The Holy Right of a Comic

The Sacred Right of a Certain Comic Man Chapter 227


Since then, this man who seems to have descended from heaven to the mortal world has been called an "angel on the ground" within the Christianity, mainly "Son of God" and "Holy Son" are not allowed to be used within the Christianity because That can only be used on 'Christ'.

This was also the first time Nicholas II saw Roy. While greeting the patriarch whose age could not be distinguished, he carefully looked at him.

Sure enough, like all believers, through Roy's face, he seemed to see a six-winged angel holding a sacred sword, burning with sacred flames, binding an evil red dragon, and turning it again into hell.


‘That’s the power of ‘Godlike’ Michael! '

As a devout believer, Nicholas II immediately had a clear understanding.

This angel on earth is pursued and followed by all denominations, but the original patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church is undoubtedly the most courageous. The old patriarch is already old. The Patriarchate of the Orthodox Church, one of the great sects, passed to this earthly angel.

There is no objection from any clergy, because as long as you believe in the Lord, you cannot make an objection decision in front of him.

"If you procrastinate, you will lose time, Your Majesty, let's start the baptism ceremony."

In a short period of time, the tsar thought a lot, but Roy interrupted his thoughts, because he came here today to be baptized.

Nicholas II came back to his senses, and he quickly motioned for his queen to come forward and hand the baby in his arms to Roy. At the same time, after hesitating for a moment, the czar lowered his head and said as a believer: "... Your Majesty, I have an unfeeling request."

"Please speak, Your Majesty!"

Roy had a gentle smile on his face. That smile was like the breeze blowing from heaven, making Nicholas II forget his hesitation all at once, and became brave, firm and decisive.

"I hope that Your Majesty can become the godfather of my little daughter, Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova!"

"... I hope you can agree to the request of a pious believer!"

Chapter Six Godfather and Queen

The godfather refers to the person who guarantees and undertakes the religious education of a baby or young child when they are baptized. In Europe, the godfather of most royal family members is generally another royal family member, which may be from their own country or from other countries.

Roy was a little surprised by Nicholas II's request. He stared at the sincere looking man in his thirties, and seemed to see something in his tired eyes.

It is now the beginning of the 20th century. Democracy and freedom are the main themes of this era, and the feudal Romanov dynasty is already in turmoil. Today, the internal contradictions of Tsarist Russia are extremely sharp, and various parades and uprisings occur from time to time. Nicholas II may have had a bad premonition, so he hoped that Roy, the Orthodox Patriarch, would become the godfather of his youngest daughter.

In this era of chasing democracy and freedom, the prestige and influence of European royal families are being minimized, but no matter how the political structure of the world changes, the status of Christianity will never change, especially this "six The Christianity of the "83" world is even more mysterious, and Roy's appearance is considered a miracle. This Nicholas II wants to use this method to find a way for his youngest daughter that can be seen Protect the road.

'Not a good emperor, but a good father. '

Roy drew his own conclusions for the tsar.

Then, under Nicholas II's pleading and expectant eyes, Roy smiled and said: "...This is the first time I have baptized as a priest, which shows my fate with Her Royal Highness Princess Anastasia , since the Lord let us meet here, I should respond to the Lord's expectation."

This sentence undoubtedly agreed to the plea of ​​Nicholas II.

The tsar breathed a sigh of relief, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth with a thick beard, and the hands rubbing the legs of his trousers due to nervousness were also vertical, and his whole person became energetic.

"Alexandra, give our baby to her godfather for baptism."

The Tsar hurriedly urged his wife.

The queen who was holding the child stepped forward immediately, and gently delivered the baby girl in the silk to Roy's hands, but when this graceful queen looked at Roy, her eyes were radiant, with an indescribable taste, It was exactly the same as those noble young women and girls looking at Roy.

These Russian nobles and women are really bold.

Roy pretended not to notice her expression, and took Anastasia, who was still in the swaddling baby, and looked down. Although the one-year-old child was not as wrinkled as it was when it was just born, it was numb and cracked. Yes, but it's not mellow at all, making people want to tease her, and it's even more impossible to tell whether the future is a beauty or not.

