The Holy Right of a Comic

The Sacred Right of a Certain Comic Man Chapter 764

Alesta, who looked like a high school girl, raised the corners of her seductive mouth. With a shock rod in her right hand, she said in her clear and turbid voice:

"...Roy's decision is my decision, Coronzon, now you can leave 々`!"

"Go back to Britain and rectify your Puritanism. Maybe you can use the power of Britain, a big country, to find a chance of victory. This will be your last chance."

The big devil clenched his fists tightly, and his beautiful fingers almost scratched his palm. She looked at Aresta, then at Roy and Aiwass, and finally said in hatred:

"... As expected of Crowley, you have chosen family love and blood relationship, but you will definitely regret it!"

Coronzon knew that if he didn't leave now, he really had no chance to leave.

Roy didn't even need to make a move, just Aiwass and Alesta, who already had a psychic medium, she couldn't be the opponent.

Even if Aresta is separated due to infinite possibilities, her strength will be greatly reduced.

But this body, which is her most important possibility, also retains most of Aresta's power.

It is not difficult to defeat Aiwass and Alesta, as long as she returns to Britain, she will have countless Puritan spiritual outfits to use.

Only Roy, the demon god, is Coronzon's most vigilant, but at this time she can only think about it in the long run, and the most important thing is to survive now.

Only by surviving can she have a chance to continue her own proliferation.

The four-meter-long golden hair on Coronzon's back moved without wind again. These golden strands of hair wrapped Coronzon's body together.

Immediately, her beautiful hair shrank, and when the long strands of hair wrapped into a cocoon, Coronzon also disappeared here.

Presumably she should have returned to Britain to make final preparations.

"This big demon should read more books. Although it is called Wei San Que Yi in the Art of War, there is another saying behind it called Xuliu Shenglu."

Roy watched Coronzon's departure, and he shook his head with a dumbfounded smile.

In the military, a gap must be left in a siege to prevent the enemy from going all out and causing unnecessary losses.

But as long as he is a person who knows how to use soldiers, he will set up an ambush in that Que Yi's opening and wipe out the enemy.

In the same way, although Roy gave Coronzon a seemingly hopeless life, it was actually a more desperate path.

"The book of "Waite Tarot" is in her hands. If my curse is still there, the Golden Dawn will not have any possibility of recovery."

"¨々... But now I have lifted the curse, as the most important magic book in "Golden Dawn", there must be the last resort left by Mathers in that book."

"Coronzon will definitely activate that grimoire. As for the means that Mathers will leave behind to meet the enemy, I can't guess for the time being."

"... That man hates me so much, he will do everything he can to kill me."

Aresta pondered for a moment, she scratched her chin with her snow-white fingers, and said slowly.

"That's your problem, my beautiful father, the grievances with the Golden Dawn is something you have to resolve, and I still have important things to do, I don't have time to help you meet the enemy."

For Roy, neither the Golden Dawn nor the Great Demon poses any threat to him, the Demon God.

What he really cared about was Nyarlathotep.

Although the old ruler could not possibly threaten Roy's life, the evil god might win in this world-based game.

Roy doesn't like to lose, what he wants to solve is the trouble (Qian Zhao's) trouble created by Nyarlathotep.

Then, Roy looked at Mina Mathers' plump body again, and joked to Alesta: "...To be honest, even if you were killed by Mathers, I still think it was you Serve it right."

"...This kind of indiscriminate means is the only thing you can do."

"You revive Mathers' favorite person in the cleanliness spirit in this form, and then take his wife. If I were Mathers, I wouldn't be able to hide my hatred if I didn't cramp your skin."

Listening to Roy's teasing, Alesta said indifferently, "...but I haven't used that black cat before."

"...But I gave her to you to use. How about it, as Mathers' wife, she is still very useful."

Seeing Roy and Alesta describe themselves as toys, Mina Mathers's slender brows behind the black scarf were beating.

Although Alesta has become a woman, she is still the same as before, and she is an extremely sexy uncle in her heart! .

Chapter 114: Well-developed Alesta


Aresta bit her moist lips.

