The Homeless Man of Teyvat

Chapter 225 Pretending to be dead and rumors

After a series of questions, the Eightfold God Son became more and more silent, and Zhongli sighed.

Chen Tianfeng looked at the two of them, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Mr. Zhongli, do you think we will be discovered when we pass through the thunderstorm?"

"Well, the thunderstorm is the manifestation of the authority and power of the God of Thunder. From a certain perspective, it can also be regarded as the gaze of the God of Thunder. It covers Inazuma, and there may be some gaps. If a mortal passes through this gap, there will naturally be no problem, but it is different for you."

Zhongli nodded and said: "I am worried that when you get close to the thunderstorm, it will cause some... stress reactions."

Now this God of Thunder is a warrior. He sits quietly in the Pure Land of One Mind. If he suddenly realizes that there is a fatal danger that suddenly appears in the thunderstorm area and is approaching Inazuma... then what will be his first reaction?

I think it should be to cut with all his strength first.

And if Chen Tianfeng had already arrived in Inazuma, and was in a densely populated place like Inazuma City, then even if Chen Tianfeng revealed his aura and appeared in the perception of the God of Thunder, He would not act rashly, but calm down and take a look at the danger first.

This look would make it easier.

"I roughly understand."

Chen Tianfeng's mouth twitched. Mr. Zhongli thought he was too weak and might die under the panic of General Lei Dian... and then drag the whole of Teyvat to be buried with him.

He did not refute, after all, he did not recover to his full state, and even the resurrection was only half resurrected, with only flesh but no soul. Since Zhongli thought he was weak, then he was weak, and he was secretly protected by the God of War, which was a big profit.

The walking dead Holy Spirit thought about it, and came up with a plan. He said confidently: "I can pretend to be dead - I guarantee that the God of Thunder can't see that I'm actually alive."


Zhongli's lips moved, and his mood was very complicated. He wanted to remind the dead snake in front of him that not only the God of Thunder couldn't see that He was actually alive, but no god could see that He was actually alive.

Because He was dead! Even if he was half resurrected, he was still dead!

Chen Tianfeng coughed lightly, realizing that what he said before was not complete, and explained in detail: "Well, what I mean is that I can pretend to be dead... uh, by disguising myself in a certain state, so that the God of Thunder can't sense my breath - at least until I get close enough to Him."

"Tianfeng, how are you going to pretend to be dead?"

Ying looked at him, her golden eyes full of curiosity, her eyelashes flickering slightly, and she was extremely cute.

Paimon concentrated on eating, occasionally looking up, and seeing that everyone's mind was not on the food, he had to work hard to help them eat it all.

"Simple, prepare a coffin and I'll just lie in it."

Chen Tianfeng's smile was filled with memories, as well as confidence and pride: "I'm good at pretending to be dead and sneaking in."

In the Holy Spirit World, you can't live long just by relying on force. If gods want to go further, they still have to rely more on wisdom. Like pretending to be dead and sneaking into the enemy camp, secretly eating the spoils of the enemy gods, and then taking advantage of their unpreparedness to give the hostile gods a hard time.

It can be said that He can dominate the Holy Spirit World because of His wisdom, His people, and His ability to swallow and absorb, which is far superior to other gods.

But later, I don't know who exposed His ability to pretend to be dead and disguise, so that when the gods in the Holy Spirit World encounter the long-shaped gods, they will repeatedly confirm whether He is really dead.


Inazuma Castle, Tianling Bugyo.

The current head of the Kujo family, Kujo Takayuki, is sitting next to the low tea table, boiling water and brewing tea, with skillful and natural movements. When the tea fragrance filled the air, Kujo Takayuki poured a cup of tea and gently placed it in front of the person sitting opposite him: "Please."

The head of the Hiiragi family, Hiiragi Shinsuke, took the teacup, turned it in his hands, raised the cup and took a sip, then put it down: "Has the head of the Kujo family heard about it?"

Kujo Takayuki picked up the cup and drank the tea. The tea fragrance was clear, elegant and pleasant. He nodded with satisfaction, put the teacup down, glanced at Hiiragi Shinsuke, continued to fiddle with the tea set, and casually said: "What did you hear about?"

"Of course it's about the Narugami Shrine."

"Why, what did the chief priest do again?"

"She quietly left Inazuma."


Kujo Takayuki paused and looked up at him: "Really?"

"Since no one has ever heard of this, Fake. "Hiiragi Shinsuke smiled slightly, his tone confident: "Although she hid it very well and hid it very secretly, I, the Kande Bugyo, was in charge of many matters in and out of Inazuma, and I was specifically watching the Narukami Taisha, so she would not hide it. "

Kujo Takayuki narrowed his eyes slightly: "Do you know where she went?"

"The ocean is vast. After leaving the port and passing through the thunderstorm, who can know where she will go?"

Hiiragi Shinsuke shook his head and said: "However, if she has not changed her course, she went to Liyue Port."

"Liyue Port...what is she doing there?"

Kujo Takayuki frowned slightly, and his fingers unconsciously pinched the teacup and rubbed it subconsciously.

Some time ago, the Fatui didn't know what medicine they took wrong, and they withdrew from Inazuma cleanly and gave up all their interests. But it's good this way. With one less force, they will gain more.

Now, the only ones who can oppose the Kujo family and the Hiiragi family in the Inazuma territory are the stubborn brother and sister of the shrine magistrate Kamisato family and the chief priest of Narukami Taisha.

As for the rebels of Umijima... oh, they are just a minor problem.

Among them, the chief priest is the most difficult to deal with. No one can guess what kind of thoughts are hidden under her smiling expression. All you know is that if you underestimate her, you will fall into her trap unknowingly and be used completely.

"Maybe they are going to ask for help?" Hiiragi Shinsuke guessed.

"Ask for help? What help can she ask for in Liyue?"

Kujo Takayuki snorted coldly, "Could she wake up the deceased Rock God, bring foreign gods to Inazuma, and force her way into the castle tower?"

How is this possible!

Not to mention that the Rock God is dead, even if He is not dead, it is absurd and impossible for the Yae Godson, the chief priest, to open the country's gates and allow foreign gods to enter Inazuma.

Hiiragi Shinsuke thought about it and nodded with a smile.

Such an absurd thing, even the chief priest, can't do it.

"Forget it, no matter what she wants to do, it's bad for us anyway."

Kujo Takayuki held the teacup and said in a cold voice: "Find a way to leak the secret to the rebels, and say that the chief priest of Narukami Taisha has found an ancient weapon that can destroy the rebels in one fell swoop and is on his way back."

He paused and suddenly smiled: "Don't the rebels always miss their gods? Then tell them that the ancient weapons found by the chief priest were made of the remains of their dead gods."

Hiiragi Shinsuke was stunned for a moment, his expression slightly worried: "Master Kujo, such rumors involving gods..."

"It's just a dead demon god, what's the big deal."

Kujo Takayuki didn't care, and his expression was vaguely fanatical: "Even if the demon god comes back to life, what can it do? Whether it's a demon god or a human, it can't stop the general's unthinking knife!"

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