The Hongqi 9 Missile Vehicle Was Just Built And Was Rear-Ended By The School Beauty.

Chapter 70: Are All Means Of Transportation Missile Vehicles? Cliffhanger Boss!

The situation in East Africa has been very unstable in recent years, and with the rise of various underground forces, the situation of their Heiro mercenary organization is not optimistic.

That's why in the past few years, he has led the Heiro mercenaries to constantly deal with small organizations to expand their power.

After all, the current living environment is getting worse and worse. They can only survive if they continue to strengthen themselves and expand their power.

And this time they have to deal with the Blackwater Organization's long-time rival, Blackwater Military Resources Company~.

For many years, there have been constant frictions between them due to competition for territory and expansion of power.

The territory of East Africa is only so large, and as the living environment becomes worse and worse, there will naturally be fewer resources to plunder.

Not only do they want to become bigger and stronger, but also to survive, they must compete head-on with Blackwater.

The strength of both sides can be said to be evenly matched.

If they want to win, their Heiro organization must have enough advanced weapons.

It is a well-known fact that the two parties are at odds with each other, and the Heiro organization does not need to be secretive and directly openly purchase weapons and equipment.

So I'm not surprised that the outside world knows about this.

What surprised him was that a Longguo man named "Shanzhai Arms Shop" actually directly said on his social account that he wanted to sell weapons and equipment to him. It was really a long time since he had seen him.

This piece of information instantly aroused Moore's curiosity.

He really has to purchase as many large quantities of military weapons as possible now. Anyway, he is idle now, so why not let him explore the other party's details.

Moore smiled silently, tapped his fingers quickly on the phone screen, and replied to the other party's message.

At the same time, Shen Yi, who was sitting in a taxi on his way back to school, suddenly heard the phone ringing beside him.

After Shen Yi heard this, he picked up his phone to check.

Unexpectedly, it was Moore who replied to his message!

Shen Yi originally thought that he might have to wait for several days, or even die.

Now that the other party responded so quickly, it saved him from having to think of other ways to contact him.

Shen Yi opened the message and took a look.

[I do need a large number of weapons, but now I need to know who you are. How can you prove that you can provide me with the weapons I need?]

After Shen Yi saw it, he immediately replied to the other party.

[Who I am is not important. What is important is that I can provide you with the most advanced weapons, which you just need now. As for the proof...]

Shen Yi directly found the video about his missile vehicle from the Internet.

Although the video previously posted by Chen Meng's account has been forcibly removed, this video has now been circulated on the Internet.

Many netizens still have it, and you can still find it by searching online.

After Shen Yi found it, he intercepted it and sent it directly to Moore, along with the following words:

[Proof? I usually drive a missile vehicle, what more proof do I need!]

East Africa.

Two seconds later, Moore received a message from Shen Yi.

Clicking on the video, after seeing the content clearly, Moll's pupils shrank instantly and the expression on his face changed drastically.

In the video, it turned out to be a missile vehicle, and it seemed to be the most advanced Hongqi 9 in the Dragon Kingdom!

As the leader of a mercenary organization, Moore is very concerned about the research of military weapons in various countries in the world today.

Although I am not qualified to own Red Flag 9, it does not prevent me from liking and following it!

Therefore, he believed that he would not be wrong.

For a moment, Moore became even more suspicious of Gaifang's identity.

Who is the person opposite, who actually has Hongqi 9 in his hand?!

Moreover, looking like this, it doesn’t look like he is cheating. He drives a missile truck out on weekdays. This is too scary. What kind of person is he?

Definitely a boss!

Although Moir has experienced many storms, the current situation still makes him feel confused and shocked.

Moore was confused for a long time and quickly sent three consecutive questions to Shen Tu.

[This car in the video is Hongqi 9?]

【Is this really your car?】

【Is the video real?】

Soon after Moore's message was sent, Shen Guo's message was quickly replied.

[There is no trace of fraud in the video. If you don’t believe it, you can ask someone to verify it. 】

[But the ugly thing is ahead. My order needs to be queued for customization. If I place the order late, I will have to wait until next year. 】

The reason why Shen Yi said this was actually to deliberately frame More.

This allowed Moore to believe that his arms shop had a large number of customers, all of whom were vying for custom orders, and that he indeed had the ability to provide a large number of military weapons.

Moreover, he also knew that a struggle between the two sides was imminent, and he had to force More to make a decision as soon as possible.

Sure enough, after seeing Shen Yi's reply, Moore couldn't help but be horrified.

If you place an order late, you will have to wait until next year?

It seems that this company is indeed extraordinary.

