Chapter 66: Crazy scanning! Open up the market!

Licheng is a first-tier city in the Dragon Kingdom, with extremely developed science and technology and military industry.

Activities such as military industry exhibitions and military industry expos are often held.

This time's International Military Industry Expo brought together resources from all sources at home and abroad. The Dragon Kingdom's military, major military industry groups and scientific research institutes, as well as some foreign military industry groups were all involved.

Many conventional weapons at home and abroad are displayed, as well as a small number of the latest military products.

Many military industry enthusiasts came to visit.

However, the expo's venue is huge and can accommodate many visitors, so Shen Yi bought the tickets easily.

After arriving in Licheng, Shen Yi didn't waste any time and went straight to the military industry expo.

It was already past ten in the morning when Shen Yi arrived at the expo.

The location of this military industry expo is set at the International Exhibition Center in the center of Licheng City.

The exhibition center occupies a vast area, is wide, tall and full of modern architectural style, giving people a strong visual impact.

At this time, it is the time when there are the most visitors.

The large exhibition hall was crowded with people. After entering the exhibition hall, Shen Yi followed the crowd and leisurely visited the many exhibits at the expo.

The International Military Industry Expo has many exhibits and a wide range of exhibits.

From military electronic components to microwave radio frequency devices, to various radar and measurement and control technology exhibits, as well as various intelligent drones and anti-unmanned equipment.

Of course, what Shen Yi is most interested in and the main purpose of his trip is various military weapons.

Shen Yi followed the exhibit area prompts in the exhibition area and went directly to the military weapons display area.

As Shen Yi had previously found on the Internet, many military weapons were displayed in this area.

Various conventional firearms, heavy firepower weapons, rocket launchers, armed helicopters and other equipment, and of course the 99A tank that Shen Yi was specifically looking for.

The 99A tank is huge, and a separate display area has been specially opened up in the center of this exhibition area.

Many visitors are watching the 99A tank.

This tank is 11 meters long, 3.5 meters wide, has 6 pairs of road wheels, and is also equipped with a 125 mm main gun.

Its performance is balanced, its firepower is powerful, its armor protection and battlefield situation awareness are all top-notch.

This is also the reason why Shen Yi decided to choose 99A for manufacturing and modification.

After seeing the 99A main battle tank, Shen Yi stepped forward slowly, then silently opened the system panel in his mind and chose to consume a scan opportunity!

The next moment, Shen Yi's gaze was like a scanner, slowly scanning the tank in front of him from top to bottom of the 757.

【Start scanning!】

[Scanning vehicle body: double-layer armor structure, in line with low survival concept...Scanning completed!]

[Scanning the radio control system...Scanning completed!]

[Scanning barrel...Scanning completed!]


Under the system's scanning, no data can escape Shen Yi's eyes.

In just a few seconds, he obtained all the coefficients of this tank.

All information such as power cabin structural design, protective armor materials, chassis design, turret design, defense system, etc. instantly poured into Shen Yi's mind.

With this information, it is not difficult for Shen Yi to create the 99A tank.

After scanning and mastering the information parameters of the 99A tank, Shen Yi wandered aimlessly at the military industry expo.

Come here, the ticket money can't be wasted. Shen Yi just took this opportunity to visit it.

If you see any exhibits that interest you again, you can scan them.

He successfully opened a copycat arms store, completed the first task, and received a lot of system rewards and points.

Can be redeemed for many scanning opportunities.

Shen Yi thought so, happily looking at the weapons and equipment that suited his liking in various exhibition areas.

There were many exhibits in this international military industry expo, and Shen Yi spent a long time shopping around but only finished three or four exhibition areas.

When walking to the next exhibition area, Shen Yi stopped suddenly in front of a black and brown sniper rifle.

Shen Yi has seen this gun in military news before. It is called the L115A3 sniper rifle. It is the number one sniper rifle in the world today.

The L115A3 sniper rifle can accurately strike targets within a distance of 1.6 kilometers. The longest range ever achieved has reached 2,472 meters, which is the longest range of today's sniper rifles.

Coupled with its powerful firepower and accuracy, it is considered the king of sniper rifles by many military fans.

After Shen Yi saw the L115A3 sniper rifle, without any hesitation, he immediately opened his system panel to exchange for a scanning opportunity.

The next second, Shen Yi stared at the sniper rifle in front of him without blinking, scanning it from beginning to end.

【Start scanning!】

[Scan gun body: The gun weighs 6.8 kilograms and is 130 centimeters long...]

[Scanning the internal structure...Scanning completed!]


In a few seconds, Shen Yi scanned all the manufacturing and performance parameters of the L115A3 sniper rifle.

With this information, it is simply a piece of cake to recreate (bdfh) this gun.