The imperial daughter of Tsarist Russia has beautiful sapphire-like eyes. She was lying in the silk and giggled when she saw Roy. Roy shook his hands subconsciously, as if letting a baby lie in a cradle.

There was almost no hair on the baby's head, only light fluff, but from the light fluff, Roy could tell that the queen would have beautiful silver hair in the future.

He subconsciously looked up at the emperor and the empress. Neither of them had silver hair. Although Roy knew that the moon world was not a normal world, the genetic method was too weird.

Thinking of this, he stroked his silver hair again, and muttered in his heart: I swear to the Lord, I really have nothing to do with this queen, this is the first time I see her!

"Your holy breath keeps Anna from crying. This little girl is a crybaby, more than her sisters. She always cries when she is in my arms, and it is difficult to put her to sleep every time. "

Seeing Anastasia who was not crying or fussing in Roy's arms, just smiling all the time, Her Majesty's eyes flashed with maternal love, and she whispered to Roy.

"Haha, this just shows Anna's love for her godfather. All of this must be inspired by the Lord, and it is all under His witness!"

Nicholas II laughed out loud. The emperor was very good at talking, and in a few sentences, he turned his rhetoric to religion, which directly brought the relationship between the imperial daughter and Roy closer.

"Yes, it must be the will of the Lord that I can meet this child!"

Roy responded softly. He teased the baby in his arms with his hands. He also smiled as he watched the young princess grab his hand and gnaw it in his toothless mouth.

A baby is like a piece of white paper, so pure and pure, as if it has not been polluted by original sin, it will arouse everyone's love and affection.

"The baptism ceremony can begin, Your Majesty!"

Roy carried the emperor's daughter to the pure gold baptistery basin inlaid with many precious jades, while the tsar and his queen pulled the other three daughters back. Even if he was the emperor, this important religious ceremony would not There cannot be any overstepping.

"Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned!"

Roy stood in front of the baptismal basin with the princess in his arms, and he recited chapters of the Gospel of Mark aloud.

Baptism means washing away all sins and becoming holy with the precious blood of Christ. It means dying, burying, and living with the Lord. It is in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit to express that you recognize the Trinity God and belong to Him. In His name, share in His life.

Roy first dipped some water in the basin with his fingers, and drew a cross on the forehead of the queen in his arms, then he grabbed the queen's fleshy calf, lifted her out of the silk and hung her upside down. Immediately before, the princess who was not noisy just cried 'Wow'......

Seeing Roy's slightly rough action, neither the tsar nor the guests watching the ceremony felt any discomfort, but took it for granted.

That's right, even if we are baptized as a fighting nation, we must be different. What we want is this sense of fighting!

If Roy knew what these people were thinking, he would definitely complain. Nicholas II was a German, not a Slav!

"Lord, our God, the Savior who gave his life for the church, thank you! Today we hold the baptism ceremony in front of you and all the witnesses for these friends who have heard the gospel and become your children. Please come down And bless us!"

"...Lord, you moved your servants to preach and convince these people that the Lord loves them, and since you have moved them to think of joining the church, strengthen them forever, according to your promise Keep today's baptism ceremony, so that those who baptize and those who are baptized will be blessed before You, we pray this in the name of Christ our Lord, Amen!"




As Roy recited the baptismal prayer, all the spectators, including the Tsar, bowed their heads to pay respect to the Lord, drew the cross on their chests, and shouted 'Amen'.

Then, people saw that the miracle came, and the crowd began to commotion. A halo of a cross appeared above Roy's head. Behind him were six wings like flames floating towards the endless distance and void. He was majestic in a religious robe. Solemn, it really turned into an angel who came down to the mortal world. The majestic and holy breath that represented the Lord made the 0.4 Tsar's summer palace like a paradise.

Many believers, the superficial believers turned into deep believers, and the convinced ones knelt on the ground and wept bitterly, chanting the name of the Lord aloud.

