The Hongqi 9 Missile Vehicle Was Just Built And Was Rear-Ended By The School Beauty.

Chapter 7: I Must Have Made This Myself! (New Book Asking For Data!)

Chapter 7: I must have made this myself!

"How much? Three million?"

Hearing Shen Yi's answer, a group of traffic policemen looked stunned, obviously shocked.

"Aren't you trying to make porcelain?"

Wu Rui frowned slightly and glared at Shen Yi, seemingly even more speechless than him.

He has been a traffic policeman for more than ten years.

I have dealt with many accidents, large and small, but this is the first time I have encountered such an outrageous one.

A large truck was rear-ended, and they asked for compensation for three million?

"Did you hear that? The policeman said you were cheating!"

At this time, Chen Meng sneered coldly and continued the live broadcast with his mobile phone.

Shen Yi was too lazy to talk to her at this time.

He just pointed at his car behind him and said to several serious-looking traffic policemen.

"Comrade Traffic Police, to be honest, my car is not an ordinary car, but a Red Qijiu, medium and long-range air defense and missile carrier vehicle."

“The materials used are extraordinary.”

"Although the damaged parts are not large, some precision equipment has been damaged to a certain extent. If it is repaired, it will cost at least three million."

"To tell the truth, no one can be deceived!"

Traffic police team: "..."

Everyone in the traffic police team looked confused.

It’s really outrageous that you’re fucking driving for outrageous people, it’s outrageous to the extreme!

Do young people today dare to brag so much?

How dare you say that you are driving an anti-aircraft missile carrier?

Why don't you say you'll drive a spaceship and hit the road?

"Little brother, are you kidding us?"

"Missile carrier? Do you know what a missile carrier is!"

Wu Rui looked at Shen Yi dumbfounded, and even wanted to test him to see if he was driving drunk. Did he drink too much?

Otherwise, how dare you brag such nonsense?

The traffic policeman also looked disbelieving. Shen Yi was particularly helpless and could only reply:

"My own car, of course I know."

Wu Rui asked again in a deep voice:

"Then do you know that missile carriers can only be driven by the Rocket Force?"

"It's impossible for ordinary people to drive this kind of car on the road!"

Wu Rui's tone was a bit speechless, but also a bit serious and warning.

Shen Yi explained unhurriedly: "I know that I built this car myself, so I drove it on the road."

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, Chen Meng on the side said sarcastically.

"Haha, you built your own car?"

"Why didn't you say that you built this road?"

"Let's make a draft of the lie anyway, you..."

Seeing that Chen Meng was going too far, Su Qingyu quickly stopped her.

"Okay, Xiao Meng, stop talking."

Seeing this, Chen Meng snorted before giving up.

At this time, Sun Bo, the insurance company manager who had been observing the situation, suddenly spoke.

"Little brother, the traffic police is here now."

"As a result, you heard it, and even the traffic police comrades didn't think you were a missile vehicle."

"If you continue to believe that this is a missile vehicle, you will demand a compensation of three million."

"Then our insurance company will not pay the claim. In fact, we can only go through the judicial process."

It's just a truck. If it's touched, it will cost three million more.

It’s like a blatant fight!

Normally, even if they encounter such a huge claim, their company would try to reduce the amount of the claim as much as possible.

What's more, the other party is deliberately trying to get into trouble, so naturally they won't even pay attention to it.

The worst case scenario is to file a lawsuit!

At this time, Chen Meng's live broadcast is still continuing.

After hearing the conversation between the traffic police and the insurance company, Shen Yi.

The barrage in the live broadcast room instantly became more lively.

Almost all of them are blaming.

"Now the traffic police uncles say this is not a missile vehicle. It can be seen that the other party is deliberately trying to cheat."

"Haha, since it's a case of porcelain, there is no need for the insurance company to pay the claim."

"You must be crazy about money. You are really embarrassing Yanjing!"

"Seeing that someone is driving a luxury car, just take advantage of it and start talking. This person is quite disgusting."

"Young lady, it's really unlucky to meet such a person when you go out!"

"What nonsense are you talking to this kind of person? Why don't you just ask the traffic police to take him away?"

"Yes, if you deliberately blackmail someone, you should be arrested and educated."

All the netizens in the live broadcast room were angrily criticizing Shen Yi, and all kinds of unpleasant remarks filled the barrage in the live broadcast room.

At the same time, there were more and more onlookers around.

It has even begun to impede normal traffic conditions.

Wu Rui saw that Shen Yi was getting more and more outrageous, and he expected that the matter might not be solved so easily.

So, he said directly to several team members.

"You guys, take photos and record the scene and traces."

"Both vehicles were then towed back to the traffic police team."

Then, he turned to look at Shen Yi and Su Qingyu and said.

"You guys, please come back to the traffic police station with us."

"At that time, we will analyze the detailed situation carefully and don't affect traffic here."

The person in charge of the traffic police team has spoken.

Shen Yi and Su Qingyu naturally cannot object.

So, several people followed Wu Rui and others back to the traffic police team to continue handling the matter.

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