The Holy Lord In the Comic World

Chapter 234: :game over

"Caixushun? What is that?" Everyone looked at Renyi puzzled.

Ren Yi froze for a moment, then waved his hand.

"forget it."

Just when everyone was puzzled, Di Kui suddenly raised his fists upwards and slammed into the ground with all his strength.

In an instant, sand and rocks flew away, and a huge and terrifying crack spread from Dikui's feet along the street.

In a few seconds, half of the entire street was destroyed.

Looking at the precarious police officer who was picking up the clod, Di Kui spat in disdain.

"A group of scumbags, in front of my boss, you and your weapons are as vulnerable as clods of dirt."

However, Sergeant Black and others do not seem to be ready to give up.

"Come on! Bring up the latest weapons!" Sergeant Black shouted behind him.

Afterwards, a group of people came forward with difficulty against a futuristic weapon like a cannon.

"Devil! Since you are so powerful, do you dare to take a direct blow from me?" Sergeant Black asked arrogantly at Dikui, holding his weapon.

I saw that this newly developed firearm was blue and white as a whole, as if it had been transported back from the future. The body of the gun was engraved with many stripes, which were depicted in a strange form, like some kind of magic rune. On the top of the button, a brick-red thumb-sized button is exposed in the air, and it looks extraordinarily shiny under the sunlight.

This is the product of the combination of modern technology and ancient magic. Sergeant Black certainly did not forget what his father said, so he planned to use this thing to attack Renyi and others from the very beginning.

And because the handling of this weapon is too troublesome, in order to prevent the other party from escaping, they can only use modern technology to harass them first.

However, just as Ren Yi underestimated Sheriff Black and others, Sheriff Black also misunderstood the demons.

"A head-on attack? Are you fooling me?" Di Kui replied angrily.

"Huh?" Sergeant Black was obviously at a loss for Di Qui's answer.

"This **** makes me feel the attachment of ancient justice magic... Although I don't know how you did it, I'm not stupid enough to bear the justice magic head-on." Dikui then explained.

Sheriff Blake was also a little embarrassed when he heard the words.

"Forget it, never mind! Shoot directly!" However, after hesitating for just three seconds, Sergeant Black ordered decisively.

Since the incident happened suddenly and without warning, Di Kui didn't react, and when he looked at the laser that was getting closer and closer to him, he secretly screamed that something was wrong.

With a loud noise and billowing black smoke, Sergeant Black confirmed that he had hit the target.

"It seems that the power is still good~" Jackie Chan said with some admiration beside him.

"No! No!" Future Xiaoyu frowned and retorted.

"Look at other people's expressions."

Jackie Chan looked at Future Xiaoyu with some puzzlement, and then looked at Renyi and the others as she said.

As usual, with a look of indifference and indifference...

Is it their internal disharmony? The companion was injured and didn't react at all? Or what? No! It's not like this…

"Sheriff Blake! Run!" After thinking for a moment, Jackie Chan suddenly came to his senses and hurriedly shouted.

However, it was already too late, as Jackie Chan's call sounded, a huge palm waved out of the black mist.

Due to its huge size, the wind generated when waving its palm drove the surrounding airflow, and the originally dense black smoke began to dissipate towards the surroundings.

And the direction in which this palm is heading is exactly the piece of land where Sergeant Black is standing.

However, the reason why Blake was able to become the sheriff, of course, the title of sheriff is not for nothing. Although the combat power may not be very strong, as a member of the protagonist group, the vitality is leveraged.

Just a second before Dikui was about to smack Sergeant Black into a pulp, a voice sounded in Sergeant Black's head...

"You're getting bald..."

The moment he heard this voice, Sergeant Black subconsciously opened his mouth and muttered:

"I... have become stronger!"

Then, as if Ren Du's second pulse had suddenly opened, Black lay down on the side at the critical moment, narrowly dodging the blow.

However, the side is not a safe place.

"Ah!" With Sergeant Black's scream, Tru, who was standing aside, rushed forward and grabbed Sergeant Black who was about to fall into the crack.

However, people are not dead, and new weapons are different.

The cannon, which was originally a magnificent technology, is now only a pile of fragmented parts.

"Crack, clap, clap..."

The smoke gradually dissipated, and Dikui's figure gradually returned to everyone's sight. At this moment, there was a burst of applause.

Di Kui looked dissatisfied at Ren Yi and the others who were applauding while watching the show.

"Okay, the game is almost over..." Renyi said to himself with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

I almost figured it out... Renyi thought to himself.

After observing for a period of time, Ren Yi noticed some subtle differences.

In the original book, the departure of the eight demons can be said to be very sloppy. As ancient demons, they are enough to rival the ancient gods. Now even an old man, an archaeologist, a child, and a sumo wrestler can’t handle it. A bit too unreasonable, right? Although it is said that the strength has declined with the passage of time, but the weakening is too ruthless, right?

But Renyi's world is different.

Ju Lan who fought against the combined monsters, Dikui whose IQ is not so anxious, Xi Mu who knows how to adapt to the situation and is very cunning, the Holy Lord who hides the little Jiujiu in his heart very deeply, Zhongsu who destroyed a city in an instant...

"This is what a devil should look like!" Ren Yi raised his head and sighed.

"Well, it's time to end this!"

As he said that, he saw the shadow ninja who had been on standby all the time came forward and slowly lifted the Panku treasure box above his head.

I saw the top of the treasure box suddenly flashing light, and then a green ray shot towards a dragon gate...

"Not good! They are going to open the eighth gate!" The old man who was preparing for the magic ceremony saw this scene and hurriedly reminded.


"Sheriff, are you alright?"

"Are you hurt?"

"Just in case, let's apply some medicine."

A group of police officers were surrounding Sergeant Black and asking for Sergeant Black touched his bruised shoulder and took the ointment.

"Huh? What is this? The latest type of ointment?" Sergeant Black looked at the unfamiliar medicine in front of him with some puzzlement.

"Hmm~ This is my latest magical ointment." At this time, a scientist in the medical department said with some pride.

"Oh? What kind of magical method?" Sergeant Black asked curiously, and opened the bottle cap, ready to apply it.

"After clinical experiments, after the patient wiped it, his waist no longer hurts, and his legs don't feel sore..."

"Oh? So amazing?" Sergeant Black's eyes were a little bright, and he was about to dab some on his shoulders.

However, the scientist didn't finish his sentence, only to hear him add:

"Even the heart stopped beating."

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