And Roy grabbed the crying princess and stuffed her into the big basin in front of him.

"Gulu Gulu—"

That was the sound of the princess spitting bubbles as she was submerged in the water and couldn't breathe.


That was the miserable cry of the princess after being lifted out of the basin.

This is the baptism ceremony of the fighting nation.

After three times in a row, the young princess finally lost her strength from crying. At this moment, the queen lowered her head and walked up to the holy figure, awed the princess who had completed the baptism ceremony. Settle in a new clean silk cloth.

Roy looked at the praying and submissive figures under his "face of seeing God", and he knew that his new journey in the moon world had begun.

‘It’s just getting more and more amazing. '

He slandered himself. .

Chapter VII Patriarch and Proctor

In 1907——

The Peter and Paul Cathedral is the oldest church in St. Petersburg. It has a history of more than two hundred years and is dedicated to the saints and apostles Peter and Paul.

The appearance of the church is solemn and solemn, and a towering bell tower stands upright. At this time, the bell tower was the tallest building in St. Petersburg. On the top of the bell tower, there is a golden statue of an angel with a height of three meters.

The church is magnificent, with copper-plated chandeliers and colored crystal lamp holders hanging in the church. The tombs of many tsars and grand dukes are buried here, with marble tombstones carved.

And this church was crowned by the current Orthodox Patriarch as the main church of the Orthodox Church. Because the incumbent Tsar Nicholas II has a good relationship with the current Patriarch, the Tsar has lived in the Summer Palace for a long time, and the Summer Palace is located in St. Petersburg, so this church It also became the residence of the Patriarch.

In addition to praying for mass inside the church, there is also a luxurious residence in the backyard of the church, which is where the current Patriarch lives.

Outside the church is guarded by the army sent by Nicholas II, and inside the church, from time to time, you can see priests in black uniforms with solemn expressions. If a magician is here, you will find these priests The personnel are all representatives of the Holy Church, and their task is to protect the safety of the Patriarch.

An oriental man in his twenties came to the Peter and Paul Cathedral in a hurry. He was wearing the same color and style of teaching uniform as the substitutes. Outside the church, he smiled and nodded at the guards protecting the church. He bowed his head reverently in response.

Although this church is now the residence of the patriarch, the patriarch never does anything special and likes to contact civilians. Except for special times, this church is open to the public, allowing civilians to come here to pray and visit , and because the patriarch lives here, many devout believers regard this place as a holy place.

After entering the Peter and Paul Church, the Oriental in uniform slowed down subconsciously, bowed to the icon in the center of the church, and then left the church from the side and walked to the rear.

"Yanfeng, are you back?"

When he came to the back hall, the oriental man named Yanfeng saw many proctors, some proctors were in the light, and some proctors were in the dark. They were also a member of the proctors, and Yanfeng also noticed it immediately. to the breath of these people.

Everyone is a believer, and every agent is polite when they meet. Even though they look solemn during the task, but at this time, everyone will draw the cross on their chest and show a soft smile.

If it is said that magicians are at most family-based and are closer to those who explore the mysterious world of a lone wolf, then the church is a group of species hugging each other. With the same doctrine "Bible", the church is more united.

Comparing the Magic Association to the Holy Church is like comparing a loose army to a regular army.

"Yes, this is the new book I brought to the Patriarch."

Yanfeng held a cloth bag in his hand, and from the opening of the cloth bag, he could see the neatly stacked books inside.

"The Patriarch has always been interested in the history of the East. Perhaps the Patriarch wants the glory of the Lord to shine on the land in the East."

The agent who stopped Yanfeng made a sign of the cross on his chest, and said: "...Although we are colleagues, you have to be checked according to the regulations."

"Of course."

Yanfeng readily agreed, and then several agents stepped forward and started to check like a modern body search.

Most of the clergy who appear in the eyes of the world do not actually grasp the mystery. They are believers chosen by the Lord to shepherd the lamb, and the Holy Church, the secret department of the Christianity, has the power of mystery. Naturally, as the bishop of the three major sects As well as the high-level people like the Pope, there are proxies for protection.

