The Hongqi 9 Missile Vehicle Was Just Built And Was Rear-Ended By The School Beauty.

Chapter 74 One-Hit Kill? This Is The Power After Modification!

Chapter 74 One-hit kill?

On the Hongqi 9 car, Su Qingyu patted her chest immediately after the car stopped, with an expression as if she was surviving the disaster.

"Scared me!"

Su Qingyu's face was pale. The car was moving like crazy and fast. She was sitting in the car and felt like she was about to be thrown out. Even now, her heartbeat was still so fast that she wanted to jump out.

Su Qingyu looked at the smoke-filled field in front of her, and her heart was filled with doubts.

Did you accidentally enter the exercise venue of Yanjing Military Region?

Otherwise, why would we suddenly be attacked?

But even so, how could this missile vehicle suddenly move on its own?

Su Qingyu was shocked and confused now, not knowing what to do next.

At this moment, she suddenly heard the mechanical sound ringing in the car again.

"The intelligent system has been activated. Enemy missiles have been detected and intercepted!"

As this sound fell, there was another sound from behind the missile vehicle.

Immediately after a "boom" sound, a missile shot out from the launch track in an instant. The flames at the tail were dazzling and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Su Qingyu frowned and murmured to herself: "Enemy missile? Intercept? Launch an attack? What on earth is going on?"

Su Qingyu was completely confused, but then a strange picture appeared on the electronic screen in the car. It was the trajectory of the opponent's missile and the interception process.

Just now, the Rocket Force of the Wucheng Military Region implemented all-round fire coverage in their area.

Under large-scale bombing, any air defense system is unlikely to be effective.

But now the all-round firepower coverage of the Wucheng Military Region is coming to an end, and the firepower points are no longer dense.

Under the control of the intelligent system, Shen Yi's Hongqi 9 detected the opponent's missile and started to intercept it again after leaving the fire coverage.

The result this time is the same as last time, relying on the extremely precise calculation of the intelligent system and the powerful launch power.

Hongqi 9 successfully intercepted and shot down the opponent's missile.

At this point, the Wucheng Military Region's all-round fire cover has ended. After all, their firepower can no longer support such a firepower-consuming covered missile launch.

At this moment, Shen Yi's Hongqi 9 stopped intercepting and officially launched a counterattack.

In an instant, the missiles hanging on Hongqi 9 were pushed into the missile launch track one after another.

Under the control of the powerful and advanced intelligent system, no one needs to give instructions at all, it can directly lock the opponent's rear and quickly aim and launch.

Several exercise missiles flew one after another towards the rear 530 of Wucheng Military Region.

This scene all fell on the side of the Jiangbei Province Rocket Force.

Captain Yu and all his team members were stunned.

At first, they did not expect that the Hongqi 9 could rely on its own mobility to successfully retreat and avoid such dense fire coverage.

Secondly, no one expected that the Hongqi 9 could launch a counterattack so quickly, and that the radar calculation and missile launch speed were so fast.

Seeing several missiles flying out in just a few seconds, the driver of Captain Yu's missile vehicle couldn't help but ask.

"Captain, is Hongqi 9's performance so powerful? Or is the opponent's operator too skilled?"

Captain Yu looked blankly at Hong Qi 9 diagonally behind him, his heart filled with doubts.

Logically speaking, even Hongqi 9 cannot have such powerful performance.

Moreover, wasn't there a young female soldier in the car? How could she be able to operate a missile vehicle by herself?

Captain Yu stared at the rear diagonally inquiringly, his heart filled with doubts and shock!

At the same time, in the exercise venue of Wucheng Military Region.

"The last round of all-round firepower coverage is completed. Now, the Jiangbei Province Rocket Force will definitely be wiped out."

The driver of a missile vehicle in the Wucheng Military Region expressed confidence.

They all know how much the Jiangbei Province Rocket Force has. The missile that was successfully intercepted by the opponent just now was just a fluke in their opinion.

Now that they have deployed all-round firepower coverage, it is impossible for the Jiangbei Province Rocket Force to have any chance of recruiting slack.

However, just when they thought they were confident, the monitoring instrument in front of them suddenly turned on a red light and sounded an alarm.


"Not good, we detected a missile attack from the other side!"

"What? How is that possible?"

The captain of the Wucheng Rocket Force was stunned for a moment, but the electronic screen in front of him did clearly show that a missile was attacking them from the Jiangbei Province Rocket Force's site.

The captain didn't have time to think too much, and immediately ordered in a deep voice: "Quick, start the mid-section interception immediately!"

At present, the opponent's missile has been launched, and it is now shown to be only ten kilometers away from them. It is simply impossible to intercept it during the boost phase.

Only mid-course interception can be implemented. Although mid-course interception is more difficult and extremely tests the maneuverability of the interceptor missile, it is also the method with the highest interception rate.

