"Report! Chief of Staff Cheng, the Hongqi 9 in the exercise video has arrived.

"The people inside have also been brought over."

The rocket troops who drove the missile vehicles strode to Cheng Yan to report.

Just now, Cheng Yan sent someone to drive over the Hongqi 9 that was said to be seconded from the Yanjing Military Region in the exercise surveillance, and the people in the car also brought questions.

When they arrived, they discovered that there was a young female soldier in the car, who looked to be less than twenty years old.

At that time, they found it strange. Logically speaking, a missile vehicle requires at least several people to operate it together before it can operate.

Moreover, they also watched the video of the exercise at that time, but they didn't believe that that magical operation was done by a weak-looking little girl.

Later, upon inquiry, it was discovered that this little girl did not know how to drive a missile vehicle at all, and was not even a female soldier from the Yanjing Military Region, but just a student from Yanjing University undergoing military training here.

At that time, several of them were shocked and had no idea what was going on.

Fortunately, they were all members of the Rocket Force and could drive missile vehicles. In the end, they had no choice but to take someone to drive the missile vehicle to Chief of Staff Cheng and his companions, so that Chief of Staff Cheng could question them personally.

However, judging from the current situation, it seems that there is no need to ask any more questions.

Cheng Yan and the heads of other military regions also heard what Su Qingyu just said to Shen Yi.

Everyone understood that this Hongqi 9 belonged to the young man in front of them.

For a moment, I was even more shocked.

They all looked at Shen Yi, their eyes full of surprise and inquiry.

Gao Longshan was the most shocked among them. He was stunned for a moment, his eyes were staring at Shen Yi, his lips were opening and closing, but he couldn't say a word.

I have seen Shen Yi's missile vehicle before. Gao Longshan thought it looked like it in the video, but I couldn't be sure without seeing the real thing.

Now that he had seen it, coupled with Su Qingyu's words, he realized that he was really right at that time. This missile vehicle was indeed Shen Yi's.

"Shen Yi, has your missile vehicle been repaired?"

It took Gao Longshan a long time to recover from the shock, looked at Shen Yi and asked, but in fact he already had the answer in his heart.

After hearing this, Shen Yi nodded naturally: "Of course, how about I test it again and show it to you?"

"No, no, no, no need."

Gao Longshan waved his hand quickly. He had seen the performance of this missile vehicle during the confrontation exercise just now.

Not only has it been repaired, but its power and performance are not even comparable to those of ordinary Hongqi 9.

That is to say, as he said before, this missile vehicle was made and modified by him himself!

Otherwise, he would not be able to repair the missile vehicle by himself.

In an instant, Gao Longshan also understood that not only this Hongqi 9, but also the tank in front of him was probably modified by Shen Yi himself.

He really didn't lie!

"Commander Gao, what is going on? This Hongqi 9 also belongs to Shen Yi, and what do you mean when you just said it has been repaired?"

Chief of Staff Cheng looked at Gao Longshan and asked with a confused tone.

Gao Longshan quickly told Cheng Yan and others the ins and outs of the incident.

After hearing the ins and outs of the matter, the expressions of everyone present instantly changed, and their originally surprised gazes became even more shocked. Their widened eyes looked at Shen Yi unblinking as if frozen.

After a long time, Chief of Staff Cheng was the first to come to his senses and said with a trembling tone.

"So, now it turns out that this missile vehicle was indeed made by Shen Yi himself?"

"Since he has repaired it himself, it should be like this."

Gao Longshan also knew that it was theoretically a fantasy for a young man of eighteen or nineteen to build and modify a missile vehicle on his own.

But now the facts are before our eyes, no matter how unbelievable it is, it is an indisputable fact.

"So, not only was this tank modified by Shen Yi, but this missile vehicle was also manufactured by Shen Yi himself?"

Commander Han of the Chizhou Military Region asked Gao Longshan in surprise, but his eyes remained locked on Shen Yi.

Gao Longshan nodded slowly: "That's right."

Since Shen Yi can even manufacture missile vehicles by himself, it is no problem to just have a tank.

On Shen Yi's side, Su Qingyu was afraid that she would cause trouble to Shen Yi again, so she kept apologizing to him.

