"Damn it, I almost forgot, these two gloves are in the name of stealing in the original book, I actually..." Ren Yi cursed secretly.

At the same time, behind a big tree not far away, two brown-yellow gloves are running wildly carrying a blue-purple box...

"Go back to Panku's treasure box..." With a whisper, Ren Yi suddenly appeared in front of the gloves, blocking the way of the two gloves.

"Where do you want to go? Baby..." Ren Yi had a sinister smile on his face, looking down at the trembling blue beard gloves.

Seeing this, the two gloves had no choice but to submit to Ren Yi's coercion, and obediently put the box on the ground.

" I knew this before, so why did I steal it... This Eye of Aurora is quite useful." Ren Yi muttered as he approached.

On the other side, the members of the Black Hand Gang also chased after them, saw Ren Yi standing next to the treasure box and gloves, and came over.

"Huh? You guys came just in time. Here, take the treasure box away and open the door of the devil." Ren Yi looked at the crowd who came and ordered.

Hearing this, Rasu lowered his head and picked up the treasure box, stood up and nodded towards Renyi, and walked towards the palace.

Ah Fen, on the other hand, approached Ren Yi with great interest.

"Dude, how did you suddenly come here from the roof? Is it magic?" Ah Fen tried to put his arm on Ren Yi's shoulder, but he was dodged, but there was no embarrassment on his face .

I saw the corners of Renyi's exposed mouth slightly raised, and said lightly:

"You just need to pay..."

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