The Holy Right of a Comic

The Sacred Right of a Certain Comic Book Chapter 473

The commander of the fleet opened his mouth and said with an expression of "the people above have lost their heads".


Carissa saw Buckingham Palace, which was close at hand, but she didn't enter it, but gritted her teeth, staring at the huge magic circle in the sky.

She took out a walkie-talkie from Xiongkou's career line, and anxiously asked loudly: "...Can the three-layer four-color barrier be launched?"

That was the last defense of Britain, a large barrier covering the three islands of Britain built with the Kabbalah tree of life as the source.

Even if it is an angel spell, this enchantment can block it.

"It's too late, Your Highness, we don't have time to activate the triple four-color barrier!!"

Another terrified voice came over the intercom.


Kailisa cursed angrily and crushed the instrument in her hand.

Just as she was still thinking about how to deal with this angel spell, Archangel Gabriel's wings waved down!


The wings covering the sky and the sun swept across with enough power to cut off the city of London. If this blow was allowed to fall, the capital of Britain would be reduced to dust in an instant.

"Ahhhhh, Roy, I won't let you go!!!"

Carissa tried her best and shouted Roy's name loudly.

She uses Katina to mobilize the power from Michael, although she is not comparable to the Archangel Mi 177 Caleb in terms of quantity, but in terms of quality, she can also use Katina to temporarily manipulate the power of angels.

"I will not let you do what you want, and I will not let you destroy the glory of Britain!"

Katina, the strongest spiritual outfit that condensed the British national level magic formula, cut a huge crack in midair under the wave of Kailisa.

The "All Dimensional Severing" technique, under Carissa's all-out efforts, opened the sky above the city of London, leaving a blank emptiness between Gabriel's wings and the city.

Gabriel's wings swept into the crack cut by that dimension, his power was swallowed up by the severed eleven dimensions, and disappeared without a sound.

Just to block this sweeping force, Kailisa had already exhausted her strength, she bent over and was out of breath, as if all the strength in her body had been drained.

After all, even if she holds Katina, she is only a human being.

With the power of Michael, he is naturally invincible against ordinary magicians, but facing the same archangel and the real angel Gabriel, Carissa is powerless.

But Roy would not give Carissa any more chances to breathe. He stood high in the air, guarded by the power of God behind him, and Roy also chanted the spirit of words:

"...Your sins are heard in the Lord, and the brimstone and sky fire will burn everything!!"

"This city of crime, accept the trial!"

This is exactly the angel spell "Rocket Rain" that is enough to exterminate the surface civilization of mankind, and Roy defines the city of London as Gomorrah, the capital of evil! ! .

Chapter 235 "Nordic Throne"

The knights and Puritan magicians in London looked up at the sky, and the ordinary residents ran to the windows, pressed their hands on the window sills and stared at the sky with wide eyes.

The Russian army commanded by the Fire of the Right in Eastern Europe stopped their invasion, and looked at the tumbling clouds in the sky in confusion.

On the Atlantic Ocean, the naval officers and soldiers of the United States stepped onto the deck and silently watched the blue water turn into a bright blood red under the reflection of the light.

On the Europa Continent, the residents of various European countries stopped what they were doing, and watched the miracle come in dumbfounded.

Above the dome, the cyan moonlight was completely covered by the tumbling clouds of flames, it was like a river of magma reversed upwards, flowing in the interstellar galaxy.

It was almost ten o'clock in the morning, but the sun had not risen from the east.

The fiery cloud in the sky replaced the function of the sun, dispelled the haze and darkness of the earth, and reflected the entire Europa and the Atlantic Ocean in fiery red.

Just under the fire cloud, the cyan archangel sang the song of praying to God and the severity of cursing evil.

Layers of overlapping clouds began to rotate and turned into a huge vortex.

Then, under the watchful eyes of hundreds of millions of people, arrows of fire like the sand of the Ganges rushed out of the vortex and scattered in all directions.

The targets of these flames are Britain, France, Germany, the cities of various European countries, the United States fleet in the Atlantic Ocean, and the Russian Army in Eastern Europe.

