The Hongqi 9 Missile Vehicle Was Just Built And Was Rear-Ended By The School Beauty.

Chapter 80: Traces Of Terror On The Scene, What Kind Of Power Is This? !

"Is this really a missile vehicle? Can a missile vehicle also drift? You're kidding me!"

"No, who's missile vehicle can do this? This is incredible!"

"Go on, it's really amazing. Are you sure this is Hongqi 9? I haven't seen any Hongqi 9 in our military region that can operate like this!"

"I have never seen a missile vehicle that can operate so well. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it."

The leaders of several military regions in the command room finally recovered from the shock and couldn't help but sigh -.

Those present here are the heads of various military regions. Even if several military regions do not have rocket forces, as military region leaders, they also know very well about missile vehicles.

And it is precisely because of this understanding that I understand how impossible the operations in the video are for a missile vehicle.

Although the performance of the missile car is top-notch in all aspects, its size, weight and design do not support its ability to drift and flick like a racing car or sports car.

But the Hongqi 9 in the video did it all, and all the movements were smooth and smooth without any panic or pause.

It was so bizarre and incredible that everyone present was dumbfounded.

However, the next scene once again made everyone's eyes widen.

I saw that the Hongqi 9 evaded all the fire bombings flexibly and quickly, and finally successfully evacuated to a safe area.

I thought that the matter should be over here, but unexpectedly, in the next second, the launcher of the Hongqi 9 suddenly rose, and then, several missiles were launched at an extremely fast speed.

The Wucheng Rocket Force immediately sounded an air defense alarm and quickly launched an interception.

However, the mid-section interception failed. Yes, the mid-section interception with the highest success rate among the three interceptions failed.

Obviously, the Wucheng Rocket Force was also deeply surprised, so it immediately adopted a Phalanx interception that would damage its own missile vehicles.

But I never expected that the missile launched by the Hongqi 9 actually made a terminal change, directly avoiding the attack range of the Phalanx, and instantly shot at the two missile vehicles on the edge.

Those two missile vehicles were directly scrapped!

Several other missiles that followed also avoided their air defense interception without exception.

Two missiles were fired directly at the remaining missile vehicles, and the entire Shiwucheng Rocket Force was wiped out.

The last one directly destroyed the rear area of ​​the Wucheng Military Region, eliminating them in one fell swoop.

Seeing this, everyone present understood what the entanglement was about, and their expressions changed greatly, and their eyes were full of shock.

For a moment, there was a strange silence in the command room, and everyone was shocked and could not recover for a long time.

After a long time, Captain Yu of the Jiangbei Rocket Force couldn't help but said: "Chief of Staff Cheng, commanders, after watching the surveillance video, you should know that I was really not talking nonsense just now!"

After hearing Captain Yu's words, everyone came back to their senses.

Chief of Staff Cheng took a deep breath, his face still looking shocked.

"This Hongqi 9 is truly extraordinary. This operation is truly unprecedented and unheard of!"

He has also participated in many Rocket Force exercises, and he has also seen Hongqi 9's exercises and operations.

But I have never seen Hongqi 9 able to operate like this. Today I have learned a lot.

The heads of the other military regions also nodded one after another and were amazed.

"Oh my God, is that really a Hongqi 9 in the video? Not to mention the crazy maneuvers, the missiles launched in the mid-stage and Phalanx interception can't be intercepted, and they can also perform terminal derailment. This, this is too outrageous Come on!"

"The Rocket Force in our military region also has Hongqi 9, but it is simply incomparable to the one in the video!"

"It's really amazing, but then again, where did this Hongqi 9 come from?"

"Yes, didn't Lao Gao say that this Hongqi 9 was not seconded by them? Which military region does it belong to?"

Everyone couldn't help but start to wonder. Missile vehicles are only owned by the Rocket Army. Since this vehicle was not seconded from the Yanjing Military Region, it must have a provenance!

After hearing this, Chief of Staff Cheng couldn't help but turn his head and look at Gao Longshan: "Commander Gao, is this missile vehicle really not seconded from your Yanjing Military Region?"

Gao Longshan was still in a state of confusion at the moment. The operation of the Hongqi 9 in the video was really incredible. He only came back to his senses when he heard Mu's voice.

"Chief of Staff Cheng, I can guarantee that this Hongqi 9 was not seconded by us."

Although in appearance, this Hongqi 9 is indeed similar to the one owned by Shen Yi, there is no way this car will appear in their military area now.

Gao Longshan directly rejected this possibility.

"That's weird!"

Cheng Yan sighed, frowned and pondered for a while, and then immediately ordered one of his soldiers: "Go find that Hongqi 9 and bring the people inside to inquire about its origins."

Since the people in the car claimed to be from the Yanjing Military Region, they were called over for a thorough questioning.

After hearing this, the soldiers under his command immediately took orders and went to look for the Hongqi 9.