Although it is known within the church that the current Orthodox Patriarch is called an "angel on the ground", and it is said that he holds the power of the Archangel Michael, the protection of the ruler of the rules is indispensable.

"Okay, you can go in, the patriarch is waiting for you inside, may the Lord bless you."

"God bless you!"

The two representatives recited a holy word to each other, and then Yanfeng tidied up the folds of the priest's robe, and walked to a lounge with the cloth bag in his hand.

He slowed down, put his hand down in front of the door, and knocked lightly.

"come in."

After hearing the soft and young male voice inside, Yanfeng carefully opened the door and walked in. He first looked up at the Patriarch who was sitting behind the sandalwood table reading a book, and then he was respectful. He lowered his head and said: "...Your Majesty, I have brought the book you asked for."

"Well, put it on the table."


Yanfeng stepped on the soft carpet that could almost sink into his ankles, walked over slowly, and put the cloth bag in his hand on the table, without making any sound during the whole action.

After that, he just stood aside, looking at the figure wearing the patriarch's robe and reading a book leisurely in the midday sun with admiring expression.

Yanfeng thought of his past.

He was born in a devout Christian family in the far east island country. He was baptized and became a believer from birth. However, the Christianity in the far east island country is slightly different from the current mainstream Christianity. One of the five thousand factions:

That is to say, three hundred years ago, during the Shimabara Rebellion, the Christian sect founded by a man called Tokishiro Amakusa, who led many Christians to resist the shogunate's expropriation, is officially called the "Amakusa-style Cross Church".

When Yanfeng was six years old, he followed his parents to the ancient country Huaxia, which is adjacent to the sea, and became a named disciple of a master named "Li Shuwen" by accident, and studied with him. 'Bajiquan', perhaps after practicing 'Bajiquan', he discovered the potential of his body, and he was valued by the Church of the Holy Church. After many studies and training, he became a representative, and joined The 'Eighth Mystery Society', one of the institutions of the Church of the Holy Church.

Although young, Yanfeng performed differently in a battle to exterminate the dead disciples. He lost the title of "apprentice" and became a qualified agent. He was also assigned a new task by the Church of the Holy Church, namely Came to St. Petersburg of Tsarist Russia, and became the guard of the Patriarch who couldn't tell the age in front of him, known as the 'Angel on Earth'.

Kotomine was very excited about being able to get in touch with this "angel" revered by the Christians, and was willing to listen to God's teachings under his seat, and because the patriarch liked Eastern history and culture very much, he He was the only oriental person among the first batch of delegates, so he won the honor of serving the Patriarch with him, which made many delegates very envious.

"Don't be cautious, Yanfeng, what book did you bring this time?"

Roy withdrew his gaze from the book in his hand, looked gently at the young man standing beside him, and then put the book on the table.

The corner of Yanfeng's eyes turned to the cover of the book the Patriarch was reading just now. It was a very famous and well-known historical masterpiece in the ancient country of China - "Historical Records"! .

Chapter VIII The Guardian of Humanity

Roy flipped through the books Yanfeng brought on the table, including Asian history, European history, African history, American history and other history books that can be found in this era, as well as some unofficial histories like romances. These official histories and unofficial histories are all Roy asked Yanfeng to find it for him, and there was more history in the East.

It's been a few years since I came here. Roy didn't do nothing except warm up his "mercury technique". After confirming that the world he is in now is the same as when he was in Qin and Han, He once sent people to the ancient country Huaxia to inquire about Concubine Yu, but nothing happened in the end.

Don't say that Christianity is not very powerful in China. Even if it is very powerful, it may be difficult to find news about Yu Ji. According to Roy's estimation, that fairy-like woman should be living in seclusion in a deep mountain forest in China. Finding such a hermit fairy in that huge country is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

‘It’s a mistake. At that time, Poppy should have left a way of contacting her, but who would have thought that it would be two thousand years after she returned to this world again. '

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