It was as if thousands of stars from the universe were penetrating through the atmosphere, vowing to wipe out all human beings and civilizations on the entire surface.

Everyone is desperate.

This is a fully unfolded angel technique, a magic that human beings absolutely cannot resist. Even if less than twenty saints from all over the world gather here, they cannot completely block the innumerable rocket rain.

Kailisa's face was pale, and she clenched the hilt of the Katina sword in her hand. At this time, Her Royal Highness the Second Princess finally regretted it.

If she hadn't insisted on looking for Katina, if she hadn't been bewitched by the devil in her heart to do such a rebellious thing, Britain would not have perished.

I don't know whether it should be fortunate or unfortunate, but the whole continent of Europa was buried with Britain.

It's just that except for Europa, other regions are not within the scope of this technique.

But Carissa knows that Europe is one of the most important economies in the world. When the whole of Europe is uprooted, other regions and countries will definitely not be able to bear it.

Because modern times are no different than ancient times, the connections between various countries are extremely far-reaching, and a single hair can affect the whole body.

Even today's largest country in the world will experience economic collapse under the disintegration of Europe.

This is a catastrophe for the whole world, this is a catastrophe for human history, it is enough to be written in the new "Bible", God's punishment for sinners.

Kailisa smiled miserably, she had completely given up resistance.

Even if she wants to resist, what's the use of resisting? Faced with the fully activated angelic spell, even if she has Katina, she can't do anything about it.

This sword is not a sword for protecting the country, it is simply a sword for destroying the country, and it is his own country that is destroyed.

It is no wonder that the kings of Britain have stopped looking for this sword since 200 years ago.

"Your Highness, now is not the time to despair〃~!"

At this moment, Carissa heard a familiar voice, it was Sylvia, a former maid of the royal family, one of the less than twenty saints in the world!

Kailisa looked to her side in amazement, and saw a burly woman in denim and jeans, with strange goggles on her head, appearing in her field of vision.

But compared to this saint, the man beside her is more eye-catching.

Orels stared at the rocket descending from the vortex of flames in the sky with a stern expression, and was sweeping across Europa and the Atlantic Ocean.

Now he is going to fight to save hundreds of millions of people in Europa!

The eyes of this man who was supposed to be a demon god were fixed, and an unknown force suddenly appeared in the sky.

In an instant, O'Reils carried out hundreds of millions of attacks, and countless billions were added together to form a number of Ganges sands.

Undetectable, unseen, and incomprehensible forces hit the air.

"Rocket Torrential Rain" collided with Orrells' "Nordic Throne", and the sound of explosions, like the roar of hundreds of millions of bombardments, was heard in mid-air.

The deafening roar made people's eardrums hurt and they screamed.

The whole earth was trembling, and the fireworks exploded in the air, like tens of millions of missiles disintegrating in mid-air at the same time.

In an instant, Orels used his "Nordic Throne" to break Archangel Gabriel's "Rocket Torrential Rain".

It's just that even Orells couldn't achieve complete precision strikes, and hundreds of rockets still fell into the continent of Europa.

It's just that the power of each of these rockets is not great. When it explodes in a city, it can probably melt a building with a height of dozens of floors into molten iron.

With the vastness of Europa Continent and the sharing of many cities, the losses caused by these hundreds of rockets will not hurt the bones.

Several rockets also fell in the city of London, igniting explosive flames on the ground, and under the terrified eyes of the people, the steel bars were condensed into scalding liquid.

The United States fleet in the Atlantic Ocean was also screaming and wailing. Several rockets landed here, directly melting an aircraft carrier, and several escort ships were completely paralyzed.

Just an undetectable aftermath of an angel's spell can wipe out half of the vitality of a fleet. When humans face these angels, they really have no power to fight back.

After breaking through the "Rocket Rain", Orells had no time to speak, he immediately jumped up and rushed to where Roy was.

He was afraid that Roy would unleash some terrible angel spells again. This time the "Rocket Rain" was a pure energy blow, and Er (Zhao Wang Zhao) Doss could easily crack it.

But if Roy used some very weird angel spells, even he, a half-step demon god, couldn't guarantee that he would be able to defeat them.

After all, Orells is not a real demon god, and his knowledge is limited.