"Now, let's take a look at the video of the tank drill."

Then, Cheng Yan ordered people to start playing the video of the confrontation exercise between Yanjing and the tank troops of the Chizhou Military Region.

In the video of the exercise, the battle between the two tank teams was in full swing and very intense.

But later, the team from the Yanjing Military Region gradually fell behind, and was even chased and beaten at one point, without even the strength to fight back.

When Gao Longshan saw this scene, he clenched his fists with a solemn expression, as if he did not expect that their troops would be beaten so brutally.

At the same time, the doubts in my heart are even worse. According to the situation in the current video, they are basically bound to lose, so how did they turn defeat into victory later?

Not long after, the images in the video answered Gao Longshan’s doubts.


I saw in the video that just when the Yanjing Military Region was about to be defeated, suddenly, two artillery shells were fired rapidly from a distance.

However, due to the monitoring angle, it is not possible to see where the shells were fired.

All that could be seen was that the two shells suddenly appeared on the screen, and then they shot rapidly towards Chizhou's tank troops and the hill near the rear command room.

However, in the blink of an eye, the tank troops of the Chizhou Military Region were instantly destroyed, and the top of the mountain was blown away in an instant and was directly razed to the ground.

Even though they had just heard what Commander Han from the Chizhou Military Region had said, everyone was still shocked after seeing the situation with their own eyes.

Everyone looked at the picture on the big screen in amazement, and the shock in their hearts was evident.

No wonder the Chizhou Military Region wants to report the Yanjing Military Region for illegal use of missiles.

Look at this power, look at this crater, look at this speed, how can ordinary tank shells have such power? Apart from strategic missiles, what other weapons can do it!

"Commander Gao, now that I've seen the surveillance video, what else do you have to say? Apart from the missile being so powerful, what else can it be?"

"In the tank confrontation exercise, you used missiles. This is not an illegal operation or a foul!"

Commander Han of the Chizhou Military Region immediately asked Gao Longshan.

After hearing this, Gao Longshan immediately retorted: "Yes, judging from the situation in the video, it is true that only missiles can achieve such power. However, the video does not show that it was launched by our Yanjing Military Region. It is still difficult to draw conclusions now. It’s too early!”

"Why is it too early? This is a battle between our two military regions. Besides your Yanjing Military Region, who would attack us secretly?"

"The regulations on tank combat drills clearly stipulate that during the drills between the two armies, other military regions cannot intervene, and unexpected attack methods that exceed the scale of tank operations are not allowed, especially missile attacks, so as not to undermine the fairness of the tank drills!"

"The rules and regulations of the exercise are so clearly written, they definitely belong to you, the King of Yanjing Military Region!"

Han Juncong determined that the Yanjing Military Region must have taken advantage of the host to launch missiles in the blind spot of the video and defeated their Chizhou Military Region at the critical moment.

Cheng Yan and the heads of other military regions also felt that what Han Juncong said was reasonable and couldn't help but nod in agreement.

In response to this, Gao Longshan suddenly became confused and was really speechless!

"Lao Gao, the evidence is here, just admit it!"

"That's right, everyone makes mistakes sometimes, but if you dare to do it but dare not admit it, it will be even more sinful!"

The heads of the Wucheng Military Region and several other military regions looked at Gao Longshan's refusal to admit it and quickly persuaded him.

I know that their Yanjing Military Region is eager to win, but they can't cheat openly.

It would be better to admit it earlier, so that the two military regions might be able to continue their exercises. Even the old boy Gao Longshan is really damaging.

Seeing that everyone present had concluded that Yanjing Military Region was cheating, Gao Longshan quickly explained to Cheng Yan.

"Chief of Staff Cheng, our Yanjing Military Region really did not operate illegally. That missile was really not launched by us. We have known each other for so many years. You should know what I am like. I will never do such a despicable thing."

"Yes, Chief of Staff Cheng, I can guarantee that there will never be any cheating in our Yanjing Military Region!"

Li Yan also quickly assured in a serious tone that although he didn't know who launched those two missiles, the only thing he could be sure of was that they were definitely not launched by the Yanjing Military Region.

Cheng Yan and Gao Longshan have known each other for many years, and he still trusts Gao Longshan's character.

Now that I heard his assurance, I naturally felt that it was impossible.

But the key point is that the video now shows that it was indeed when their Yanjing Military Region was about to lose that two artillery shells were fired from the blind spot of the surveillance area, which helped them turn defeat into victory.

Now during the joint military exercises, everyone is fighting independently, and it is definitely impossible for other military regions to take action.

Moreover, the Yanjing Military Region is the host this time. No one except them should know where the blind spot is.

All signs point to the Yanjing Military Region. This...

Chief of Staff Cheng pondered for a moment, and finally said in a deep voice: "Through exercise monitoring and various signs, it is indeed possible that the Yanjing Military Region's illegal operations are quite possible.

