The Homeless Man of Teyvat

Chapter 306: Three Souls

The operation of everything has its own underlying logic, and the same is true for the world. No matter whether the underlying logic is in line with common sense or whether it is crazy and twisted, it must exist.

Another popular explanation is that the world has its original laws. In the same universe, these laws are naturally universal, and there will be no difference between the original laws on one planet and another. Case.

And if you stretch your perspective again and no longer focus only on the same universe, but compare two or more universes together, you will find that the laws of these universes may be slightly, or completely, different.

Chen Tianfeng stood on the cliff behind Yingxiang Mountain, looking at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance with a thoughtful expression.

Different from the Holy Spirit World, in the universe to which Teyvat belongs, living beings are not composed of soul and body. Instead, based on this, the soul is subdivided into [Soul Body], [Wish] and [Memory].

In other words, every Teyvat creature can be broken down into four equivalent parts: soul, memory, desire, and body. The unity of these four is a complete living being.

Maybe this is why he and the Holy Spirit World came to Teyvat after they incarnated into death.

Here, he can bypass some legal restrictions and even use some restrictions to achieve true resurrection.

No matter which world it is in, it is not difficult to create a new soul from scratch, but it is even more difficult to resurrect a dead soul from scratch. The hope is slim or even impossible.

This is different from his resurrection after witnessing the death of others. Witnessing and resurrection follow the laws of the Holy Spirit world that have been mutated by death, and this law is invalid for him - he cannot witness his own death.

But if it does not come from scratch, but has some foundation, then there is hope for resurrection.

It's still difficult, but it's no longer impossible.

According to the laws of the Holy Spirit world, Chen Tianfeng is undoubtedly dead, his soul has dissipated, and he is a living corpse with an empty body. The so-called resurrection of the soul is nonsense; and according to the laws of Teyvat, this living corpse has , but it has the remnants of the [soul] after subdivision - memories and wishes.

With [memory], there is a template for reproduction; with [wishes], there is a meaning of existence.

When the two are superimposed, the power of the World Tree can be used to achieve true resurrection through clever means.

Chen Tianfeng pursed his lips, took a breath, and waved his hand, and gray-white roots emerged from the ground. They held two "cocoons", one on the left and one on the right, and presented them in front of Chen Tianfeng.

In the "cocoon" on the left is the previous palace minister of Narukami Taisha Shrine, the Kosai Palace, which has been sleeping for five hundred years. In the "cocoon" on the right, there is a flickering, as if between existence and non-existence, a new soul, which is Hua Sanli.

Chen Tianfeng stretched out his palm, pressed and pulled on the gray tree root cocoon on the left, and a copied memory was extracted. Immediately he closed his eyes, picked a suitable node in Inazuma's more than 500-year history, flicked his arm, and threw the copied memory to the sacred cherry tree in the node, and finally forced it into the earth's veins.

Since Hu Zhai Palace is not dead, the existence in Hua Sanli has no foundation. But fortunately, after Chen Tianfeng knows the soul laws of the Teyvat world, it is not difficult to reshape the foundation of existence for the latter.

-- much simpler than his own resurrection.

Chen Tianfeng pointed to the gray tree root cocoon, and was about to wake up the Hu Zhai Palace and release it, but suddenly stopped, and after thinking about it, he felt that it would be more appropriate to give this opportunity to Ying and Yae Shenzi.

It was definitely not that Hu Zhaigong would think that he had fallen into the hands of evil spirits when he woke up and saw him for the first time, and that he would be desperate to die with him, or that he would die cleanly and avoid inhuman torture.

With a thought, Chen Tianfeng turned two gray-white tree root cocoons into gray-white coffins. He nodded with satisfaction, feeling that the coffins were indeed much more pleasing to the eye than the cocoons.

Not long after, Ying, Paimon, Shadow and Yae Shenzi arrived together, and they were all stunned when they saw the two coffins.

"This...Tian Feng, is this the surprise you are talking about?"

Ying was slightly hesitant, not quite understanding what a surprise it was to deliver the coffin. Could it be that what Tianfeng wants to express is that after Ina's wife clearly expresses her side, she and Shenzi will be favored by death?

"This is Huzhai Palace, this is Huasanli."

Chen Tianfeng noticed the stunned looks in everyone's eyes, coughed slightly, pointed to the two coffins and briefly introduced them, paused briefly, and added: "They are all still alive, and there are no sequelae... I mean the sequelae, they are all healthy."

The aesthetics of the Teyvat people really need to be improved. They are prejudiced against simple, elegant and calm things like coffins that can bury their enemies as well as themselves.

Chen Tianfeng sighed in his heart, looked at Ying, and went straight to the point: "Does Mrs. Dao have any energy that is as harmful as the evil spirit? Ying and I will be leaving in two days, so I just happened to help deal with it."

Although the quality of these energies may be a little low, as long as they are consumed in large amounts, there is no need to dislike them. Maybe eating too much can cause some quantitative changes and lead to qualitative changes.

"...Ah? Ah! There are some!"

Ying was stunned for a moment, then quickly came to his senses and nodded vigorously: "I'll take you there!"

She looked a little excited and relieved. She didn't know whether it was because the potential threat of rice wife was about to be eliminated, the people's living environment was about to improve, or because of something else.

"Shadow, wait... uh, are you so anxious?"

Yae Shenzi put down the arm he had just raised, and watched Ying grabbing Chen Tianfeng's arm and rushing towards the place where Inazuma's harmful energy gathered. After thinking about it, he felt that this should be the case.

She shook her head, glanced at the gray-white coffin, and twitched the corners of her mouth. She really didn't understand why Chen Tianfeng liked coffins. Miss Fox pressed her palms on the coffin, raised her eyes to look at Ying, and said with a smile: "Ying, do you want to come and open the coffin together?"

"No, just come."

Ying couldn't understand Yae Kamiko's hobby of inviting people to open coffins together. She shook her head and took two steps back with Paimon to leave enough space for her.

Yae Shenzi didn't care. He raised his fingers and knocked on the coffin lid: "You two, it's time to get up. Staying in bed is not a good thing."

She paused, with a smile in her purple eyes, and cleared her throat: "Or, should I invite Mr. Chen Tianfeng back?"


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a strange noise from the two coffins at the same time. Yae Shenzi pulled away slightly, folded his arms, and watched with a smile as the two friends lifted up the coffins.

"How did you know we were awake?"

Fox Zaigong jumped out of the coffin, and after seeing the material of the coffin clearly, he silently distanced himself from it, looked at Yae Shenzi, looked up and down, and said with emotion: "The little fox has grown up, even though he was still so small yesterday."

She stretched out her hand to make a gesture and couldn't help laughing. Finally, she took a step forward and hugged Yae Shenzi into her arms. Her voice was rare and gentle: "Long time no see, and... I have worked hard for you these years, Shenzi."

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