The Holy Right of a Comic

The Sacred Right of a Certain Comic Book Chapter 539

But human beings were destroyed just now, and his gentle expression turned into a desperate coldness in the eyes of everyone.

"In many myths in the world, there are disasters. Human beings have gone through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, and they have overcome disasters after paying a huge price. This symbolizes the rebirth of human beings."

"...The trend of history has also changed from mythology to human history, which means that the birth of any god is accompanied by disasters."

"It's an honor, you, the only remaining human beings of the old age, you will witness the birth of the only god!"

"Come on, human beings of the old age, you have the right to choose the direction of humanism in the future!"

"Under the gaze of the only God, create a new "Bible" together under my glory, and perform the Genesis and Revelation with me!"


Roy's voice gradually became loud and ethereal, and his double pupils were watching everyone present, that is, watching all human beings, because the concept of people like Chaldea was the last human being.

Holy words echoed in all directions, the Enochian language that only angels and gods could utter, but as the last human beings, the Chaldeans understood Roy's words just like the prophets and the righteous.

These voices overlap together, like old people, young children, men, women, saints, prisoners, human birth, old age, sickness and death, human good and evil and all emotions, all contained in Roy's simple words.

Afterwards, Roy stretched out his hand under Rafe's horrified gaze.

"Your task has been completed, Solomon's seventy-two pillar demon god, Floros! Do you know why your 'king' didn't respond to you?"

"...Because it is afraid, it is running away, but in front of God, the human king can only crawl on the ground like an ant, don't worry, it can't escape!"


Leif clutched his neck and let out a shrill scream. His body was shattered, and from that body grew a twisted and evil black pillar with eyes all over it! .

Chapter 90 Reenacting the Creation Myth

When Roy revealed that Rafe's real body was King Solomon's seventy-two demon gods, Roman's expression changed slightly.

And when Roy grabbed Leif's neck and crushed its fleshy body, revealing the true face of the Demon God Pillar, Roman even lost his voice: " could it be? How could it be Solomon's Seventy-two Pillars Devil!"

The so-called seventy-two pillars of demon gods are exactly the "Humanistic Blessing Ceremony" performed by King Solomon before his death.

But when Roman saw the true face of the Demon God Pillar in front of him, he judged that there was a problem with this technique of protecting human nature.

Because the original seventy-two pillar demon gods should have a holy golden appearance, so how could it be this twisted and disgusting pitch-black.

Hearing Roman's loss of voice, the other magicians present just glanced at him, not surprised at all, they just thought that Roman was shocked to see the legendary Solomon's familiar here.

Only Roy knew that what Roman was shocked was completely different from what other magicians thought.

"It turned out to be the familiar of King Solomon. I thought that Leif's family line was inherited from King Solomon, so this family took Floros as the surname, but now it seems that Lefe's family line has been a pillar of the demon god from the beginning. "

Kirshtalia said with a serious face.

Peperoncino next to him also widened his eyes, took Kirsh Talia's words and said: "...This is the commandment of blood, Leif's family should have received blood before the Western calendar. commandments!"

"You two shut up, now is not the time to discuss King Solomon's demon!"

Olga Marie shouted in a low voice at this time, making Kirshtalia and Peperoncino obediently shut up.

The two knew that this was indeed not the time to discuss the Demon God's Pillar. What they should care about was the supreme bishop who started the burning of humanity and summoned the great flood to wipe out the entire human civilization!

The body of the Demon God Pillar is huge, and the Demon God Pillar named Floros began to grow rapidly, and it was about to squeeze through the ceiling of Chaldea.

"How dare you say that the king is running away?! No, how could the king run away? The king wants to burn the human body, it will destroy human beings, and create a new human body that belongs to our Demon God Pillar!"

Leif, who had turned into a Demon God Pillar, had gradually lost his humanity, roaring ferociously there.

It's just that although as a pillar of the demon god, it refuted Roy's words, judging from the panic of its words, Floros actually believed Roy's words, believed that his king was fleeing, and abandoned him.

Because even the human incineration technique was easily taken by Roy. If Getia was still there, it would be impossible for Roy to do it.

"Who are you, who are you!!"

