The Holy Lord In the Comic World

Chapter 266: : The fiercest? cutest!

Just as Keisha was about to leave, a roar came from afar.

"Stop! Kesha, you bitch!"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted everyone's attention, and incidentally aroused the hatred of the angel's side.

"Morgana..." Yan looked at the dark group of demon soldiers in the distance, and the only female leader.

"Yo~ Are you trying to survive with the defeated soldiers?" The angel looked coldly at the few demon soldiers, and immediately understood that Morgana's demon army had not fully recovered at this time.

It's an opportunity! Yan thought.

"Queen Keisha, this is an excellent opportunity to eliminate Morgana! Please allow me to launch the Heavenly Blade Trial."

"Skyblade Trial... It's possible, but we are not the masters here after all. We should ask for your opinion on this kind of matter, right? The power of the galaxy." Keisha said unhurriedly, without worrying about Mo Gan. Na and her demon soldiers are in the eye.

"Me?" Ge Xiaolun was slightly shocked by this huge change at this time.

"Morgana is a huge threat to disrupt world peace, we must eliminate her before she fully recovers!" Leng said to Ge Xiaolun.

"World peace? Heh! Who do you think you are? A hero who defends world peace? It's ridiculous." Morgana was suspended in the air, and taunted mercilessly after hearing Leng's words.

"What if... I mean, if, you launched that... Heavenly Blade Trial, what would happen?" Ge Xiaolun asked.

"Morgana... together with the city below her, will be destroyed together." Yan replied lightly.

"I won't allow it!" Ge Xiaolun roared with his eyes wide open.

"Hahaha...hahahaha!" Morgana was overjoyed seeing this scene.

"Sure enough, you still can't bear to make a move on your own homeland?"

Seemingly guaranteed, Morgana unscrupulously released her demon wings.

"Devil's wings..." The angels naturally knew about this, but Ge Xiaolun and the others were different.

"Why did a pair of chicken wings suddenly grow in the sky? I'm a little hungry." Liu Chuang rubbed his stomach and said.

Fortunately, this sentence was not heard by Morgana... Otherwise...

"In that case, Keisha, let's play!" Morgana said excitedly.

Knowing that the Heavenly Blade Judgment will not come, there is no possibility of him being killed in seconds, so he can naturally send out his base camp openly.

"Is that thing... their base camp?" Xin Zhao asked, scratching his nose.

"From this point of view... that Skyblade Judgment is equivalent to our nuclear weapons? Because of the existence of nuclear weapons, countries dare not go to war easily, and the angels have already shown that they don't know how to use them, so the devils have started to be arrogant..." Cheng Yaowen analyzed.

"That's not necessarily the case, it's just a verbal talk, in case I throw it to you halfway..." Liu Chuang interjected a little in disbelief.

"Our angels always keep their word!" Flying in the air, Leng was not happy when he heard it, and retorted a little angrily.

"I'll can hear me from this far away..."

"They're angels..."

"So... you plan to use this thing to destroy me?" Keisha sat on the throne with a normal expression, without any panic.

" will pay for your arrogance, Bichi!" Morgana didn't bother to talk nonsense, and threw a devil's claw at Kesha.

But it's obviously a useless effort, and Keisha is not the only angel.

Sure enough, before the devil's claw got close to Kesha, it was blocked by other angels.

"Queen... fighting now is not good for us..." At this time, Atox said.

"Huh? Cut..." Morgana turned her head to stare at Atox with some dissatisfaction, and curled her lips.

Indeed, right now it is because there is a human city below him, so the angels dare not attack, which means that he can be so arrogant because he has grasped the opponent's weakness.

Morgana believed that as long as Ge Xiaolun agreed with them to use the sky blade trial, or left the area by herself, she would be wiped out instantly.

"Notify everyone, prepare for evacuation and hiding." After weighing the pros and cons, Morgana ordered.

At the same time, below the Juxia, in the depths of the ocean, a certain creature awakened...

"System notification: The water demon - Basha is about to wake up." At this time, Renyi received a notification from the system.

On the other hand, the port of Shurima.

After months of hard work by Azir, Shurima's territory has finally been expanded to the coastal areas, and it is no longer a single desert area.

"I said, where did we get these weapons and ships?" Some people in the army who were more concerned about the country's development asked.

According to their understanding, Shurima has just been revived for a few months. Although it has occupied several backward countries, it may not have carried out research and development of weapons. Moreover, Shurima was located in a desert area at the beginning, and its navigation technology can be said to be advanced. Zero, even if the coastal areas have just been occupied, these ships are not like those that can be built by such a backward country...

"Weapons and ships?" Azir listened to General Chen's question.

"Oh~ You went out for diplomacy before, no wonder you didn't know."

General Chen looked at Azir suspiciously, eager to understand the situation. The new 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

"I did some of it myself..." Azir said.

Anyway, faith is worth a lot, and in the mall, this kind of ordinary firearms and weapons are sold very cheaply, so naturally they consume a lot.

"One part? The other part?" General Chen noticed that there was something in Azir's words.

"What, isn't the country next to us very rich in oil, but it has been in a state of turmoil recently, and it seems that other countries have interfered in its internal affairs. It seems that there are 50,000 yuan a day as a mercenary there~" Az Er said with some excitement, especially when it came to money.

"Your Majesty!" General Chen certainly knew that Azir was changing the subject.

"Ahem...well, isn't there a constant war there, and there's a terrorist organization, so I sent someone to help, and on the way back... I just took some weapons along the way." Azir blushed. Said without jumping.

General Chen sighed deeply when he heard this.

Of course I understand that in the current state of my country, this method is necessary to invade Japan, but... when I think of the once glorious Shurima Empire, and now I want to do such a thing... I can't help but feel a little unacceptable.

"What? There's movement in Shurima?" Someone in Dongying's meeting room said in surprise.

"Hehehe, it's exactly what I want!" Goro Murakami stood up excitedly.

"I'm only leaving now... it's a bit late~ Murata Saburo said while thinking.

Is there some conspiracy?

"Whatever! Let's just intercept it at sea!" Murakami Goro looked very open.

Yes, in order to rush to the battlefield as soon as possible, Murakami Goro brought his iron-eating beast to the barracks early.

But what he didn't know was that another person, worried that his pet panda would be alone at home, brought him to the military camp as well.

"Come here! Bring the fiercest iron-eating beast!" Murakami Goro waved his hand and ordered.

The soldiers who received the order hurried to the place where the livestock and pets were kept in the barracks.

"The iron-eating should be a panda, right? I don't know why the general took the panda to the battlefield..." the man muttered.

"The fiercest... cutest!" the soldier muttered.

It turns out that this is to ease the tension before the war! It is convenient to adjust the combat state of soldiers.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Ever since, the soldier came to the pet bar with this idea.

"The cutest..."

There are two pandas in front of me, and they are not much different in general.

The only difference is that the panda on the left has sharper claws and two sharp teeth at the corners of its mouth.

The soldier looked at the one on the left and shook his head.

"It's still this cute one!" the soldier said, walking towards the ordinary panda next to him...

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