The Holy Lord In the Comic World

Chapter 401: : follow the script

After thinking about it, Renyi realized that...

"This kind of conspiracy theory doesn't seem to fit me well..."

The best thing for me is to run directly in front of him and eliminate that woman in front of him...

"But if that's the case... Isn't the stimulation a bit small..."

If it is so simple and rude... Renyi is worried that the expected effect will not be achieved...

"Hey~ at this time..." Renyi clapped his hands and called up the system interface.

A burst of white light appeared in front of Ren Yi, condensing into a squatting figure.


Following Ren Yi's call, the light gradually dissipated, revealing her true face.

"Hmm... have you arrived at the arena yet?" Camilla stood up, looked around, and asked suspiciously.

"It's been a while, and several teams have already been eliminated." Ren Yi said and stepped forward.

"Camila, have you done any research on conspiracy theories..."

Camila looked at Ren Yi who was holding her shoulder with some doubts...


"Yes, help me think of a make a person very angry..." Ren Yi said and gestured twice with his hands.

"To make people angry, wouldn't it be better to provoke directly?" Camila tilted her head and replied.

"No, no, no, it's not that kind of anger...provocation will only provoke the other party's anger. The anger I the kind...with hatred in the anger, with sadness hidden in the hatred...the heart-wrenching anger." Ren Yi walked around Camilla twice, and said while gesticulating and describing.

After speaking, he directly pulled Camilla up and ran to the magic mirror.

"Did you see these three people? This is one of them, try to stir up the anger in his heart." Ren Yi pointed to Gang Kong in the magic mirror and said.

"Hmm..." Although Camilla was puzzled, since it was Ren Yi's order, it should be carried out.

"In order to facilitate your actions, let me explain the situation to you first."

so so, so so...

"Oh~ that's much simpler..." Camila nodded after listening, and said confidently.

"Oh? Is there a way?" Renyi was a little surprised. It seemed that bringing Camilla was the right choice.

"Actually, there is no need for any conspiracy..." Camilla continued.

"Oh? No conspiracy?"

"Brother, have you forgotten your ability?"

Upon hearing this, Renyi looked at Camila with some puzzlement, and motioned for her to continue talking.

"Your ability, you should know better than me...Since you want to make someone angry, you just need to find a way to stir up his anger, right?" Camila explained, facing Ren Yi.

"Well, so?" Ren Yi took out another chair from his backpack, sat down, and asked.

"I remember, brother, you should have a way to create a memory and stuff it into someone else's mind, right?" Camilla asked.

Create a memory...and insert...sheep charms!

Ren Yi suddenly woke up...Yeah, why didn't I expect that the sheep charm can control the soul, and the setting of the soul is not available in every world, so in some worlds where there is no soul, the soul is automatically replaced by other stuff like...memory...

"I can definitely make up a story with the sheep charm, and then implant it into his brain, making him mistakenly think that this thing really happened, so..." Ren Yi became more and more excited as he spoke.

"So... what kind of story do you want to make up?"

" should know better than me what kind of stories you make up..." Camila smiled and looked at Ren Yi.

Renyi stood up, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

On the other side, the three Zhao Caimao who had escaped from Renyi's hands were hiding in the middle of a high-rise building, in a hut with poor lighting.

"You said, he not only let you go, but also gave you a transformation device?" Zhao Caimao asked in surprise, opening his mouth wide.

"Yes, I also find it incredible." Gang Kong took out the transformation device and said while shaking it in front of Zhao Caimao.

"What is his intention..." Mutsuki felt that something was wrong, and this matter was definitely not simple.

"Maybe he is this kind of person~ Didn't he say that his temperament is very weird?" Gang Kong said with a smile while lying on a chair with Erlang's legs crossed.

"Damn...why not give it to me..." Zhao Caimao stared enviously at the transformation device in his hand.

"Hey! I order you in the name of the captain, show me the transformation device!"

"Bah! Just you? I still can't figure out what you're thinking?" Gang Kong looked at Zhao Caimao who was running over to **** his belt, jumped up abruptly, and began to hide.

"Let me see! What if he installs a bomb on it?" Zhao Caimao said while chasing it.

"I believe you ghost, I have already checked, there is no bomb, you go and rest!" Gang Kong kicked Zhao Caimao aside and said.

"Ah! He's here!" At this moment, Zhao Caimao suddenly pointed at the window behind Gang Kong and yelled.

"Huh?" Gang Kong was shocked, and turned around to look...

"Hey! You've been fooled!" Seeing that the other party has been fooled, Zhao Caimao jumped on him...

It's a pity that his hand was not as strong as the opponent's, and he still couldn't grab it in the end.

"Bah! Insidious!" Gang Kong cursed while protecting his transformation device.

At this moment, Ren Yi's figure emerged from the French window behind him.

"Ah! He's here!" Zhao Caimao cried out in a cold sweat on his forehead when he saw it.

"Hey~ still want to do this trick? Do you think I will still be fooled?" Gang Kong curled his lips in disdain and said.

"Run!" Mutsuki also stood up and shouted.

Gang Kong seems to have realized that something is wrong, just about to turn around...

"Go to sleep..." Ren Yi grabbed the back of Gang Kong's neck, and a white light flowed into Gang Kong's brain along Ren Yi's arm.

In the next second, Gang Kong fell powerlessly to the ground.

"Gang Kong!" Zhao Caimao yelled at the fallen Gang Kong.

"I said, why do you guys like to shout at people who are already fainted so much... You fainted to death, can you hear me..." Ren Yi sighed and complained.

"You...why..." Zhao Caimao pointed at Ren Yi and stammered.

He doesn't understand, since the other party has already let us go, and even gave the precious transformation device to Gang Kong, why did they come to deal with us...

Could it be that he repented? Want to get your belt back? Or did he just tease us in the first place... Maybe he just wanted to play cat and mouse...

Ren Yi didn't know what he was thinking After getting dizzy, he stood there without moving.

"Hmm... In order for the script to be correct, I have to do something..."

"What..." Mu Yue looked at Ren Yi in confusion, and Ren Yi was also staring at her. Suddenly, she felt a wave of fear, a fear of the prey being targeted by the hunter...

run! This is her first reaction...


Before she could make a move, Ren Yi moved first...


With a scream, Mutsuki's chest has been pierced...

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