Floros yelled in a hoarse voice, as if he had already guessed what his end would be, and the endless fear made him gnaw his teeth and claws, bewildered.

"Stupid devil, now you still ask me for my name..."

Roy raised his hand slightly, and the expanding Demon God Pillar was imprisoned in a small space, and even its evil magic power could not be leaked out.

"I am your Lord, here I command you, kill yourself, Floros who has lost the name of God and has fallen into a demon!"

Roy commanded this pillar of demon god in Enochian language, his words were like heaven, full of endless mystery.

When the pronunciation that mortals could understand but could not be read by human vocal cords echoed in the void of Chaldea, Feroulos' spirit, body and soul completely collapsed.


Accompanied by Floros' shrill cry, this made the magicians present nervous, and the monster exuding evil magic power shattered every inch of it.

Numerous eyeballs widened and exploded, and disgusting blood flowed out. The twisted and withered body turned into a solid piece of meat, with a large gap, and finally burst open, becoming disgusting pieces of meat.

And the most frightening thing is that Floros was not killed by Roy, but under Roy's words, it really couldn't control itself and committed suicide!

"Solomon's seventy-two demon gods are actually the gods believed by the tribes and countries around ancient Israel, but under the conquest of the Lord of Armies, these 'gods' lost their personality and degenerated into demons."

"...This process of degeneration is 'demonization'. In the end, the names of these gods became the names of demons and were incorporated into the Christian system, and Solomon was the first king recorded in history to use demons."

With a pale face, Roman explained the mystery from the Christianity to the people present, and at the same time explained why Roy made the terrifying Demon God Pillar choose to commit suicide with just one order.

Angels, demons, and humans are all under the Christian system, so under the command of the Lord, demons must also follow the glory of the Lord and obey the mission of the Lord.

In particular, the seventy-two pillars of demon gods symbolize the defeated generals defeated by the Lord, so their life and death will naturally be controlled by the Lord.

This concept is not difficult to understand, but theoretically speaking, human beings cannot turn this concept into a magic formula, so as to kill the Demon God Pillar.

Because the only one who can command these goblinized ‘gods’ is the Lord of Armies and King of Kings.

If human beings use this concept to create spells, then they have to regard themselves as the only god. This is absolute treason and it is impossible to cause miracles.

Instead, under the reaction of the world's largest magic foundation, the "Bible", he would directly explode and die.

The concept of the "Bible" does not allow people to claim to be gods, but if you want to use this technique, you must make yourself a god. This is a completely contradictory technique, and it has been an endless loop from the beginning

However, Roy's speech not only did not cause any resistance in the "Bible" foundation, but even his easy-going gesture was undoubtedly telling others that he was the 'lord'!

"All myths must experience disasters that are enough to exterminate mankind and the world. Only after these disasters have been experienced will the history of mythology become the history of mankind..."

"...I seem to understand a little bit, I seem to know what you are doing, Roy!"

Roman murmured what Roy said not long ago, and he suddenly understood the purpose and significance of Roy's actions.

Because the concept of "the only God" has already appeared in this world. Although it is not an entity, it is just a concept, but since it is the "only", the throne has long been occupied.

····Ask for flowers······

If Roy also wanted to become the 'only god', he had to kick that concept off the throne.

But in doing so, the influence of the concept of 'one and only' remains on that throne.

So it would be an unexplainable phenomenon whether Roy, who sat on the throne of heaven, was himself or the former concept became him.

In order not to let himself be in the superposition state like quantum entanglement, there is only one thing Roy has to do, and that is to return everything to nothingness, and let him repeat the myth of creation.

At that time, the relationship between cause and effect will be reversed. It will no longer matter whether there are "Bible" myths first and then God occupies the throne, or whether God created the "Bible" mythology. This is also the symbolic ceremony of the demon god!

"This... this... what a huge ceremony, what an exaggerated ceremony! Humans need astronomical preparations to complete this ceremony!"


"... Don't say it is a hundred years or a thousand years, even if the preparations have been made since the birth of human history, it is impossible to complete it!"

Roman raves.

He couldn't see the details of this ceremony because he had lost Solomon's wisdom of God, but Roman relied on his experience as King Solomon to roughly see the appearance of Roy's ceremony.

This is a ritual that can never be completed in theory, but Roy in front of him, he really completed it!

