The Holy Lord In the Comic World

Chapter 289: : About the whole universe speaking Chinese (thanks to Wang Ling)

"Two, Sergeant Rose is back."

Not long after Renyi finished talking with Morgana, a soldier ran in and said.

Because Ren Yi made a special warning before.

"Okay, let's go, God." Ren Yi pointed to the outside with a smile, and said to Morgana.

Morgana also smiled back, and left with the soldiers who came in to report.

"Sergeant Qiangwei, I'm afraid this route will not work..."

"We plan to get there before dark, and this way... just right."

"But there are too many unstable factors, and we have to take care of the people who have taken refuge."

"Isn't it dangerous to take a detour? In the current situation, the danger at night is dozens of times that of the day!" Qiangwei replied very strongly.

"Then... well..." the officer had no choice but to compromise.

"There are not too many people to take care of now. With our armed forces, it is enough to **** to the target location. This is the safest way. On the contrary, the longer the time spent on the road, the higher the degree of danger." Qiang Wei slowed down a little He raised his tone and said to the officer.

"I understand." The officer nodded, but his straight waist never bent. The new 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

"Did I come at a bad time?" At this moment, Morgana's voice came from behind the two of them.

"Who is this?" The officer looked at Morgana who suddenly appeared, but had no impression of this beautiful lady.

"Lengbing, I came here with Qiangwei yesterday." Morgana replied casually.

"What are you doing here?" Qiangwei asked puzzled.

"Come to find you." Morgana replied in seconds.

"Looking for me? What's the matter?" Qiangwei was even more puzzled.

Morgana did not answer immediately this time, but instead looked at the officer standing aside.

The officer immediately understood what Morgana meant, gave a military salute, and strode out of the room to direct the relocation operation.

"Okay, let's talk." Qiangwei watched the officer's back gradually go away, sat down on the stool, and said.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Morgana asked after being silent for a while.

"Huh?" Qiangwei opened her mouth a little surprised by Morgana's words.

"You should know that I'm not an ordinary person." Morgana said bluntly.

"I only know that your lover is not an ordinary person." Qiangwei rested her forehead with one hand and rubbed the space between her brows with two fingers.

The whole day of running around yesterday made her feel a little depressed now.

"My love...forget it, I think you seem very tired, you should lie down and rest first." Morgana said and walked slowly towards Qiangwei.

"No need, I'm going to pack up my things and leave soon, I'm still..." Qiangwei wanted to refuse at first, but as Morgana approached, a strong sense of sleepiness hit her.

"Top... got..." With a murmur, the room became calm again.

Morgana hugged the sleeping Qiangwei to the bed and covered her with a quilt.

"What I want in the a healthy you." Morgana stroked Qiangwei's hair and said to herself.

"Are you done?" Seeing Morgana returning to the room, Ren Yi stopped his right hand playing with the ponytail and asked.

Morgana nodded.

"Isn't this too fast? Could it be that you..." Ren Yi said with a smirk on his face.

"Huh? Hehe... How long can I last, you will know after experiencing it for yourself?" Morgana was surprised by Renyi's reaction at first, and then she returned to her usual appearance, smiling and approaching Renyi.

"No, no, I'm afraid, I'm afraid." Ren Yi hurriedly waved his hand.

As expected of the old Si Ji who has lived for tens of thousands of years, she cannot be compared...

"After subduing Qiangwei, are you going to return to Devil's Wings?" Ren Yi asked after thinking for a while.

"That's not necessarily the case. If there is no emergency, I would like to play on the surface for a few more days." Morgana stretched her waist, revealing her graceful figure.

"Don't do your job properly, as the Demon Queen, if you don't stay in the headquarters to command the Demon Soldiers, and come to the surface to fish, won't your conscience hurt?" Renyi complained.

"It's really a little... It seems that I need your comfort..." Morgana said, holding Renyi's hand, and moving closer to her chest.

Ren Yi quickly stopped her behavior.

To the point, to the point...

"You've already shared the same bed with me, why are you still so shy?" Morgana moved closer.

Ren Yi turned away expressionlessly.

Nonsense... Leaving aside the inexplicable lack of physical impulse towards female creatures, even if there is... I dare not act! (to be harmonious!)

Wait, according to this, if I meet demon soldiers in the future, can I point to their noses and shout: Laozi slept with your queen? First launch https://https://

Hey, I'm a little excited after thinking about it.

Especially I don't know what Ato's expression will be...

"Although your heart is protected by some kind of more advanced program, so I can't detect your thoughts, but I can feel that you were thinking some kind of evil just now..." Morgana squinted and said.

"A woman's intuition? So accurate." Ren Yi said subconsciously.

"It's almost...the migration is about to start, let's go." Morgana looked at the door. Although there was no sound coming from outside the door, Morgana seemed to be able to predict the future.

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, a whistle came from outside the door.

Although I may be invincible in terms of overall strength... But I don't have this kind of fancy ability... Ahhh, I want this kind of fancy thing too!

Renyi glanced at Morgana enviously.

the other side…

Headquarters of the North American Mafia.

"Go and bring this woman in front of me." A bearded foreigner with sunglasses and a cigar in his mouth spoke in broken Prize money... five million dollars. "

In front of the foreigner with sunglasses, a young man also wearing sunglasses looked at the photo in surprise.

"Just this kind of thing, five million?" The young man in sunglasses asked in surprise, as if he was trying to make sure he had heard it wrong.

The foreigner with sunglasses nodded.

"Required by the above...remember, life or death doesn't matter..."

After the young man in sunglasses left, a younger brother walked over from the side.

However, a weird scene happened.

The tall man dressed as the younger brother sat on the leather seat without seeing anyone else, while the man in sunglasses bowed his head respectfully to him.

"I don't know if this is done...Will Queen Morgana be satisfied?" the man in sunglasses asked cautiously.

"This is not something you need to care about. Just remember that if the matter is done well, the queen will reward you." The man said coldly.

The foreigner with sunglasses had no choice but to bow and nod constantly.

At this time, the tall man tilted his head.

"By the way, I suddenly have a question..."

"I don't know what the question is?" asked the foreigner with sunglasses.

"You're American, right?"

The foreigner with sunglasses nodded.

"The killer just now is also American, right?"

The foreigner with sunglasses nodded again.

"Then why did you two speak Chinese just now?"

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