The Holy Lord In the Comic World

Chapter 283: : Meet Rose Again

In a relatively remote Gobi desert, a red-haired girl was riding a motorcycle and rushing along the road.

"It's only been one day... just one day, unexpectedly..." The woman frowned and muttered to herself.

This woman with long red hair is Qiangwei Du, the daughter of Ducao.

After being attacked by Bazaar not long ago, the Xiongbing Company was completely separated. Ducao, the general, died unfortunately.

Time goes back to a day ago.

The gluttonous army arrived and encountered Bazaar who was attacking the Xiongbing company. The two sides fought, and finally they retreated without a winner.

After the gluttonous army evacuated to a safe place, they began to discuss future plans.

"The original plan is cancelled, launch the attack immediately!" Sitting in the middle of the meeting room, Biting Howl ordered.

"But, Wang... isn't it a bit..." At this time, the military division had an opinion and wanted to have a debate with Biting Howl.

"My order is unquestionable. In addition...send a team of snipers to the west coast." Biting Howl gave the military division a cold look, and then ordered.

Not long after returning to the fleet, Biting Howl had already understood the situation at that time, and understood that the reason why the soldiers did not come to support for a long time was because of this guy making trouble.

However, the military adviser was bitter, but the military adviser didn't say anything, obviously he wasn't the one who refused the support at the time, I just had this kind of thought, and it was the adjutant who said it!

"King, why did you send troops there?" At this time, other people in the conference room raised questions.

"The surveillance footage shows that before we descended, the defense forces on Earth were defeated by the monster just now... But they should not have died, and are now in a coma, so we have to take this opportunity..." Biting Howl stopped and walked towards the window , looking at the ocean below the fleet.

"When they landed, take advantage of his illness to kill him!"

Qiangwei slowly opened her eyes, moved her limbs briefly, and gradually got used to the feeling of waking up.

"This is me..." Qiangwei stood up weakly, and looked around blankly.


I saw a muscular middle-aged man in military uniform lying on the beach not far from Qiangwei.

"Father, are you okay?!" Qiangwei ran to Ducao's side and asked anxiously.

With a burst of shaking, Ducao also woke up from the coma.

"Rose?" Ducao has not fully awakened from the coma, his eyesight has not recovered, and everything in his eyes is still gray.

"'re fine, that's great..." Qiangwei breathed a sigh of relief, and helped Ducao stand up.

However, the moment the two stood up, a sudden bullet pierced Ducao's chest.

Seeing Ducao being sniped in front of his eyes, and a blood flower rose from his chest, Qiangwei's consciousness was a little fuzzy.

At this time, the top of a building not far away.

"The 001 sniper was successful... There is one more target, is it..." A Taotie wearing armor and holding a sniper rifle was contacting the headquarters.

"Return immediately... Your whereabouts have been exposed, and the success rate of the next snipe is not high, so let it go when you see it." The communicator said.

"Understood." Taotie sniper nodded, looked at Qiangwei who was still in a daze in the distance, and pulled away to leave.

Afterwards, one day passed, and with the massive attack of the Glutton Legion, the signal was interfered, and the command was paralyzed. The armies of all parties were unable to carry out an effective counterattack, and could only be forced to defend and cover civilians for refuge.

While collecting resources along the way, Qiangwei drove the motorcycle to the nearest camp.

Since she has been in the army for a long time, Qiangwei can find the place where the army is stationed even without a map and contacts.

Before arriving at the camp, there was a small city. Qiangwei decided to search the city first to see if there were any survivors.

"Sister, please forgive me!"

"We dare not... sister, let us go."

At this time, a sound of begging for mercy entered Qiangwei's ears.

Qiangwei followed the sound and walked towards a street in the city.

In front of him, a beautiful woman with long black hair and a girl with long blonde hair were sitting on a big rock without incident.

In front of them, two men dressed in casual clothes who looked like social youths were kowtowing to them non-stop.

"Du Qiangwei, soldiers of the Xiongbing Company, you can treat me as a policeman." Qiangwei walked towards the four of them while talking.

"It can be regarded as coming..." The girl with long golden hair, that is, Ren Yi, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw Qiangwei's appearance.

"Oh?" Morgana on the side also smiled and looked at Qiangwei.

"What's the situation now?" Qiangwei frowned and looked at the two young men kneeling in front of her, then looked at Renyi and asked.

Although Renyi was curious why Qiangwei wanted to ask himself the first time, but he was late in the lazy cancer and didn't want to explain to her, so he pointed to Morgana who was sitting next to him.

"We just taught these two guys a little lesson." Morgana seemed to understand what Ren Yi meant, stood up and walked towards Qiangwei.

"A little?" Qiangwei gave Morgana a contemptuous look.

"Hey, hey, hey... the two of us are covered in bruises, and we didn't do anything." At this time, a young man from society couldn't stand it any longer. Although his distressed appearance was seriously inconsistent with the Rolex he was wearing, his tone was extremely aggressive. .

Presumably this Rolex took advantage of the chaos to pick up someone else's.

"If a man touches your body at will, what would you do?" Morgana stood in front of Qiangwei, looked directly into her eyes, and said slowly.

"You mean, these two strong men were beaten into this look by you alone?" Qiangwei asked in disbelief.

Morgana tilted her head, and pointed to Ren Yi who was sitting beside her.

"Oh~ two strong youths were beaten like this by a young woman, a foreign girl?" Qiangwei's tone became even more contemptuous, and she even wanted to laugh out loud.

"Foreign girl?" Renyi was not happy when he heard it, he got up abruptly, jumped up, and landed in front of Qiangwei, standing side by side with Morgana... although there is still a lot of difference in height between the two shoulders.

Anyway, we were classmates don't you know me now? Ok? Ren Yi thought a little angrily. Of course it's impossible to tell...

"Good skill." Seeing this scene, Qiangwei couldn't help but praise.

"Forget it, no matter so much, who are you two, do you have ID cards?" Qiangwei waved her hand, and started the routine directly, as if it was really the first time she met Renyi.

"Sister policeman, you can't just ignore it! The two of us didn't do anything, and we were beaten all over by the two of them. You have to uphold justice for us!" At this time, the two punks started to join in the fun again.

The first one who couldn't bear it was Ren Yi...

Renyi grabbed a man's head and swung it violently towards the sky. A 1.8-meter-old man was thrown into the sky like this.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Qiangwei hurriedly launched the micro-wormhole transport, and transported the man down again.

"You... are not an ordinary person." After all this, Qiangwei came back to her senses, turned around to look at Ren Yi, and said seriously.

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