The Holy Lord In the Comic World

Chapter 195: : Plan pass

.., the Holy Lord in the Zongman world

"He woke up, and he started moving bricks."

Suddenly, the hall fell into silence.

"Young master... this..." Old Liu looked a little ugly, and leaned into Renyi's ear.

Just then, there was a burst of applause.

"Papa papa..." Looking forward, the wretched man was clapping his hands happily.

"Okay!" said the wretched man.

"As expected of Director Ren... As expected, he did not disappoint me."

"Huh?" Old Liu looked at the wretched man blankly.

Not only Lao Liu, but even Ren Yi was a little confused by the man's behavior.

Brother, I am mocking you, why? Can't understand my high-level sarcasm? Renyi thought to himself.

"Eh... um~" Although he didn't understand what the man meant, Ren Yi subconsciously responded twice.

"He...woke up, he started...moving bricks..." the man hummed while pacing.

After turning around Renyi three or four times, the man stopped.

"Sure's profound enough, even I can only comprehend a trace of its charm until now..." the man said with a sad face.

On the other side, Renyi and Lao Liu were as silent as spectators eating melons, just quietly watching the man perform alone.

"He, woke up... This sentence not only implies that everything ahead is a dream, nothingness, and fantasy, but also paves the way for the next sentence, and at the same time, it firmly attracts the readers' attention and grasps it firmly." Look at the heart of the beholder, although it is just three simple words, it hides such a profound meaning..." The man raised his head, looked at the ceiling, and said to himself with admiration.

"He, let's move bricks..." the man said again.

"The word (he) at the beginning not only corresponds to the above, but also clearly emphasizes the main point of the article again, that is, the protagonist of the story, which pulls the reader's thoughts back from the misty, and makes the reader understand This is a poem about people. At the same time, in the next sentence, I started to move the bricks. The word "beginning" reveals a trace of movement in the silence. Moving bricks, bricks are the foundation of building all things. Starting to move bricks means that all things are formed. The beginning of the film brings out the vitality..."

Speaking of this, the air in the room seemed to freeze, Ren Yi and Lao Liu no longer knew what words to respond to this man.

"Director I didn't expect that you are not only young and promising, but also have such a good literary talent. It can be said that Li Taibai is alive, and the poet and wine fairy has reappeared..." The man stepped forward excitedly, and grabbed Ren Yi's hands, said.

"Hmm..." Ren Yi had just recovered from his daze at this time, when he saw the man approaching him, he calmly wiped the sweat from his forehead and forced a smile.

"Hmph, that's... I didn't expect you to understand such a profound poem. It seems that you are also a man of temperament." Ren Yi said, resisting the discomfort in his heart.

"Yes! Director Ren, I will remember the kindness of today's inscription in my heart. I have nothing to repay. I can only go back and work overtime to complete this game production project as soon as possible. Please allow me to resign first." The man looked at himself after finishing speaking. I left on my own.

Looking at the back of the man going away, Old Liu swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked, "Young master, could it"

Ren Yi turned around slowly, walked towards the backyard on his own, and at the same time said lightly: " in my plan."


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