Shen Yi reviewed the various parameters just now in his mind and started to think silently.

"When firing a 0.33-caliber bullet, the muzzle's initial velocity is 936 meters per second. If it is modified, can it be faster..."

Shen Yi was thinking about whether he could modify it to further improve the performance of the firearm. He looked so focused that he didn't notice the two pairs of eyes staring at him not far away.

In the same exhibition area, two men and women dressed very ordinary, pretending to be leisurely, were walking around in the exhibition hall, but their eyes were looking in the direction of Shen Yi from time to time.

"Captain, what's going on with that kid? Why are you standing in front of the booth in a daze? He's still muttering, maybe he can't fix the car, is he stupid?"

Yuan Peng pretended to visit, glanced sideways at Shen Yi, and couldn't help but discuss with Zhao Xue in a low voice.

Zhao Xue also felt strange that Shen Yi had been spending time in his so-called arms shop these days, burying his head in repairing cars.

Not to mention suddenly running out to see the Military Industry Expo today, it was quite strange.

Zhao Xue thought for a moment and whispered to Yuan Peng: "Yuan Peng, go over and test it out and see if you can get any information from the sidelines."

"Okay, I understand."

Yuan Peng glanced at Shen Yi and saw that he was not paying attention, so he immediately took out the hat and sunglasses he carried with him, and after a simple disguise, he pretended to be casual and walked next to Shen Yi.

"L115A3 sniper rifle, I didn't expect this to be included in this expo."

Yuan Peng sighed, then glanced at Shen Yi casually, his tone was very friendly, pretending to be asking casually.

"Little brother, you are so fascinated by this gun, is it possible that you are also a military fan? You came here specially to feast your eyes on it?"

When Shen Yi heard the other party's question, he just thought it was someone he knew well and didn't think much about it, so he answered directly.

"I'm here to study."

"Study? Study what?"

Yuan Peng tried his best to pretend that he was just a curious passerby, but he was muttering in his heart, what can this kid learn? Learn to repair cars? But there is no one to teach him here!

Then, Yuanjie Shen Qian replied: "Just learn the parameters of these weapons and equipment."

At this time, Yuan Peng was even more confused and couldn't help but ask: "What's the use of learning this thing?"

Shen Yi smiled half-jokingly: "Of course I will go back and try to imitate it.

Yuan Peng was speechless for a moment and went back to imitate and make two more?

Is this kid really stupid for repairing cars? He can build it just by looking at it while standing here?

Two seconds later, Yuan Peng laughed twice: "Young man is really a 'punishment'! It's quite humorous..."

Shen Yi glanced at the other party and smiled casually. He thought it was just a joke and didn't explain much. He turned around and walked to the booth on the other side.

And Yuan Peng did think that Shen Yi was joking, or else he was really stupid and didn't take what he said seriously.

Slowly and leisurely, he went back to meet Zhao Xue and continued to stare at him in the dark.

After wandering around for about half an hour, Shen Yi redeemed two more scanning opportunities, scanning a Barrett and an RPG rocket launcher.

Both of these pieces of equipment are also top foreign equipment. The Barrett sniper rifle is also among the top three sniper rifles in the world. It has a long range, great power, and its performance is needless to say.

The RPG rocket launcher is also the top among rocket launchers.

After seeing this, Shen Yi felt that these pieces of equipment were very good. Moreover, since he was running an arms store, in addition to super firepower weapons such as missile vehicles and tanks, "naturally he also needed some conventional individual combat weapons."

Although these weapons are powerful, they are all conventional weapons. Scanning them does not require many points. However, sufficient system points must be reserved for subsequent modifications.

Therefore, Shen Yi cannot spend any money to scan.

After Shen Yi scanned the parameter configurations of these pieces of equipment, he was a little tired from shopping.

Anyway, he scanned the fare and got it back, which was considered to be a good value for money.

Moreover, he also wanted to go back quickly and start making missile vehicles.

So, he went straight back home and bought a ticket to return to Yanjing.

Back and forth, it only took a few hours.

In the afternoon, Shen Yi returned to Yanjing University smoothly.

The first thing he did after returning home was to get into his arms shop as usual and start making the 99A main battle tank according to his expectations!

With the experience of manufacturing a missile vehicle last time, Shen Yi was much more comfortable this time.

The most important thing is that there are sufficient materials and funds, so it can be started much faster than when making missile vehicles before.

Of course, the materials in the system need to be purchased with money, and they are more expensive than those on the market. If Shen Yi has the channels, he does not necessarily have to buy them in the system.

In the next few days, Shen Yi spent time in the arms shop, concentrating on manufacturing and modifying the 99A tank.

It can be said that he is deaf to what is going on outside the window and only focuses on his tank.

