The Holy Lord In the Comic World

Chapter 275: : The Fall of the King

"Ola Ola Ola..."

"Woo big wood big wood big..."

Two monsters over two meters in size were fist bumping fiercely, and each collision could set off huge waves, forming waves of waves.

Looking at Basha, who is the same size as her own, a smile appeared on Chee Howl's face.

Finally... I have met someone who can fight hand-to-hand with me. Such a hearty battle is exactly what Biting Howl has been longing for!

(The above are all fantasy pictures of howling)

In fact... Basha didn't panic at all after being approached by Howl, and even felt a little ridiculous.

And the fist fight imagined in the eyes of Biting Howl is of course impossible, because Basha's body is made of water, each attack of Biting Howling will shatter a part of Basha's body into water droplets, and then Basha uses extremely Fast speed recovery.

In the end, Howl's attack was completely pointless.

Although these attacks will not cause harm to Basha, but with such a bug constantly attacking her, Basha must not be in a good mood.

"Is it only to this extent?" Basha looked at Biting Howl who was obsessed with punching, and asked boredly.

"Huh?" Biting Howl finally realized that something was wrong and stopped attacking.

However, the moment the howl stopped, Basha moved.

I saw Basha stretching her body slowly, and countless water droplets emerged from the sea, floating beside Biting Howl.

Immediately afterwards, following Basha's finger, the water droplets invariably converged towards the howl, and finally formed a water prison composed of sea water, trapping howl.

"Woo~ woo!" Even if he was covered in machinery, he still couldn't make a sound in the water prison shrouded in magic power, let alone break free.

Seeing this scene, Basha confirmed her previous thoughts.

There should be no such system as magic in this world... In other words, I am theoretically invincible in this world.

Basha, who came to this conclusion, is not in a hurry to lurk now, but looks at the fleet in the distance with great interest.

There are about a hundred spaceships, most of which are small assault ships, and there are about ten large motherships.

These are just the vanguard of the Glutton Legion. As a war-loving Glutton, its military investment is unimaginable. Now it is only the vanguard of the Glutton Legion that has come to Earth, and its large troops are still on their way. .

However, as the King of Gluttony, instead of following the large army, he came to the earth first on the vanguard, which shows how eager the howl is for war, and how eager he is to join the war.

"No, the king has been subdued!" Of course, Taotie on the mothership observed this scene, and discussed countermeasures with each other anxiously.

"Do you want to send reinforcements?" Someone suggested.

support? Right now is an excellent time to eradicate Biting Howl. If Biting Howl won't die for a day, and I can't take the position for a day, how can I ask you to send support! The military division is planning in his heart.

But I don't have a suitable reason to stop the reinforcements. If I behave too obviously, I will be seen through. At that time, let alone a superior position, I may not be able to secure the position of a military adviser.

While struggling with how to calmly stop the reinforcements, the adjutant spoke.

"Don't you believe in the king?" The adjutant questioned loudly, which instantly attracted the attention of the audience.

"He is our king! The most powerful existence of our gluttonous army is a symbol of strength! Nothing can subdue him! The king is invincible!" the adjutant said sincerely and passionately.

"Yeah, how could the king be subdued? This must be an illusion, a trick used by the king to confuse that monster!"

"That's right, the king is the strongest fighter among us, so we must be worrying too much."

The military division was very surprised to see this scene.

When did I bribe this adjutant?

If Chee Howl heard their discussion, he would have pulled out his giant sword immediately and asked them to come to the room one by one and take turns punishing them all night...

"You say you are their king?" Basha came back to her senses, looked at Biting Howl, and asked.

"Then you are under my control, how can I see that they haven't made any moves?"

Although Biting Howl couldn't make a sound, it was miraculous that he could hear Basha's voice. starter

To be honest, Che Howl is also puzzled, I have been defeated, even if you don't send a rescue team, at least standing in the distance and bombarding Basha with two cannonballs is enough, what does this mean?

But Basha didn't want to think too much about it. Since those people are sensible and don't come to provoke him, then he should withdraw...after finishing dealing with this guy.

Basha's face turned hard immediately, and her hands were shining with a light blue light. At the same time, Biting Howl, who was in the water prison, immediately noticed something abnormal, and the water pressure seemed to increase...

Originally in the water dungeon, Howl was only restricted in freedom and unable to move, but now, howl could not breathe due to the sudden pressure of water. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer terminal: https://

And the water pressure is obviously still increasing, and it is about to squeeze the howl's outer armor flat.

Why haven't these **** acted yet! Although Biting Howl was flustered and anxious, he had no choice but to look at the mothership as if asking for help.

On the mothership at this time...

"Wang seems to be in a bad state... The data shows that Wang's outer armor has been severely damaged." A tester reported.

"The king's eyes are a bit strange... as if he is asking us for help." A Taotie soldier said so.

Is Wang really in trouble? This idea appeared in everyone's At this moment...

"Don't you have the self-consciousness to be a gluttonous army?" the adjutant asked again.

"The king told us before leaving: don't disturb his battle...Since the king has said so, it means he has enough confidence to crush that monster..."

"The king must be pretending to be in trouble at this time, and test whether we will provide support. If we support, it is equivalent to violating the king's wishes. Do you really think this is okay?"

The adjutant's words once again aroused the contemplation of Tao Tie present.

"Keep going, don't stop..." the military division muttered softly.

Although I don't know where this adjutant came from, it is obvious that he has controlled the atmosphere on the field... Taotie, who originally planned to rescue him, gave up his previous idea, and felt inexplicably confident... his king will definitely win...

Win a ghost~ Didn't you see that you were about to be crushed? You guys still have time to brag here?

If Chee Howl was present, he would probably have to swear on the spot.

Seeing his subordinates' delay in taking any action, Biting Howl's heart sank a lot.

Where did I become incompetent? A king has been reduced to such a state, and all his subordinates are helpless... Biting howled and pondering.

On the mothership at this time.

In the invisible state, Ren Yi knocked on the head of the speaking adjutant and laughed.

"Ah la la~ The memory operation of the sheep charm is really easy to use..."

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