The Holy Lord In the Comic World

Chapter 171: : Sister group takeaway

"Jin Mu, if you don't want your left eye... just donate it." Ren Yi said to Jin Mu with a serious face.

"Hey? Don't make fun of me..." Jin Mu was taken aback for a moment, then pushed Ren Yi with a wry smile.

The two walked towards the classroom together like this. On the way, Jin Mu secretly glanced at Ren Yi, as if he had something to say to Ren Yi.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Ren Yi had already noticed Jin Mu's gaze on him, turned his head and asked with his hands behind his back.

"No...just...sorry, I haven't come to school for so long, and I've been worrying you..." After a long time, Kaneki said coyly.

After Ren Yi heard this, he smiled and showed two rows of shining big white teeth, and gave Jin Mu a thumbs up.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, you also encountered an accident, but you, please pay attention to me next time, do you know that if the rabbit is lonely, it will die!" Relying on the original memory of this body, Ren Yi blurted out Said.

"I'm sorry... Ying..." After hearing this, Jin Mu blamed himself even more, and lowered his head in frustration.

"It's good to know... By the way, do you know that Yoshikawa from the third class? I heard that he..." Seeing that what he said was a bit too much, Ren Yi hurriedly changed the subject.

After a fun and enjoyable study time, Ren Yi and Jin Mu walked out of the school happily.

Of course, it's a little strange for two big men to go shopping together, so, in front of them, a man with orange-yellow hair is leading the way for them...

"Ying, you have to be careful..." Kaneki stared at Nishio Jin in front of him very vigilantly, and murmured in Renyi's ear.

Ren Yi tilted his head and glanced at Jin Mu with a smile, and continued walking indifferently.

Seeing Ren Yi's indifferent look, Jin Mu shook his head helplessly and followed.

Walking to the door of a red bean cake shop, Nishio Nishiki enthusiastically bought red bean cakes for the two of them.

Kaneki looked at the red bean cake in his hand with some hesitation, but he couldn't make up his mind to put it in his mouth. He looked up at Renyi, who was eating deliciously, and Nishiojin, who was hiding in the corner and eating expressionlessly.

He ate it? Kaneki stared at Nishio Nishiki in disbelief.

After eating the red bean cake, the three of them continued to walk along the street, and after a while, they came to a high bridge.

Xi Weijin stroked his glasses suddenly, and kicked Ren Yi with a roundabout kick.

Of course, Ren Yi also noticed Xi Weijin's movements, and the amplifying effect brought to him by his dragon instinct was particularly obvious at this moment.

Originally, the physical fitness of the ghouls was much higher than that of humans, and Xiwei Jin was not an ordinary ghoul, so he had some strength anyway. Even so, his attacks were seen through by the human Ren Yi.

Although Ren Yi knew from the plot that Nishio Jin would attack him early on, a problem has always troubled Ren Yi.

Should I take it hard and lie there and pretend to be dizzy, or should I block it and slap him backhand?

After a brainstorm, Xi Weijin's leg sweep was about to hit, Ren Yi didn't care so much, and subconsciously caught it.

However, at the moment of catching it, Ren Yi suddenly changed his mind.

Ok? Something doesn't feel right...why so hard? Nishio Jin thought to himself after kicking Zhong Renyi.

Seemingly aware that Xiwei Jin had become suspicious, Ren Yi helplessly put down his blocking hand, and slammed the rabbit charm against the wall next to him, causing a puff of smoke on purpose, and then lay down slowly on the ground, Before lying down, he also used the rags beside him as a cushion.

And all this happened in just a split second. Before Kaneki at the end of the team could figure out the situation, Ren Yi had already flown away.

"Huh?" Jin Mu stood there blankly.

"It doesn't feel right..." Nishio Jin was also stunned. Just now when he kicked Ren Yi, he clearly felt that his attack had been blocked. Why was Ren Yi able to fly out?

"Hey... we meet again..." Without thinking too much, Nishio Nishiki turned his head and looked at Kaneki with a serious face.

"You..." Jin Mu obviously recalled what happened a few days ago, and took a few steps back in fear.

I still remember that a few days ago, I was too hungry, so I subconsciously went to the street, and when I smelled the tempting meat fragrance from the passers-by, Jin Mu finally understood that he was no longer a human being.

When Jinmu was about to go home, there was a scent from the alley. When Jinmu found the source of the smell, it was a ghoul that was preying.

And the senior in front of him directly killed the ghoul as his companion, the reason was because that ghoul invaded his domain?

If it hadn't been for being rescued by Dong Xiang who worked in an antique store, and brought back to the store by the store manager to comfort him, he would have been killed by the college student in front of him.

"Okay, let's settle the previous account~" Nishio Nishiki's eyes flashed fiercely, and he approached Kaneki step by step.

"Don't come here!" Kaneki, stimulated by fear, punched Nishio Nishiki.

"Hey, hey, what's the matter with this cotton-like fist?" Nishio Jin held the oncoming fist in disdain, and exerted a bit of force.

"Ahhh!" Stimulated by the pain, Kaneki subconsciously wanted to withdraw his fist, but his fist seemed to be clamped by iron tongs.

"See clearly... this is... the real fist!" Nishio Nishiki shouted, and punched Kaneki in the stomach.

"Pfft... ah!"

I saw Jin Mu flying to the wall next to Ren Yi like a kite with a broken string.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, stroked his stomach, sat there weakly, raised his head with difficulty, and looked at Nishio Jin.

"And then... this is... the real kick!" Nishio Nishiki kicked Kaneki's abdomen fiercely again.

"Ahhh!" Jin Mu stared wide-eyed, blood spit out from the mouth, even the abdomen began to bleed.

Kaneki's abdomen has been kicked to pieces...

"Hey, what's the matter? Is this going to work?" Nishio Jin asked with a mocking smile on his face.

"I haven't played enough~ Don't break it."

However, just when Nishio Nishiki was about to make up Kaneki again, a fork flew from a distance.

"Ah!" The fork went straight into Nishio Nishiki's back.

"Who, who would dare..." Nishio Nishiki turned around angrily.

"Hello, your takeaway has arrived..." Looking around, it was a courier in a yellow uniform.

I saw him wearing a low peaked cap, hiding his eyes and hair.

"Hi, your takeaway is here." The man repeated.

"Who are you?!" Nishiojin questioned loudly, not believing that he was delivering food.

"I'm the takeaway from Meituan, your takeaway has arrived..."


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