The Holy Lord In the Comic World

Chapter 211: : check point


"I'll eat this table on the spot!" Someone Lu yelled arrogantly.

"QQQ, KKK, AAA, 345, Airplane!" Immediately afterwards, the fat man's hand ended the game.

Seeing the boulder-like playing cards slapping on the table like his own heart, Lu fell silent.

"So, do you want to eat it dry or add vinegar?" Suddenly, a strange voice sounded from the three people's ears without warning.

"Who is it!" Lu, who was still dazed and frustrated, took out the boomerang hidden under his robe and pointed it at the place where the voice came from.

"Oh, I accidentally lost control..." Ren Yi also showed his figure when he saw the situation, and said embarrassingly touching his head.

"Who are you!" The short man at the side also reacted, took out a wooden stick and looked at Renyi vigilantly.

"The door should be locked, right?" In order to confirm the information, Lu asked the short man beside him.

"Well... I locked it myself, why on earth..." the man replied in confusion.

"Ah!" On the side, the chubby man made a move, and saw that he lifted off the robe on his body, revealing his bare arms and real appearance.

Seeing the man's true appearance, Ren Yi was slightly taken aback.

Oh? I thought it was a little fat man, but I didn't expect... Renyi thought to himself.

I saw two pectoral muscles on the man's chest that were as big as steel plates were facing Ren Yi, and the hands connected by the biceps brachii brachii the size of two fists held a heavy hammer and smashed it towards Ren Yi's head, but What Renyi cares most about is his shiny bald head.

When the hammer landed less than half a meter away from Renyi's eyes, Renyi moved.

I saw him slowly raise his right hand, and took the heavy hammer calmly, as if he just blocked a toy inflatable sledgehammer.

"But it looks like this is not the base camp." Ren Yi looked around casually while talking to himself.

"That guy... can touch it with his hands so easily?" Lu stood there in shock.

"The situation is not good, I need to inform the elders..." The short man beside him muttered, stealthily took out a bottle of black liquid from under his robe, and smashed it towards the ground.

Renyi noticed the movement, and threw the bald man aside like throwing trash.

"Oh? Is it a tip-off, but it's just right."

"What do you want to do!" The two men looked at Ren Yi who was slowly walking towards them, raised their weapons and stared at Ren Yi vigilantly.

"There may be a little pain in the future, but it will be fine after a while, be good~" Ren Yi said with a smile, and gradually approached the two of them.

About half an hour later the heavy gates swung open, and a dozen men in black robes walked into the stronghold accompanied by billowing dust.

"Is this a message from here?" The leading man looked around and asked the people around him.

"Captain, over there..." At this moment, a sharp-eyed man pointed to the corner of the wall and said in a trembling voice.

The man known as the captain looked towards the corner, only to see three pale men lying there with their eyes rolled.

I saw unknown white objects remaining at the corners of their mouths, their faces were pale, and the corners of their eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. They looked extremely tragic.

"Master Wizard, this..." The captain was also taken aback, turned around and said respectfully to an old man.

I saw the old man wearing a dark black robe, holding a crooked cane in his hand, the top of the cane was inlaid with purple gemstones, his skin was pale, and an unknown strange mark was printed on his forehead above his heterochromatic pupils, pale His long hair was loose casually, and he looked at the three of them solemnly.

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