The Holy Lord In the Comic World

Chapter 174: :writing a novel

"But you have it!" Ren Yi looked at Jin Mu with a serious face, staring at Jin Mu a little embarrassed...

"Ying, so you are so shameless..." Jin Mu said quietly after a long time.

"Hmph, I'm telling the truth! Why is the sky so unfair!" Ren Yi replied without blushing.

While the two were chatting, there was another sound at the door.

"Welcome..." Kaneki said reflexively.

Ren Yi also glanced back at the direction of the door, knowing that there were guests, and they were all ghouls, so he stopped talking and drank the seventh cup of coffee quietly...

"Then, Jin Mu, don't forget the class in the afternoon, I'll go back first." Ren Yi said as he walked out of the store. In front of the counter, seven empty cups were quietly placed there.

During the afternoon break, in a bookstore on Xinhua Street.

"Hello, Mr. Jin Mu, what a coincidence." A man dressed as a gentleman in a blue dress approached Jin Mu with a smile on his face.

"Uh...I remember you are...Yue Shanxi...Mr.?" Jin Mu put down the book in his hand and looked up at Yue Shanxi.

"Oh? It turns out that Mr. Jin Mu also likes to read?" Yue Shanxi said with his eyes brightened.

"Well...does Mr. Yue Shanxi also like to read it?" Kaneki said and raised the book in his hand.

Yue Shanxi's eyes hit the title and author of the book, and a burst of memories flooded his mind...

"Lishi**... May I invite you to the gourmet party?"

"Huh? How can you eat just a little bit of meat? Besides, a gourmet party? Are you kidding me? It's nasty, I still like to enjoy it alone, you are a good person..."

Thinking of this, Yue Shanxi's face darkened, and several veins appeared on his forehead.

"Yue Shan... Jun?" Jin Mu looked at Yue Shanxi who was not quite right in front of him with some doubts.

"Ah? Big man...Huh? Jin Mu-jun, your hand..." Yue Shanxi suppressed his anger, glanced at Jin Mu's wrist, and showed an inexplicable smile.

"Ah? This is..." Kaneki looked at the brand new wound on his wrist in a daze.

At the same time, in Yue Shanxi's sleeve, a sharp Hezi was slowly retracting.

"No, I need to bandage it..." Yue Shanxi pretended to be concerned, took out a handkerchief, and wrapped it around Kaneki's wrist.

"Sorry..." Kaneki said subconsciously.

"It's okay... Well, the bleeding has stopped. With our healing power, it should be healed immediately." Yue Shanxi said, putting the handkerchief stained with Jinmu's blood into his pocket.

After chatting for about half an hour, Yue Shanxi entered the toilet on the grounds of washing his hands.

Not long after, there was a burst of joyful laughter from the toilet...

The screen turned to Renyi's side.

Let's say that after Ren Yi left the coffee shop, he went straight back to his small home.

"Well...according to what I know so far and my reasoning and analysis of the plot...should be coming to the plot of Gourmet soon..." Ren Yi lay on the bed and murmured.

At this time, a bold idea appeared in Ren Yi's mind...

"Hey? Since I know the plot, I can write the plot and publish it, so..." Ren Yi said with a smile on his face.

Think about those ghouls and investigators, seeing their inside stories written by unknown writers, the expressions on their faces must be very rich...

Having made up his mind, Ren Yi excitedly turned on the computer, and began to search the Internet for the most popular websites.

However, after more than half an hour of inquiry, no better website was found.

"It's weird, isn't there a website for reading books in this world? Then they usually... that's right! Physical books! I should ask the editorial department and the publishing house to submit the manuscript!" Ren Yi suddenly realized, and immediately turned to the nearby editorial department and publishing house.

Finally, after a series of comprehensive research and investigations, Renyi came to the largest publishing house in the city...Draft Publishing House...

"Is this the place? It's the largest publishing house in this city, and even the name has such a connotation." Ren Yi walked into the publishing house while talking.

"Stop... what are you here for?" As soon as he entered the door, two thick-skinned men stood in front of Ren Yi.

"Eh? I... came to submit a manuscript... I wrote a book..." Ren Yi said absent-mindedly, while observing the scenery inside the publishing house.

Not caring about Renyi looking around, the two security guards knocked on the wall with sticks in a demonstrative manner, looked down at Renyi, and said: "Submissions need to be reviewed online, and only after the review is passed can they be reported by the publishing house. I don't know this at all. ?"

Ren Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

Of course he made it clear that the so-called German online submission is just a gimmick, because there are a large number of manuscripts on the Internet that are intercepted and stolen, and the publishers don't care about this aspect, so submitting online is no different. Not a wise move.

Moreover, seeing that there are a large number of authors in this world, according to the investigation, these authors brought their manuscripts to the publishing house to submit them in person, so the two security guards in front of them must be deliberately making things difficult for themselves?

Thinking of this, Ren Yi took a slight step back, and looked at the two **** men with a smile on his face.

"You two uncles, I see that your seals are black and your lips are purple. I'm afraid there will be **** disasters in the future..."

"Hey? You boy!" One of the security guards was immediately unhappy, and raised a stick to scare Renyi, but Renyi was not moved at all.

"Hey? Benefactor, don't get angry. I have a set of formulas here. As long as you recite a hundred times a day, you can keep safe." Ren Yi said calmly.

The two security guards originally believed in religion, so they were naturally very interested in such things.

"Huh? What formula?" Another security guard asked.

"I'll just say it once, listen clearly? This is adapted from ancient Chinese poems, very effective." Ren Yi said seriously.

Seeing Renyi's appearance, the two security guards believed it was true, and they pricked up their ears to listen.

"The lying plum smells the flowers quietly, the nest is like a big sabi, there are hundreds of salts, and the chrysanthemums are ten thousand..."

The two security guards heard Ren Yi read so even had the hallucinations of plum blossoms and chrysanthemums in front of their eyes, and seemed to smell the fragrance of flowers, even the fatigue of the whole day seemed to be swept away Kong was even more convinced that these were the four formulas for warding off evil, and his attitude inevitably became more respectful.

"I'm sorry...Master, it's us who look down on people with dog eyes. Come on, the submission place is on the third floor, just get on the elevator and turn left..." A security guard said with a smile.

"By the way, master, have you ever asked about your name?"

The moment Ren Yi stepped into the elevator, a security guard asked.

Seeing that Ren Yi didn't turn his head back, he yelled: "Brother Ren, you have so many cruel words."


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