She looked at the silver-haired little girl in front of her who was held by Roy, wearing a cute dress, and wrapped in pure white silk stockings on her slender legs, but her lips squirmed.

Both of Aresta's hands were trembling, she looked at Lilith expectantly, with apprehension and expectation, but her eyes were vacillating, and she didn't dare to look at her.

Although she was in the air loop, she had been watching Lilith for a long time.

But seeing Lilith face to face like this was the first time for Aresta, it could even be said that this was the first time in her life.

Lilith had already 'died' before she was born, and Aresta had never seen her daughter.

But it was for this child who died before birth that Aresta made incredible feats such as rebelling against the Golden Dawn, building Academy City, and trying to kill the Demon God.

Lilith is more like the center of everything in this era. It is because of her that there are so many stories unfolding now, and everything Aresta has done.

Lilith also looked at Aresta in front of her with complicated eyes. She took a deep breath, her face flushed, as if she was planning to speak something.

Aresta looked at her expectantly, longing for Lilith to have a few words with her, as if as long as Lilith spoke to her, all her wishes would be fulfilled.

I finally got to see this child 197 who I gave everything for.

Finally met, this child who changed his life.

If there is happiness, then this is happiness.

If there is a god, then Aresta is willing to pray to the god now.

"You bastard, you bastard, how did you become such a virtuous man!! He was finally resurrected by a miracle, and he wants to have a touching meeting with his father!"

"...But why did you become more feminine than your daughter? What expression should I use to face a 'father' who changed his gender before others knew it, and even became cuter than his daughter!"

"Bastard, bastard, bastard, it's because of you that this scene of hugging and crying turned into a farce!"

"...Even if it was a quirk that was allowed in the Golden Dawn, you can't use it now!"

Lilith blushed, and poured out everything she wanted to say as if to vent.

She had imagined countless scenarios of meeting Aleister, the touching reunion of father and daughter, and the warm embrace of crying.

But she never imagined that there would be such a scene, her father turned into a mother, even at such a young age, that Lilith, who claimed to be cute, couldn't say cute adjectives in front of Aresta.

Lilith looked down at her young body, and for a moment couldn't help but want to ask Roy to let her grow up.

At the very least, she must be old enough to be able to compare with the Aresta in front of her who is more beautiful, who has a better figure, and who is cuter!

When Mina Mathers saw Lilith yelling at Alesta, seeing Alesta's flustered expression in front of her, and the flustered look of her short skirt being pulled by her two small hands, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Seeing this disgusting bastard showing such an expression, Mina Mathers was also in a happy mood.

She said to Roy who was standing aside: "...Golden Dawn is an association established by a group of talented magicians with eccentricities."

"... Geniuses are always different, so everyone is allowed to have their own personality and eccentricities within the association."

"Aleister was a person with a lot of eccentricities in the Golden Dawn. He had dressed as a woman countless times in order to study the differences between women and men."

"...Oh, by the way, he also used to dress up as a woman to have sex with women. Sometimes his behavior is not so much a quirk as a pervert."

Mina Mathers exposed Aleister's shortcomings unceremoniously, and made public all the bad things he had done.

The black cat witch clapped her hands in her heart and applauded Lilith's behavior.

During this period of time, she felt that she did not love Lilith in vain and treated her like a daughter.

Mina Mathers didn't care about Aresta's teasing just now, just like Roy was teasing her, but Mina Mathers was not angry.

All she cared about and hated was Aleister, even if she became Aleister.

No matter what Aresta did, Mina Mathers would feel disgusted, and that was already an instinct engraved on her body and mind.

Roy listened to Aleister's past feats with great interest, but he had to say something at this time.

"Although the person in front of you is Aleister, she is also Aleister, Lilith. You can treat them as one person, but you can also treat them as different people."

"...It's like there are a billion possible parallel worlds. Aleister in this world may be a woman in another world."

"She has the memories and emotions of Aleister, and she also has the same sullenness and lust as Aleister. Maybe she is biased towards men in some behaviors, but she is indeed a woman now. .”