Moore thought for a few seconds and immediately sent the video that Shen Yi had just sent to his subordinates.

Let them verify the authenticity of the video immediately.

Moore did not reply to Shen Yi. He sat quietly on the sofa with his mobile phone on the table and played the video of the missile vehicle in a loop.

Moore frowned slightly, waiting for the identification results of his men.

If it is false, the other party is simply a liar, and he can just block it.

After all, the other party is in the East, and it is impossible for him to cause trouble.

But if it’s true…………

Now their Heiro mercenary organization really needs a large number of military weapons.

What are the weapons used for? Naturally, they are for actual combat. If they are used for actual combat, the more advanced the weapons, the better!

If the other party can really provide the most advanced military equipment, then it will naturally be a good choice.

After waiting for a few minutes, a muscular man wearing a camouflage T-shirt knocked on the door and entered.


"Has the identification been completed?"

Moore turned to look at the other party and asked directly.

"We have authenticated the video you just sent."

"What's the result? Is it true?"

There was a hint of urgency in Moore's tone.

The subordinate nodded: "The video is real, there is no trace of post-processing, and there is no artificial mark.

"So, that person really has a missile vehicle, or a Hongqi 9!"

Moore was really not calm at this time. The missile vehicle was not an ordinary weapon.

Except for the military of various countries, only a few special forces possess them, and they are all of a relatively general kind.

If you want to own the most advanced missile vehicle, even one of the top powers like their Heiro Mercenary Base would not dare to think about it.

Now this netizen who suddenly appeared actually owns the legendary Hongqi 9. It seems that the other person is indeed no ordinary person.

Living in the East, I can own the most advanced Hongqi 9, and I dare to drive it on the road openly.

Does that mean that this person is powerful and powerful?

Then this person is so terrifying, he must be an extraordinary big shot.

But after thinking about it for a while, Moore couldn't think of any force in the world that could be so powerful.

Could it be that the other party is too low-key?

The real big names in the legend seem to be in the dark and have insight into everything.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the other party's identity was very terrifying, and at the same time he believed what Shen Yi had just said.

What are the conditions for a missile vehicle to be used as a means of transportation on daily basis?

Does that mean that the other party has more advanced and powerful weapons and equipment?

If the other party can sell it to him, then wouldn't they have full confidence in the battle with Heishui Company?

For a moment, Moll, who was deceived by Shen Yi, felt a little excited. He quickly replied to Shen Yi's message, and even his tone became much more polite.

[Sir, I am very happy to cooperate with you. May I ask, what weapons and equipment do you have for sale? 】

A moment later, Shen Yi's message was sent. After seeing the content of the message clearly, Moll's eyes widened in disbelief.

[Professional maintenance of nuclear submarines, reactors, nuclear warhead refurbishment, polishing and waxing. Recycle second-hand aircraft carriers, clean aircraft carrier oil tanks, and make various types of missiles. Surface maintenance and dust removal of space shuttles operating at high altitudes. Wholesale of J-10, J-15, F22 fighter jets all year round, with preferential treatment for large quantities, with invoices, mortgage support, three-year warranty, and aircraft rearview mirrors...】

Nuclear submarine?

Aircraft carrier?


Why the hell do you do wholesale?!

For a moment, Moll was stunned and completely stunned!

After a long time, Moore typed out a sentence with trembling fingers:

[Sir, don’t blame me for questioning, it’s really amazing. I would like to ask, is what you said true? Isn’t it false advertising?]

No matter how well-informed Mor is, he was shocked by Shen Yi's words and his scalp went numb!

Their Heiro mercenary organization has cooperated with many military industrial companies.

But no company has ever dared to say that it has such things as aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines, and it can even wholesale them!

This is too exaggerated!

Moore thought for a long time, but he still couldn't figure out why he had never heard of such a big shot if there really was such a big shot.

Just when Moore was confused, Congde received Shen Tu's reply.

[Does this need false advertising? Don’t question me just because you are short-sighted. 】

[In a word, whether to buy it or not, my schedule is very full!]

Shen Yi was a little tougher, the purpose was to force Moer, otherwise he would have spent a lot of time.

I have to say that Shen Yi's trick is very effective.

When Moore heard this, he suddenly became a little confused.

What do people call nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers?

Then I thought about it, missile vehicles are people's means of transportation when going out, so nuclear submarines are probably not as out of reach in people's eyes as they seem.

Moll suddenly became more convinced. In order to avoid missing out on such a big supplier, Moll finally had no choice but to grit his teeth and make a decision.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, give it a try first!

He replied quickly.

[Buy! I need to order large quantities of weapons and equipment now, the more advanced the better!]