Secretly, Zhao Xue and Yuan Peng were still observing Shen Yi silently, not daring to slack off for a moment.

Seeing Shen Yi working hard in the gym these days, the two of them couldn't help but be curious.

Yuan Peng looked at Shen Yi's busy appearance and couldn't help but ask Zhao Xue in a low voice.

"Captain, what do you think this kid has been doing in the past few days? I went to the Military Industry Expo two days ago for a walk. Why haven't I been tinkering with missile vehicles in the past two days since I came back? Could it be that he doesn't know how to repair it?"

Although I don’t know what Shen Yi is tinkering with these days.

But Yuan Peng noticed that car

The missile vehicle has been put aside by him for the time being.

Yuan Peng couldn't help but wonder if Shen Yi was really just pretending the past few days.

Now that I can't hold it anymore, I just break the can and ignore the missile vehicle.

Zhao Xue's expression was a little serious, but actually her thoughts were similar to Yuan Peng's.

She didn't quite believe that Shen Yi could repair missile vehicles before.

Now that she saw that Shen Yi had shelved the missile vehicle, she became more determined in her thoughts.

I guess I couldn't even keep up the pretense, so I just left it alone.

However, there is another possibility, that is, he was still in the gym all day during this period, but he was actually pretending to be busy.

The purpose is to wait for the person behind him to appear, help him repair the missile vehicle, and then deceive the Yanjing Military Region.

When Zhao Xue thought of this possibility, her expression suddenly became more serious.

"Yuan Peng, you must keep an eye on Shen Yi during this period. If you find anyone approaching him or the gym, you must investigate thoroughly."

"Yes, Captain!"

Zhao Xue even installed a camera directly opposite the gymnasium in order to be able to observe whether anyone is approaching here at all times.

Once an abnormality is discovered, Zhao Xue will not let it go!

Shen Yi didn't notice at all that someone was watching him silently.

First of all, Zhao Xue and Yuan Peng were from special operations forces after all, so naturally they could not be easily noticed.

Secondly, Shen Yi has recently been focusing on modifying and manufacturing tanks, and has not paid attention to the surrounding situation at all.

After several days of intensive manufacturing and modification, Shen Yi's tank has completed nearly half of the progress.

After all, there are sufficient materials and funds, and with the experience of manufacturing missile vehicles before, Shen Yi's progress is much faster this time.

Looking at the nearly half-completed tank in front of him, Shen Qian was quite satisfied.

He predicts that he will be able to complete the manufacturing of this tank in less than a week.

The missile vehicle had already been almost repaired. When the time came, he would spare half a day to completely repair the missile vehicle, and then let Li Yan bring people to take it away.

In that case, it is convenient and trouble-free, and the modification fee and purchase price are all paid in one step.

After silently planning these, Shen Yan couldn't help but start thinking about the next step.

After he successfully sold the repaired missiles and vehicles to the military, he thought that cooperation with the military region would be indispensable in the future.

However, he runs an arms store, so he does business with an open door, so he can't have just one customer.

Shen Yi feels that he should find ways to expand his business channels as soon as possible so that his arms store can get on the right track as soon as possible.

Thinking like this, Shen Yi couldn't help but start making formal plans.


What he sells or repairs and transforms are not ordinary things, and ordinary people will not buy them.

Therefore, apart from the military, his customer groups are basically foreign forces or military industrial companies.

Therefore, we have to target these people.

However, let alone coming to Yanjing, these targets would not even set foot in the Dragon Kingdom easily.

If you want to get in touch with them and do business with them, you still have to admit it.

Shen Yi thought of this and couldn't help but think about it more seriously.

If the mountain can't be overcome, he can go there, but he doesn't know any foreign forces, so how can he know if they are short of weapons?

Shen Yi couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. In his two lifetimes, he had never had contact with a foreign bigwig.

So, how to find customers?

Just when Shen Yi had no clue, an idea flashed through his mind.

If his memory is correct, he remembers that in his previous life, it seemed that there was a mercenary base called Heiluo abroad in the near future, and he once had a relationship with a military force called Blackwater.

Resource companies have had a military competition.

Both organizations are large-scale and powerful foreign forces in East Africa.

The two have been at odds with each other in recent years, with constant frictions of all sizes, often making the rounds of international news.

During the recent period, the relationship between the two forces has reached a freezing point, and the situation is very tense, almost to the point of being on the verge of breaking out.

Among them, Heiro Mercenary Base had unabashedly purchased various military equipment in large quantities before the competition began.

When Shen Yi thought about this, an idea suddenly came to his mind. Since he needed to buy weapons and equipment, where could he buy them? Instead of buying them, he could also buy them from him.

Although my own is a knockoff, it is definitely better than the genuine one!.

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