The Holy Right of a Comic

The Sacred Right of a Certain Comic Man Chapter 770

"...Since the disappearance of the Golden Dawn, the members have died and disappeared, and I have no place to study magic anymore."

The great poet sighed, even now, even with the resurrection of the "Weittarot" person, he still feels angry and hates Aleister's actions.

"It's a pity that there were no portable mobile phones and other devices like today in those days."

"...Otherwise, Mr. Yeats, you recorded the scene where you kicked Aleister's ass and made him fall down the stairs, and it will be a sensational headline when it spreads to the entire magic world."

Roy's expression also showed regret, as if he was not Aleister's son, but his enemy.

In particular, Roy's tone was sincere. He seemed to really think so, which made Yeats, the great poet who won the Nobel Prize, choke for a moment.

"Hahaha!! You are an interesting person, much more interesting than that bastard Biaresta."

Yeats was silent for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

He called the waiter to order three cups of coffee, and put them in front of Roy and Othinus and Nephthys who followed him.

The Nordic demon god was indifferent, just like the first time Roy saw her, as if he was not interested in anything.

Nephthys, on the other hand, listened to the stories Yeats and the others told with relish, blinking those strange-colored pupils, and listening with great interest.

"Sorry, take this cup of coffee as my apology. It was indeed my mistake to treat you as Aleister."

The handsome poet said in a soft and elegant tone, with an apologetic expression on his face.

He is a rare great poet in modern times, and his poems are magnificent masterpieces capable of changing the spiritual world of mankind.

Roy accepted Yeats' apology, took a sip from his coffee cup, and nodded slightly.

"Then Son of the Silver Star, why are you looking for us?"

"...If you are here for Aleister, there is no need. Of course we know that Aleister should be near London now."

"But unlike other members of the Golden Dawn, we like magic, but we only like to study magic, but we are not interested in using magic to fight and kill."

"...It's not easy to return to this world again because of "Wei Te Tarot". Now the three of us just want to experience this new era quietly."

"You don't have to pay attention to us at all, and we will not help other people in the Golden Dawn."

Sir Conan Doyle spoke at this time, his face was a little fat, and his tone was a little hasty, which shows that his character is completely different from the Sherlock Holmes he described.

The Golden Dawn is also divided into many small groups, and people like Conan Doyle and Yeats obviously belong to one group.

It can be seen from their identities in the society of ordinary people that both Conan Doyle and Yeats are big celebrities.

Nature is different from other members of the Golden Dawn in terms of life and many emotional insights.

"Actually, I came here mainly to meet Mr. Arthur Machen."

It was at this time that Roy turned his gaze to the ordinary man who had been silent all this time, and who was a little less famous among Conan Doyle and Yeats.

The man who was also wearing a suit pointed at himself and said in surprise, "... looking for me?"

"Yes, the voyeur known as the majestic horror, you who once said the famous saying 'If we trace back to the source, all branches of human knowledge will eventually disappear into mystery'."

"...The concept of "The Great God Paine" you wrote influenced Lovecraft, allowing him to create the system of "Cthulhu Mythos."

"So I came here just to see if you are related to those evil gods. Now I know the answer. You were once affected by madness, but it was not serious."

After Roy drank the coffee in his mouth, he stood up, and Othinus and Nephthys also got up with him.

"With you, I found the answer I wanted. Thank you very much. I also wish the three of you a happy life in this era."

"...before the Golden Dawn perishes again."

Roy said politely, with a gentle smile, greeted Othinus and Nephthys, turned around and left.

Seeing Roy's leaving back, the three of Conan Doyle were thoughtful. .

Chapter 125 Not Everyone Dare to Insert the Keyhole

"Well, he's gone."

After Roy left, Yeats spoke up.


Sir Conan Doyle, who was sitting next to him, completely collapsed as if he had been discouraged.

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said in a trembling voice: "...that Son of the Silver Star is really scary."

"...I don't know why, just seeing him in front of him, I feel trembling from the depths of my soul."

"Maybe we came back because of the resurrection of "Weit Tarot", and we are very sensitive to the feeling of 'spirit', which made me feel that I can't look directly at the child of the silver star."

The novelist who created the famous detective Sherlock Holmes showed a look of relief.

"I also had the same feeling. In front of him, it was like encountering an indescribable horror. I almost felt that my 'spirit' was about to collapse~."

Arthur Machen on the side also spoke.

"Perhaps, this son of the Silver Star is an existence at the third level of the Golden Dawn."

Yeats' hand holding the coffee cup was also trembling, he took a sip of coffee, and managed to calm himself down.

"You mean 8=3 or even 9=2? I thought that was just made up by Mathers and the others."

"...According to Mathers' description of 8=3 and 9=2 ranks, I can't understand it at all. That kind of description is not like describing a person, but like a god."

Sir Conan Doyle couldn't help but said.

"Mathers and Westcott didn't tell us everything."

"...In the entire Golden Dawn, apart from the three founders, Mathers, Westcott, and Woodman, only Aleister and Masquerade may know about the existence of the third group."

After a pause, Yeats let out a foul breath and said, "...Maybe Sir Doyle is right, what we just faced may not be a human being, it may be a god."

"...The Son of the Silver Star said he was our God, maybe he really is our God."

After finishing speaking, the three members of the Golden Dawn fell silent.