The Wucheng Rocket Force did not dare to delay at all and immediately launched interceptors based on the detected opponent's missile trajectory (bdc Qitian section interception.

Although the Wucheng Rocket Force did not understand how the Jiangbei Rocket Force could still launch a counterattack in the face of their full fire coverage mode.

However, they did not panic too much, thinking that the other party was just making a desperate attempt to counterattack in the end.

Moreover, they had intercepted the opponent's missiles very easily just now, and it was the same this time.

The captain of the Wucheng Rocket Force believed that he was fully confident that he could successfully intercept it.

But in the next second, the team members on the side suddenly shouted: "Oh no, our mid-stage interception failed, and the opponent's missile is already approaching us!"

"What's going on? How could the interception fail?"

The captain of the Wucheng Rocket Force's eyes widened in disbelief, and his mind went blank for a second.

But he immediately reacted and ordered: "Quick, start the terminal interception immediately!"


The rest of the Rocket Force were stunned for a moment, and then immediately launched a terminal Phalanx formation to intercept as their captain said.

Phalanx is a short-range anti-missile system that pours a large amount of ammunition in the direction of the missile under computer control. It is also the Rocket Force's last barrier against incoming missiles.

However, because the distance is too close, using this method to intercept will also cause damage to their missile vehicles.

But now the opponent's missile has reached their sky, and if they cannot intercept it, their losses will only be greater.

Therefore, the Wucheng Rocket Force could only minimize their damage as much as possible.

In an instant, several gun mounts were activated instantly, and a large amount of ammunition was sprayed densely in the direction of the opponent's missile.

Raging flames continued to spray out from the barrel, rushing towards the incoming missiles in all directions like a siege.

Because of the failure of the interception in the middle, the Wucheng Rocket Force was paying close attention to the intensive interception.

However, most of them are very confident in their hearts. After all, few missiles can escape the all-round interception of the Phalanx.

However, in the next moment, a scene that made everyone unbelievable happened.

The electronic detection screen showed that the incoming missile actually made a maneuvering change at the end, avoiding the Phalanx encirclement and rushing straight towards the two missile vehicles on the far left.

And it was completely impossible for them to turn the muzzle of the gun to intercept it at this moment.

The next moment, there was a "boom", accompanied by this deafening muffled sound, and the incoming missile instantly hit their two missile vehicles.

Although it was a missile exercise and would not cause casualties, such a precise strike instantly caused the two missile vehicles to be scrapped.

"Damn it! How could this happen!"

The Rocket Forces of the Wucheng Military District were all stunned. They did not expect that they would not be able to intercept the opponent's missiles even though they had to inflict 800 losses on themselves.

It was obvious that the Jiangbei Rocket Force's missiles had been easily intercepted just now, but how could it take just a moment to...

The Rocket Army captain looked at the scrapped missile vehicle next to him in disbelief, his eyes filled with shock.

Then, the next alarm came one after another, leaving him no time to think.

The electronic monitoring panel showed that the other party launched three missiles towards them again.

After the lesson just learned, the captain of the Rocket Army directly chose to evacuate.

"Quick, evacuate immediately!"

Just now, the mid-stage interception and Phalanx interception failed frequently, causing them to scrap two missile vehicles.

Now, he really can't take this risk.

The remaining four missile vehicles immediately began to evacuate quickly. However, the opponent's missiles were coming fiercely. These missiles were faster than the previous missiles, but they had already reached the sky above them in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, two of them were fired with great accuracy at the missile vehicle that was preparing to evacuate!

The other shot directly towards their rear.



Several missiles accurately hit the target, and the explosive sound like piercing clouds and cracking rocks instantly resounded throughout the entire exercise venue.

The shock wave of the explosion splashed countless sand and rocks, which mixed with the billowing smoke.

The Wucheng Rocket Force's training ground instantly became extremely chaotic.

At this time, all missile vehicles in the Wucheng Military Region were destroyed, unable to start, and lost all functions.

At this point, the Rocket Force of the Wucheng Military Region was completely wiped out.

After a long time, the thick smoke and dust on the site gradually dissipated, but the air was still filled with the strong smell of gunpowder smoke.

The captain of the Wucheng Rocket Force sitting on the missile vehicle looked straight ahead, with a very complicated expression on his face.

"Team, captain, me, are we being destroyed by the team?"

The driver on the side looked at the completely malfunctioning control panel and asked in disbelief.

Turning to look at their captain, he realized that the other person's eyes were as full of shock and disbelief as his.

"How is it possible, how could we lose to Jiangbei's Rocket Army!"

After several seconds, the captain of the Wucheng Rocket Force came back to his senses, his face turned ashen.

There have been many confrontation exercises and competitions between the Rocket Forces in their various regions.