When Archangel Gabriel saw Oreels, she chanted Roy's name aloud, and swept her wings again and landed.

O'Reils didn't make any moves, but another indescribable blow appeared in midair.

The wings that the daughter of the once overwhelmed country could not penetrate even with all her strength, were easily torn into pieces under the "Nordic Throne" of Orrells.

Roy frowned at this moment, because he found that there were hit points in all directions of him, and he seemed to be surrounded by infinite force.

This is an incomprehensible power that even Roy can't analyze. It is a derivative of Orells after he failed to become a demon god. After combining with his past spells, it produces an unknown power! .

Chapter 236 Throughout human history, the absolutely immortal Roy!

Can't observe the distance, can't analyze the intensity, can't distinguish the direction, can't understand the principle.

This is the spell "Nordic Throne" of Orrells, which is an ability that has reached the realm of the demon god.

Although from the point of view of expressiveness, Orrells is far from the real demon god, even the gap is so large that it cannot be counted.

But just this technique, it can be said that no one can decipher it except the demon god, and the body that can be dialyzed is unknown!

Although Orells has not completed the sublimation of his soul, he is halfway on the road to becoming a demon god, and his soul has already undergone partial transformation.

It is also because of this that Orells himself can understand this technique and use it.

But that's all. Even if Orells wanted to explain the principle and ability of this technique to others, he couldn't do it.

This is more like an ability that evolved naturally on the halfway path of becoming a demon god.

Although Roy himself is powerful, if he is given enough time to prepare, he is only destroying this field, not to mention the planet under his feet, even the solar system can be completely annihilated.

But even so, Roy did not cross the abyss, and his soul was not sublimated.

When facing this man who was supposed to become a 600 demon god, his spells and abilities were also beyond his capabilities.

Seeing that he couldn't analyze the principle of this technique, or even understand its effect, Roy only frowned slightly.

Feeling the unexplainable power coming from all directions, Roy just stood there and let the power hit him.

Trillions of blows passed through Roy's body, almost shattering every cell in his body.

In the eyes of outsiders, Roy's body just disappeared into nothingness the moment he came into contact with the "Nordic Throne".

Just after blinking, Roy stood in mid-air again, staring at Orells with extremely calm and indifferent eyes.

"I haven't seen you for almost a year, Orells!"

Roy stared at the gloomy man standing not far in front of him and said.

O'Reils frowned, and after thinking for a while, he said: "...We haven't seen each other for more than a year, little brother!"

"...Or I should call you Roy. Unfortunately, you didn't tell me the name, but I got it from someone else."

"Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you for showing me the way and telling me where the pet hospital is. I saved the kitten."

Orells chatted with Roy in a rather familiar tone, without any sense of vigilance all over his body, it could be said that his whole body was full of flaws.

He can be regarded as a brave man with high skills, and he is not afraid of Roy. Among all the people he knows, only Othinus can make him feel terrified.

After thinking for a while, Orells said in an uncertain tone: "...but I don't know why, I always feel that I haven't seen you for more than a year."

"...but so long that even I can't count the distance of that time."

Roy met Othinus when he was in Denmark, and used trillions of times to return to eternal disaster. The place where he returned was actually before meeting Orelus.

Other people would not be able to detect the return of eternal calamity, but as a person who is only one step away from becoming a demon god, Orels also has a certain feeling for the return of eternal calamity.

It's just that he is not like Othinus, who can completely retain the memory for reincarnation. The only thing he can clearly remember is the meeting with Roy before the first eternal return.

And in the process of returning to Eternal Tribulation, he just had a feeling.

This is why Orells felt that he and Roy hadn't seen each other for more than a year, because his brain's perception of time was wrong.

But soon, Orells was no longer entangled in this issue. He looked at Roy with a slightly heavy expression, and said regretfully:

"...If I had saved the cat back then, I would have gone to you."

"You will not meet Othinus, and you will not be led astray by her to such a cruel path."

Orels couldn't bear it, and blamed Othinus for what Roy did now.

From the very beginning, he thought that Othinus was going to destroy the world, so he would do his best, even if he was seriously injured, to stop the god who took away his demon throne.

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