"But since Commander Gao said so, and it's true that we can't see who fired those two shells in the video, we can't easily accuse him unjustly."


"Well, let's go to the venue where the two parties just conducted the tank exercise for an on-site inspection. The joint military exercise is of great importance. We must not easily wrong any military region, and we will never allow any participating military region to suffer any unfair treatment. treatment."

Hearing what Chief of Staff Cheng said, everyone present naturally had no objections. After all, what Cheng Yan said was indeed reasonable.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the command room immediately dispatched to the place where Yanjing had just conducted a confrontation exercise with the tank team of the Chizhou Military Region.


The venue was not far from the command room of the Yanjing Military Region, but within ten minutes, the group arrived successfully.

Along the way, Gao Longshan was thinking about how to prove the innocence of their Yanjing Military Region.

After all, how could something that was unreasonable be blamed on them!

But after arriving at the venue and seeing the situation at the scene, Gao Longshan was instantly shocked and couldn't say a word.

Not only him, but everyone present widened their eyes and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Although they had just seen the entire process in the exercise surveillance, they also knew that the hilltop where the Chizhou Military Region command room was stationed was gone.

But what I saw through the video was far less shocking than what I saw in person at the scene.

The venue for the tank confrontation exercise was in a mess, especially the tank team of the Chizhou Military Region. All of them were scrapped and were almost thrown into the mud.

The hill at the rear that protruded dozens of meters from the ground no longer existed, leaving only a crater with a radius of almost two thousand meters!

You know, that hill was originally used as a shooting range for tank testing. There were more than a dozen shooting ranges installed, and hundreds of tanks had experienced shell shooting experiments.

Moreover, judging from the video, one artillery shell was fired at the tank team of the Chizhou Military Region, and one shot at the hill.

In other words, hundreds of tanks were completely destroyed by a single artillery shell on a hill where they could fire thousands of times with no problem.

It is said that these are ordinary artillery shells used by tanks. Can anyone believe this!

Commander Han of the Chizhou Military Region stood up directly and said: "Chief of Staff Cheng, you have also seen the situation on the scene. One artillery shell destroyed our entire tank team, and another artillery shell hit the ground directly.

One hill after another was blown up.

"In addition to missiles, what other conventional weapons can do this?"

As he said that, Han Juncong glanced at Gao Longshan who was silent on the side unhappily: "If our Chizhou Military Region hadn't responded quickly at that time, I'm afraid we would have been buried together with the command room.

In the soil!”

After hearing what Han Juncong said and looking at the tragic situation at the scene, the leaders of the other military regions couldn't help but nod in agreement.

"Commander Han is indeed right. According to the situation on the scene, only missiles can do it, and they are not ordinary missiles. They must be strategic missiles to have such power.

"Yeah, let alone a dozen tanks on site, even a hundred tanks probably wouldn't have this effect."

"At this point, it is almost certain that an unexpected strike method beyond the scale of tank combat was used."

"Yes, and when the two parties are fighting, other military regions cannot intervene. Since these two missiles helped the Yanjing Military Region win, they should have been launched by the Yanjing Military Region and did not escape, right?"

It can’t be that the Chizhou Military Region blows itself up!"

People present were talking a lot. In short, after coming to the scene and looking at the specific situation, they were all more convinced that the Yanjing Military Region had used strategic missiles in violation of regulations.

In this regard, Gao Longshan said that he was really wronged.

"Chief of Staff Cheng, those two missiles were indeed not launched by our Yanjing Military Region, and if they were really missiles, the Chizhou Military Region would definitely have received an air defense warning. We

If you really do that, wouldn’t you be giving the Chizhou Military Region a handle?”

Gao Longshan quickly argued that since it was a missile, the other party's detection system would definitely give an early warning, but the Chizhou Military Region did not mention this just now [so it means no air defense warning was received.

In this case, it must not be a missile.

Although he also found it strange that ordinary artillery shells could cause such great power, the Yanjing Military Region was indeed wronged!

"Hmph, who knows what tricks your Yanjing Military Region used, maybe it avoided our detection system. Now that the evidence is conclusive, how can you still make excuses!"

Han Juncong didn't believe what Gao Longshan said at all, and now he felt like he was going to die when he thought about the scene of being bombed.

If you can't defeat it, you can't defeat it. Why do you need these means!


Gao Longshan was about to say something more, but was interrupted by Cheng Yan.

"Okay, don't say any more."

Cheng Yan paused, then turned to look at Gao Longshan: "Commander Gao, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just that all the evidence now points to your Yanjing Military Region's illegal use of missiles, and besides you

There is no substantive evidence beyond words. "

"Then we can only judge that your Yanjing Military Region violated the rules."

After Cheng Yan's words fell, the faces of the officers in Gaolongshan and Yanjing Military Region instantly turned pale. .

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