The Hongqi 9 Missile Vehicle Was Just Built And Was Rear-Ended By The School Beauty.

Chapter 37: Invite Military Genius And Freshman Representative Shen Yi To Take The Stage To Deliver

Chapter 37: Invite military genius and freshman representative Shen Yi to take the stage to deliver a speech!

"Commander Gao, how was the conversation? Is there anything wrong with my student?"

Principal Zhou was worried that people in the military region would hold Shen Yi accountable, so he quickly stepped forward to intercede for him.

Gao Longshan smiled bitterly and said: "You student, you have a big problem!"

Upon hearing this, the principal's face turned pale.

Then, Gao Longshan laughed: "I like this kid more and more. You, Yanjing University, have picked it up this time. Otherwise, I really want to drag this kid to the military academy!"

Although I don’t know whether the missile vehicle is genuine or not, nor where it comes from, anyone with a clear eye can see that this Shen Yi is extraordinary and a talent. Because even if the missile vehicle is a model, it is still his ability to get it, and he can't do it anyway.

Moreover, this boy has an extraordinary bearing and is neither humble nor arrogant when meeting him. He is an ordinary person. How is this possible?

Therefore, Gao Longshan felt that Shen Yi was indeed worthy of praise.

But the principal doesn't know Shen Yi well and is still in the dark, so his mood now is like a roller coaster, with ups and downs along the way.

After hearing Gao Longshan's words, I felt that my brain was a little exhausted.

What does this mean?

"It's okay, I'm afraid he might offend you..."

Gao Longshan patted Principal Zhou on the shoulder and sighed meaningfully: "It is an honor for me to get to know such an extraordinary and outstanding student like Shen Yi. Moreover, we will also meet with Shen Yi next." If there is cooperation, it should be that we don’t offend him.”

"How could you dare to blame him?"

Gao Longshan's underlying meaning is that once this missile vehicle is real, no matter where it is obtained, its nature will have changed, and the importance of Shen Yi naturally goes without saying!

When the time comes to acquire the missile vehicle, it will naturally be considered a cooperation.

Principal Zhou and others were all stunned. How could this situation be different from what they had guessed?

outstanding student? And cooperation?

Instead of being held accountable, people from the military region even praised Shen Yi.

Moreover, Gao Longshan, such a powerful figure, even said that it was his honor to know Shen Yi.

what is happening!

Gao Longshan looked at the surprised expressions of Principal Zhou and others and did not explain anything. He just kept praising Shen Yi.

"It's just a pity that I didn't get to know Shen Yi earlier. If he hadn't been admitted to your Yanjing University, I would have let this kid join the army!"

"Such a rare talent is so rare!"


Principal Zhou became even more confused after hearing this.

Could it be...

Principal Zhou suddenly thought of a possibility!

That missile vehicle?

But this can’t be true, can it?

Even if it is true, it should not be praised so much by the military!

After a moment, Principal Zhou came to his senses, although he didn't know why Commander Gao praised Shen Yi so much.

But Shen Yi must have a secret, but it must not be told to outsiders, and it must be related to the military region.

All in all, Commander Gao praised Shen Yi so generously and treated him so kindly, which is enough to prove that Shen Yi secretly has great achievements.

It is a great blessing for Yanjing University to have such a student!

"Yes, yes, this is indeed an honor for us at Yanjing University."

Principal Zhou nodded in agreement.

Shen Yi nodded slightly towards Gao Longshan: "Commander Gao, I will step down first to continue attending the opening ceremony."

"Okay, we'll go out together after your ceremony is over."

At this point, Gao Longshan remembered that he needed to talk to Principal Zhou.

"Principal Zhou, we are going to take Shen Yi out later. Do us a favor. Does your school have any objections?"

Help the troops?

Principal Zhou was horrified that he had to ask Shen Yi for help?

"No, of course not."

Principal Zhou waved his hand quickly, not daring to ask any more questions, for fear that some secrets would be involved. Just kidding, how could he dare to have an opinion on military matters?

"That's good. Student Shen Yi, just attend the opening ceremony with peace of mind. This is only once in your life. Don't leave any regrets. We will be watching and waiting for you."

After saying that, Gao Longshan took his officers to the side of the stage, waiting for Shen Yi.

"Okay, Commander Gao, please wait a moment."

Shen Yi nodded and turned around to return to the stage.

But at this moment, Principal Zhou suddenly called him.

"Classmate Shen Yi, where are you going?"

"Go back to the stage and listen to the speech from the freshmen representative."

"Aren't you the representative of the new students? Come on, your speech will be next."

Principal Zhou quickly grabbed Shen Yi.

Yanjing University has the top prize in the city and province every year.

But a student like Shen Yi who even praised the commander of the military region and came to ask him for help in person was the first in history!

Aren’t such students the best student representatives?

"Shall I give a speech on stage?"

Shen Yi couldn't help but be startled, is this so realistic?

I didn’t expect you to give me a speech just now!

And I didn’t expect it beforehand. I didn’t even prepare a speech. What would I say on stage?

"That's right, an outstanding student like you is certainly worthy of learning from the whole school."

Principal Zhou was originally worried that people from the military region were here to question Shen Yi.

Unexpectedly, not only did he not come to ask for guilt, but he was full of praise for him, and he was very polite to him. He asked him for help and had to wait for him to attend the opening ceremony.

With such a card, Shen Yi must be allowed to go on stage to give a speech before leaving.

Principal Zhou was so kind and it was hard to refuse, and Shen Yi couldn't find any reason to refuse.

Moreover, when Gao Longshan on the side heard that Shen Yi was going to give a speech as a student representative, his eyes were even more filled with admiration.

He also led a group of officers to wait for his speech with great anticipation.

Shen Yi couldn't put it down, so she could only sigh silently and nodded slowly.

I just didn't expect that the first time I gave a speech in my life, I would be so overwhelmed.

After Shen Yi agreed, he was about to turn around and walk to the podium.

But suddenly Shen Yi thought of something and turned to Gao Longshan and asked.

"Commander Gao, can I bring another person over to inspect the car later?"

"Of course it's no problem, just take it with you."


Shen Yi received a satisfactory answer and nodded with a smile.

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