Reenacting the creation myth of the "Bible", this is the only way for Roy to achieve the complete state of the demon god and master the "phase".

At the same time, Roy probably knew about the demon gods of other mythological systems, and what the astronomical ritual work they did was.

For example, the Taoist lady, what she did back then should be to practice the water, fire and wind again, which is similar to what Roy is doing now.

This is probably the same goal by different routes.

No matter what mythological system it is, the final result is the same.

Realizing what Roy is doing now, Roman knows that he has only two choices now——

Either give up and let Roy repeat the creation myth, or you can only resist him and save humanity!

Because no one can know what the reshaped world will look like. It is impossible for human beings in the old era to live in the new world.

This is exactly the path that all demon gods have gone through, that is, after they have achieved the ceremony and mastered the manipulation of the phase, they will change the world, that is, the distortion of the phase.

In the forbidden world, the once round sky and the nine worlds have become the well-known universe.

But Roy is transforming based on the appearance of this universe. What Roman is afraid of is that after Roy destroys the entire world, the new world he created has no connection with the present.

‘Could it be that he wants to create a paradise as described in the Bible? '

Roman thought in fear.

If this world becomes heaven, then human beings will disappear, and there will be only angels in the world! begging.

Chapter 91 All authority and glory belong to me!

Chaldea fell into silence again, and the last remaining human was facing Roy a few meters away.

But the distance of just a few meters is like a moat, like the distance between heaven and hell.

Roman's words probably let the magician and Chaldean staff present know what Roy was doing and his real purpose.

Olga Marie bit the corner of her mouth, her delicate body was shaking, there seemed to be tears in the corners of her eyes, and her amber eyes were full of pleading.

She raised her hand slowly, as if she wanted to grab Roy in front of her, but the distance of several meters between the two sides rejected her hope.

The girl staggered a bit, hallucinations came from her eyes, tears finally flowed down from her eye sockets unstoppably, tears streaming down her face.

"Godfather...why did you do this...why did you do this..."

Olga Marie seemed to have lost all her strength, and she collapsed to the ground, sitting on the ground in a duck sitting position.

She looked blankly at the "407" outside Chaldea, which gradually calmed down, but had already submerged Wang Yang's sea.

She looked at the waves that raised the sea level by four thousand meters, and watched the huge sacred and weird light wheel in the sky rotate.

The severe pain from the magic circuit told her that the magic power contained in that light wheel was enough to plow the entire surface of the planet.

Olga Marie didn't know why Roy did this, why he wanted to destroy humanity and burn up human civilization.

She is the director of Chaldea, and Chaldea's duty is to protect humanity.

Whether it was the long-cherished wish of the Animsfia family, whether it was her mission as a human, or her responsibilities as the director of Chaldea, everything was telling Olga Marie that she had to make a decision.

And this decision was already doomed from the very beginning, that is to save humanity, but in doing so, one must become an enemy of the one who destroys humanity.

Olga Marie doesn't care how powerful the enemy is, but the only enemy she doesn't want to see, other than Roy, is her father who committed suicide.

The two are her closest relatives, the father who raised her and whom she loves deeply,

But now she had to draw her sword against her father, and she had to kill her relatives righteously. This thought was like a tarsal maggot, which made Olga Marie feel pain all over her body.

Her heart was in severe pain, and her breathing became short of breath. Olga Marie covered her heart with her hands, her expression painful, as if she had lost everything and all hope.




The staff of Chaldea hurried forward and supported Olga Marie.

Everyone looked at Olga Marie with distress and pity.

This poor girl had just experienced the suicide of her biological father not long ago, but she mustered up the courage, forgot the sadness, and used all her energy to maintain the operation of Chaldea.

Because she knows that even if she loses her father, she still has a godfather who will stand behind her and support her.

The godfather is the motivation for her to persevere, and the sustenance she never gives up when she cries behind her back.

But even this last hope was taken away. No one would have thought that Olga Marie's godfather, the supreme bishop of the Church of the Holy Church, would betray humanity and human reason!

"Help her over there and rest against the wall for a while."

Kirshtalia stepped forward at this time, looked at Olga Marie with unbearable eyes, and said softly.

"No! I'm right here!"

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