The Hongqi 9 Missile Vehicle Was Just Built And Was Rear-Ended By The School Beauty.

Chapter 56: The Seriousness Of The Situation Has Escalated, And A Storm Is Coming!

Hearing the deep meaning in General Chi's tone, Gao Longshan slowly asked.

"General Chi, what do you mean..."

"I suspect that there should be other people or forces behind this young man. Otherwise, even if he is really a military genius, he would not be able to create the Hongqi 9 by hand."

"There are people or forces behind it..."

Gao Longshan repeated in a low voice, and he couldn't help but start to face this possibility in his heart.

Gao Longshan did doubt the origin of this missile vehicle and speculated from where Shen Yi obtained it.

But out of selfishness, he still hoped that this car would be manufactured by Shen Yi himself, but now after being called by General Chi, Gao Longshan had to face this biggest possibility.

"But if it is true that Shen Yi had other channels to obtain the missile vehicle, why does Shen Yi still insist that he made it alone?"

"What's his purpose for doing this? Could it be that he thinks it's a gimmick to become famous and attract our attention?"

But Gao Longshan still wanted to fight for Shen Yi, so he truthfully expressed his thoughts.

Since it is fake, the secret will be revealed sooner or later. Why should Shen Yi do this? This doesn’t make sense!

After a while, General Chi's deep voice sounded again on the other end of the phone.

"It would be nice if it was really just for the sake of fame. I'm afraid there is a bigger conspiracy behind him."

"A bigger conspiracy? What are you referring to?"

Gao Longshan asked quickly.

General Chi replied thoughtfully:

"As far as I know, Hongqi 9 has been sold to the outside world."

"You also know that foreign military weapons trade channels are wide and not as strict as China's management."

"So I suspect that there may be some overseas arms dealer organization that accidentally obtained Red Flag 9 and then started dumping and selling it."

"If that's the case, then it's okay to say, do you know what you're most afraid of? What you're most afraid of is that the technology of Hongqi 9 is leaked, causing overseas arms organizations to successfully copy the Red Flag 9! If that happens, then The consequences could be disastrous!"

"So, either of these two possibilities means that there are already red flag 9s circulating in the overseas black market, so there is a chance for Shen Yi to get it accidentally. Although how he got it is currently unknown. "

General Chi analyzed it slowly.

After Gao Longshan heard this, his brows instantly tightened.

If it is true as General Chi suspected, there is an illegal arms organization hiding behind Shen Yi.

That thing is really not simple!

"I have had similar thoughts before, but I still think it is unlikely..."

General Chi directly interrupted Gao Longshan and asked: "Then you think it is more likely to develop and manufacture missile vehicles on your own? I can understand you. After all, you are not a technician and may not have a strong concept of manufacturing missile vehicles. . But I might as well tell you that the possibility of manufacturing it alone is lower than the possibility of missile vehicle technology being leaked, and even more impossible!"

Gao Longshan was silent. Although he still wanted to believe Shen Yi and give him a chance to prove it, he also knew that what General Chi said made sense.

It is too difficult to build a missile vehicle on your own, even if you have the technology. It is indeed lower than the possibility of technology leakage.

"General Chi, what do you mean..."

Finally, General Chi warned: "I am just guessing about this matter for the time being. Remember not to alert the snake. I will organize a meeting at the Provincial Military Region and send someone to investigate, so we need to consider it in the long term. If There is really an overseas arms organization behind Shen Yi, and it has mastered the core technology of Red Flag 9, so this organization must be wiped out!"

If, as he suspected, there was an illegal arms organization behind Shen Yi, he must not act recklessly. Therefore, he personally called Gao Longshan and told him not to alert the enemy.

"In addition, the time for the military exercise has been advanced, so you must arrange everything properly."

"This time, the joint military exercise of our entire Eastern Military Region is scheduled to be held in Yanjing City. As the person in charge of the Yanjing Military Region, you must not make any mistakes."

Finally, General Chi gave instructions about the military exercise in a deep voice.

In this military exercise, all provincial-level military regions and municipal-level garrison stations in the Eastern Theater Command will participate.

The Yanjing Military Region is the venue for this event. If something goes wrong, it will disgrace the entire Dong'an Province.

After hearing this, Gao Longshan immediately promised: "General Chi, don't worry, I will definitely arrange this military exercise and there will never be any mistakes."

After hearing Gao Longshan's assurance, General Chi nodded slowly. He was relatively reassured by Gao Longshan's work.

"Okay, remember not to alert the enemy, hang up first."


After speaking, General Chi cut off the call.

Gao Longshan put down his phone and sighed deeply.

In fact, he had already thought of General Chi's point of view, but based on his own way of looking at people, Shen Yi should not be a bad person. Even if there is an illegal arms organization behind him, it is probably just an accidental contact.

Moreover, for some reason, although he does not understand scientific research technology, Gao Longshan is very willing to give Shen Yi a chance to prove it. What if it is really Shen Yi who made it himself?

However, what General Chi said makes sense. Once the Hongqi 9 technology is leaked, the matter will be difficult and will rise to a new level. Even the provincial military region will not be able to make the decision!

There was nothing he could do in his position. In order to avoid any trouble, after Gao Longshan returned to the military area, he decided to send someone to keep an eye on Shen Yi secretly, just in case.

At the same time, arrangements for military exercises were quickly started.

Both are top priorities, and no mistakes are allowed!

At the same time, in the Dong'an Provincial Military Region, General Chi immediately called a meeting with his officers after concluding the call with Gao Longshan.

Those participating in the meeting were all senior officials of the Dong'an Provincial Military Region. At first, everyone was confused as to why General Chi suddenly summoned them.

It wasn't until after listening to General Chi's explanation of the cause and effect that it suddenly became clear, and his heart was even more shocked. All the senior officials' expressions changed.

When it comes to the strategic weapon Red Flag 9, no one dares to take it lightly!

"I don't think anyone can independently build a missile vehicle, let alone the Hongqi 9!"

"That's right! And after verification just now, it can be determined that the currently known vehicles for sale have not been lost, so there is only one possibility left!"

"Technology leaked!"

"This matter is too serious. Once confirmed, countless people involved will suffer!"

For a time, all the provincial military leaders agreed that this matter should involve the leakage of the core technology of Hongqi 9.

The leakage of strategic-grade weapons technology is no small matter.

The Hongqi 9 vehicle is currently China's most advanced missile vehicle, and its core technology has never been shared with the outside world.

Now it is not only involved in leaks, but also may be controlled by overseas organizations.

If this was an accident and they used it against China, or allowed it to circulate in the arms market, the consequences would be unimaginable.

So, after some serious deliberations, General Chi finally decided to send someone to keep an eye on Shen Yi in secret.

"Send someone to Yanjing University immediately to observe Shen Yi's movements 24 hours a day!"

The situation is still unclear, so we must not alert others because the problems involved are too big!

It was so big that General Chi also found it difficult, but he did not dare to inform the war zone easily, otherwise the various relationships and military-industrial enterprises involved would suffer!

However, once Shen Yi shows up, it proves that he is indeed involved with foreign armed organizations, or that he wants to flee China...

Then, they will arrest Shen Yi immediately!

After some consideration, General Chi finally sent Zhao Xue, the captain of the Military Region's Falcon Special Forces, and one of the team members, Yuan Peng.

After all, we are observing in secret, so the number of people dispatched should not be too large.

After the meeting, Zhao Xue and Yuan Peng from the special forces set off immediately and rushed to Yanjing City!

The undercurrent is turbulent and a storm is coming!

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