The Jiangbei Province Rocket Force has always been at the bottom, and it can even be said that they are often pushed underground and rubbed against them.

Therefore, this time they could not believe that they would lose to each other, and they would lose so miserably.

But things have happened, and it has become an indisputable fact that the Rocket Force of the Wucheng Military Region was completely annihilated.

Not only that, Shen Yi's Hongqi 9 missile vehicle automatically locked onto the Wucheng Rocket Force's exercise venue.

It even directly locked onto and hit the rear of the Wucheng Military Region.

Originally, the commander of the rear command room of the Wucheng Military Region, after issuing the order for all-round fire coverage, waited with peace of mind.

Waiting for the results.

He believes that with all-round firepower coverage, the opponent will undoubtedly lose.

However, just when he thought he had a chance to win, he suffered a counterattack from the opponent.

Even the mid-section interception and the terminal Phalanx interception failed, which made the commander of the Wucheng Military Region, who had experienced hundreds of battles, panic a little.

After seeing their two missile vehicles being hit and disabled, the commander of the Wucheng Military Region immediately realized that the situation was not good.

Sure enough, the other side had a back-up plan and launched three missiles at them again.

Fortunately, the Rocket Army captain responded quickly and immediately ordered the remaining missile vehicles to evacuate.

The commander felt a little relieved. The Jiangbei Rocket Force's strength this time really surprised them, but as long as they could avoid it for the time being, they could still make long-term plans.

However, in the next moment, his inner plan suddenly came to nothing.

However, in an instant, the opponent's missile had already shot into the sky above their exercise venue, more than twice as fast as the missile launched before.

But this time, the commander of the Wucheng Military Region and everyone in the command room had no time to confirm whether their rocket force had been hit.

Because, they have determined another even more terrifying thing, that is, this time, their entire rear area was hit!

When they saw the three missiles coming rapidly through the electronic images, they suddenly discovered that one of them seemed to be facing them directly.

After realizing this phenomenon, the people in the command room were instantly shocked.

But the missiles flew so fast that they didn't even have time to react.

Only a loud "boom" was heard, the ground trembled faintly, and the entire command room trembled instantly.

The huge roar caused everyone in the command room to have a ringing in their ears. Coupled with the violent shaking, everyone immediately supported the objects around them and stabilized their bodies.

At the same time, at this moment, all the electronic instruments and facilities in the command room failed, and the electronic screen suddenly went dark.

As the shaking gradually subsided, everyone in the dark room slowly came to their senses.

Looking at all the malfunctioning equipment, and recalling the attack they had just suffered, one of them asked in a hoarse voice.

"We, our rear area was hit by the opponent's missile?"

After this person's voice fell, the command room suddenly fell into a deathly silence, and the air pressure dropped to the extreme.

After a long time, the commander of the Wucheng Military Region was the first to come to his senses and uttered a sentence with a livid face.

"Yes, our Wucheng Military Region has been eliminated!"

The people in the command room suddenly looked at each other, their faces all very ugly, and they couldn't even accept this fact for a while.

After all, the Wucheng Military Region has always been ranked among the top in the entire Eastern Military Region.

But this time, he was the first to be eliminated!

What does this mean? It means that they are the last one and the worst one in this military exercise. How can they accept this?

At this time, not only their Wucheng Military Region could not accept this fact, but the other military regions participating in the exercise were also very shocked.

Among them, the people from the Yanjing Military Region were the most shocked!

As for why?

Because they were the ones who eliminated the Wucheng Military Region!

"This is too sudden..."

"What's going on?"

"Does the Jiangbei Rocket Force have some trump cards? Why are they so fierce all of a sudden?"

At this time, in the temporary command room of the Yanjing Military Region, dozens of kilometers away.

After learning that the Wucheng Military District was eliminated by missiles launched by our own Rocket Force, everyone was stunned.

They all know that there is a huge difference between the strength of the Jiangbei Province Rocket Force and the Wucheng Military Region Rocket Force.

Now, the Rocket Army suddenly defeated Wucheng's Rocket Army and directly destroyed the opponent's rear area, knocking out the entire Wucheng Military District with one hit!

Who can believe this?

It's no wonder that the Yanjing Military Region looked down upon the Jiangbei Rocket Force, because even the person in charge of the Jiangbei Rocket Force who was present couldn't believe it.

Because he knew very well how different the strength of their Jiangbei Rocket Force was from that of the Wucheng Rocket Force.

In the previous confrontation exercises between their Rocket Forces, they were beaten in various ways by the Wucheng Rocket Force, and they even had no history of fighting back.

Now, he actually defeated the opponent with all-round firepower coverage!

It is too unbelievable to eliminate their entire military region's exercise troops from the competition!

What the hell is going on on the fucking front lines?!

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