·…asking for flowers·…

Not long after Moore sent this message, he received several pictures from Shen Yi.

Moll clicked it and took a look, and couldn't help being slightly startled.

Barrett? L115A3 sniper rifle? RPG rocket launcher?

These are the most top-notch and most advanced conventional weapons, and their lethality is extremely powerful.

The most important thing is that although Barrett and RPG rocket launchers are expensive, they can still be purchased through some channels.

But the L115A3 sniper rifle is said to be ranked No. 1 in the world today.

The sniper rifle is unique to John's country and is never sold to the outside world.

Let alone an armed organization, even the military of the Dragon Kingdom and the United States would not be able to purchase it.

But now this mysterious man actually has it in his hands, and it looks like it’s in stock!

Upon seeing this, Moore immediately placed the order without any hesitation.

[Just these three weapons, 50 of each are customized. 】

【Are there any other large-scale weapons for sale?】

After receiving More's order, Shen Yi suddenly smiled.

150 pieces of equipment is considered a big order for him now. It is not in vain that he took advantage of the gap in manufacturing tanks these days to make the three scanned weapons and equipment.

Samples are out.

Sure enough, the other party is more likely to believe his words after seeing the real thing.

Shen Yi made a rough estimate [The 99A tank currently in hand will be delivered to Li Yan in a few days.

This 150-piece order is urgent and should be ready in about ten days.

After all, the materials are all readily available, and the most important thing is that the technology is passable. They are all small items and are simple to manufacture.

So, Shen Yi quickly edited the reply on her mobile phone.

[No problem, the total is 20 million U.S. dollars. Pay half of the deposit first, and it will be delivered to your door after a month of sleep. 】

[Payment account number, Swiss bank: ****]

[Large-scale weapons need to be customized in advance, and the delivery time ranges from one to two months. Note: No free shipping. 】

After editing, Shen Yi sent it directly.

Shen Yi knew that the other party was in an emergency situation, and it was estimated that he would have reached his limit in half a month.

With such a large number of L115A3 sniper rifles, Barretts and RPG rockets in hand, it is enough to deal with Blackwater.

Moore didn't do any ink. He stood up and opened the computer next to him, and his fingers quickly operated on the keyboard.

Avoiding the international network supervision system and the supervision of the banking system, the deposit of US$10 million was successfully transferred to Shen Yi's Swiss account.

After successfully remitting the money, Moore breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

After all, in this way, he has enough weapons and equipment to defeat Blackwater Company.

As soon as this batch of equipment arrives, they can take the lead in launching an attack and directly wipe out Blackwater Company.

There is no longer a powerful opponent like Blackwater Military Resources.

Then in East Africa, Heiro will be able to annex and obtain more resources, and the future will be much easier than now.

Thinking of this, Moll instantly felt much more relaxed and directly ordered his men not to be too nervous and to let them have a good rest during this time.

Regarding this, his subordinates couldn't help but be puzzled.

"Chief, we are about to have a head-to-head confrontation with Blackwater Company. Haven't you been worried about this recently? How come you suddenly..."

Blackwater's strength is not weak, it can be said to be on par with them.

Nowadays, the relationship between the two sides is tense, almost to the point of igniting. Recently, the atmosphere in their Heiro organization has been tense, and they are all ready to fight at any time.

Now the leader actually wants them to rest?

Isn’t this strange?

Moore looked at the confused look on his men's faces, laughed loudly, and simply told him the matter, so that the people in the organization would not be too nervous.

"I have just contacted a big shot. He will provide us with a large number of the most advanced weapons and equipment."

"With this batch of weapons and equipment, it will be easy to deal with Blackwater."

"You tell the brothers below not to be too nervous, and take advantage of these few days to recuperate. Once the equipment arrives in half a month, we will directly attack the headquarters base of Blackwater Company!"

Moore was now imagining how he would wipe out Blackwater.

For so many years, Blackwater has been opposing him and robbing him of resources, and it was finally time for him to destroy them.

After listening to More's explanation, his subordinates immediately became attentive.

"I see, that's great. Chief, I will inform the brothers below to let them relax and recuperate in the past few days.'

Moore nodded with a smile and asked his men to do it quickly, the joy in his heart was beyond words.

"Haha, Blackwater Company, in half a month, it will be your death!"

Shen Yi, after successfully taking the order from Moore, was not in a hurry to start manufacturing.

Anyway, there is still half a month left, and things must be done on a first-come, first-served basis. Red Flag 9 must be arranged first, and now Li Yan’s tank must be sent to the military region.

Today, we must get rid of these two shipments.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be appropriate to hold it in your hand all the time, Ding!

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