After a while, Sir Conan Doyle said indifferently: "...It doesn't matter how much it is, it has nothing to do with us anyway."

"...what we should do now is to be grateful for the temporary new life."

"Haha, Sir Doyle, you are right, cheers!"



Sir Doyle, Yeats and others called for beer and began to celebrate their temporary new life.

Roy walked the streets of London with Othinus and Nephthys.

Outside the triple four-color barrier, the British army and magician troops are fighting the Crowley disaster in full swing.

But in London, the capital of the British Isles, people's lives go on as usual, and they don't know what's going on outside.

Although the forbidden world is not like the magic of Xingyue, when the mystery is exposed, the concentration of mystery will drop greatly.

But forbidden magic is even more dangerous.

Magic is a theory prepared for those without talent, and the Golden Dawn simplifies magic.

So much so that even ordinary people can use magic as long as they convert it into magic power at the cost of their own lives.

If magic is exposed to ordinary people, it will be a huge disaster.

Anna Sprengel wanted to do such a thing to make the world more chaotic, but was stopped by Roy.

Because Roy didn't want his hometown to become a mess.

The current forbidden world is exactly the same as when Roy was born here, without any changes.

All phases covered in this world after Roy was born were erased by Roy.

As long as it continues like this, the world will be changed due to the distortion of the demon gods like in the past, and the situation of changing eras will never appear.

Human beings in this world will explore the universe and this world in a scientific way.

This physical world has become the end of all myths and religious legends, and Aleister's goal is accomplished in an alternative way.

That belongs to the new age of mankind, the "Age of Horus" where there is only science and no magic.

"What do you see in that novelist? The understander."

Walking by the Thames River, listening to the sirens on the river, the one-eyed Othinus looked at Roy with his emerald beautiful eyes, and asked softly.

"I've been thinking about one thing."

Roy's hands were resting on the stone handrail by the river, and the breeze was blowing, blowing Roy's short silver hair.

Nephthys' sharp chin rested on Roy's shoulder.

There is a curious look in her persian cat-like pupils, and her chocolate-colored skin is silky and supple.

Because she was too close to Roy, she turned her head from time to time, and her moist cherry lips would accidentally rub against Roy's cheek, allowing Roy to smell the sweet and enchanting fragrance.

Nephthys' ambiguous actions and behaviors seemed to be Roy's female companion.

This made Othinus couldn't help but glared at the Egyptian goddess.

However, Nephthys hid behind Roy like a cat, provoking Othinus from time to time, making the one-eyed demon god gnash his teeth.

"Nyarlathotep's purpose is to make this world fall into a dream. From this, it can be seen that she is working for Azathoth, just like her title of 'messenger'."

"...But in the Moon World, we learned that Yog Sothoth was also collecting countless worlds into his 'gate', and the behavior of the one who made everything into one was exactly like that of Azathoth. withdraw."

The spark of Roy's wisdom was beating, showing a playful look.


Nephthys was confused. She had never been to the Moon World.

But Othinus suddenly said: "...understander, you mean that Yog Sothoth and Azathoth are in a competitive relationship?"

Roy nodded and said with a smile: "...That's right, judging from their behavior and purpose, they are in a competitive relationship."

"...Azathoth is dragging countless worlds into dreams, driving all things into madness."

"At the same time, Yog Sothoth is also connecting the world with 'gates', allowing all life to praise His name."

"...This is also what I will do next, to accommodate countless observable worlds into one, and then continue to observe the world indefinitely."

"...At that time, wouldn't it be that I, Azathoth, and Yog-Sothoth have all become competitors? And this is probably the way to overcome madness, lies, and charm, and reach your ultimate."

As soon as Roy finished speaking, Othinus showed a confident smile and said: "...I also found it strange at first that even races like humans would attack each other and be wary of each other."


"...How could those Old Ones be united, they are the product of a group of madness."

"If Azathoth and Yog-Sothoth are competitors, then it can be explained at once. Understand, you actually want to say that Yog-Sothoth might help us in turn?"

Roy nodded and shook his head again:

"... I don't dare to say that I fully understand the thoughts of the one who returns everything to one, but I do feel the aura of Yog-Sothoth from the voyeur of the majestic horror."

" one knows her better than I do."

When Roy said this, his voice paused.

After all, not everyone dares to insert the keyhole, enter the 'door' to face the one who returns everything, and even forcibly occupy the pile of 'bubbles' to plunder her knowledge.

This kind of behavior of pulling wool is ten deaths and no life.

That is to say, Roy has the guts, and can retreat completely, making Yog Sothoth unable to get up or down, but there is nothing he can do.

"The large-scale spread of the group of Old Ones should be the common goal of all evil gods, but in terms of other details, they are not of one mind."

"...Yog Sothoth is likely to trip Nyarlathotep, maybe this time I will have a chance to see her again."

"Now that I have reached the rank of MAGUS, I don't mind exchanging knowledge with her again."

Roy said indifferently.

As for how to exchange it, of course it is to use the oldest magic. He was fascinated by the beauty of the infinitely brilliant sphere after seeing it just once.

That is the beauty that only a very few people can appreciate, that is far beyond everything, the beauty outside the rules.

And Roy is one of those very few people. indivual.

Chapter 126: Dutiful Son Roy

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