"...So, this is different from Aleister who likes to wear women's clothing. Now she is just one of infinite possibilities. The Aleister you are familiar with will never come back."

Roy stared at the silver-haired girl in front of him who looked like a high school girl, and he sighed: "...This is the true face of Aleister. He is just an overlapping of infinite possibilities."

"...If the Aleister we knew in the past was the unity of infinite possibilities, then the Aleister now is the separation of those possibilities."

"Just like the scattered Crowley's disaster, they are all Aleister, but they are also independent individuals."

Lilith scratched her hair in annoyance, and she said angrily, "...I know, Roy! Of course I know what Aleister's true face is!"

"...The reason why he is so perverted and weird is because he will be affected by his own infinite possibilities, but I still find it hard to accept that the father I know has suddenly become like this."

"Forget it, no matter so much, Dad, let's not stay here anymore, or let others see that we are bullying junior high school students? Or high school students?"

"... If there is anything, let's go home and talk about it first!"

After finishing speaking, Lilith pulled Roy's hand hard, and she jumped up so that Roy could hug her petite body.

Lilith put her arms around Roy's neck and said, "...Let's go, Roy, let's go home first, and I will gradually get used to this father!"

Roy raised his eyebrows at Alesta, and walked towards the apartment with Lilith in his arms.

Aiwass watched this family ethics drama with great interest, and along with Mina Mathers, he also left with Roy.


Aresta, who was originally in a panic, felt warm in her emerald green eyes after hearing Lilith's 'home'.

Pulling her witch-like hat, she held the impact stick that turned into a broom, and chased after Roy with her slender legs.

Seeing Roy's left hand holding Lilith on her shoulder, after thinking about it, she also hugged Roy's right arm.

Although she looked young on the outside, Aresta was well-developed. Roy turned his head and glanced at her without saying a word. .

Chapter 115 Alesta: No one knows how to seduce people better than me

In an apartment in the Second School District of Academy City——

"The list of forbidden books on magic has been launched, and we are now searching the list based on magical phenomena... No magic phenomenon has been found. According to the terms of use of the list of forbidden books, the first priority is to protect Puritanism."

In the living room of the apartment, Index was suspended in mid-air.

There was a mysterious magic circle under her feet, and Index also lost consciousness, speaking in a voice like an electronic signal.

"That bitch, she was deceiving people from beginning to end, and she used Index as a prop, turning her into a tool!"

Stiyl looked at Index in front of him with bloodshot eyes. At this moment, Index no longer had any 'breath' of being human, and looked like a robot.

"Big sister!"

Stiyl looked at Kanzaki Kaori beside him, and shouted hoarsely.

The female saint clenched the Qitian Qidao tightly in her hand, her eyes couldn't bear it, and she said in a trembling tone: "...that is St. George's domain, which has the same origin as the barrier of St. George's Cathedral. I can't break this barrier." ~ Enchantment."

"Then we're here to watch Index being controlled as a tool and taken away by that bitch Laura?-"

Stiyl shouted with a ferocious expression.

Kanzaki Kaori murmured his lips for a moment, but finally fell silent, and a flash of confusion and loss flashed through his heart.

She gave up saving Index for the sake of the Amakusa-style cross religion. Is this really the right thing to do? Her magic name must be crying right now.

The female saint's heart was very chaotic, and even the magic power in her body was in chaos.

At this time, a pair of angelic wings of light appeared behind Index.

When the pair of wings of light shrank to envelop it, Index herself turned into glorious feathers and disappeared into the living room of this apartment.

"Asshole, asshole, asshole!"

Steele clenched his fist and slammed it hard against the wall, he didn't even care about the blood flowing from his joints.

After being silent for a while, Stiyl walked out the door expressionlessly.

Seeing this, Kanzaki Kaori hurriedly said, "... Stiyl, where are you going?"

"I'm going to rescue Index, I'm going to St. George's Cathedral, and confront that woman face to face, why she did this!"

"...If she is unwilling to give Index freedom, even if I know that being an enemy of Puritanism will destroy me, but in order to save Index, I am willing to accept the price!"

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