Shen Yi couldn't help but feel funny when he saw how she was still worried about getting into trouble despite being frightened.

It seemed that he was so scary, so Shen Qian quickly comforted Liang Xiang.

"Okay, no need to apologize, it's not your fault."

In the final analysis, the other party launched a missile and punished the intelligent system of his missile vehicle, which led to such a thing.

In the final analysis, it really has nothing to do with Su Qingyu.

After Shen Yi comforted Su Qingyu, she turned to look at Gao Longshan and the others and said in a calm tone.

"Commander Gao, do you believe what I say now?"

"I believe it, of course I believe it. Now that your missile vehicles have been repaired, how could I not believe it?"

Gao Longshan had said at the beginning that as long as Shen Yi could repair the missile vehicle, it would prove that he had indeed built the missile vehicle himself.

It seems that Shen Yi is really a military genius!

Seeing that Shen was finally able to clear his name, Shen felt much more relaxed.

Now that Gao Longshan also believes it, the next step is to sell his missile vehicle to the Yanjing Military Region, but in terms of price...

Shen Yi smiled and introduced Gao Longshan.

"Commander Gao, to tell you the truth, the reason why my missile vehicle is able to carry out automatic counterattacks is because it is equipped with the most advanced intelligent system and has improved radar and enhanced its air defense and early warning capabilities."

"The same goes for this tank. I changed the barrel caliber to 300mm, which increased the firepower by at least ten times. I also used the most advanced turbocharging technology in the engine, and its output power reached the world's highest level. The strongest coefficient. At the same time, due to the enhanced firepower, the recoil has also been processed, so it can bear greater impact."

"Also, this tank's navigation and positioning, day and night sighting and countermeasures protection systems, and..."

Listening to Shen Yi's talk, he introduced the various top performances of these two weapons and equipment one after another.

This group of senior military officials who had seen countless advanced weapons and equipment were stunned for a moment.

Of course, apart from that, I am even more excited and wish I could own one right away.

But according to what Gao Longshan just said, their Yanjing Military Region seems to have made reservations in advance.

As a result, they couldn't grab it, and everyone felt a little uncomfortable.

Zheng Shouyuan on the side is an expert in military weapons.

When Shen Yi introduced how advanced the performance of the guided missile vehicles and tanks in front of him was, he couldn't hold back anymore. He changed his serious look and asked Shen Yi in a gentle tone.

"Brother Shen, can you control your missile vehicle and tank?

"Okay, if you think what I said is exaggerated, you can verify it with the real thing."

Shen Yi waved his hand and told them to just verify it. After all, how can they pay without inspecting the goods?

Normal process, understandable.

After getting Shen Yi's permission, Zheng Shouyuan and others immediately joined the missile force eagerly.

Zheng Shouyuan had only briefly seen this Hongqi 9 once before, but he had never entered the car to observe it, let alone operate it.

Now as soon as I entered the car, after seeing the various displays and operating buttons on the dashboard, my lips opened slightly and I sighed in surprise.

"It's incredible, it's really incredible."

He had also observed the Hongqi 9 in action, and had also seen the Rocket Force's operational tests at that time.

However, Shen Qian's Hongxian 9 is obviously different from ordinary Hongxian.

Several rocket troops who came up with Zheng Shouyuan also couldn't wait to start the test.

They were the ones who drove this missile vehicle here just now. At that time, they felt that this Hongqi 9 drove much faster than ordinary missile vehicles, and its balance, stability and drive were also very powerful.

It's just that they rushed here in a hurry and were not familiar with the performance of this missile vehicle, so naturally they did not dare to operate it at will.

But after listening to Shen Yi's introduction, several people couldn't help but want to try it out.

After getting Shen Yi's permission, several people started the missile vehicle and tested several functions with simple operations.

I found that what Shen Yi said was really not an exaggeration, but rather a bit conservative.

"Here I go, this is simply much better than the ordinary Hongqi 9."

"No, I have driven Hongqi 9 several times before, and it is completely incomparable to this one!"

"Oh my god, this engine and launcher are amazing." The time to raise the launcher and prepare for launch is more than twice as fast as that of an ordinary missile vehicle.

"It's over. After driving this missile vehicle, I feel that there will be a gap when driving other missile vehicles."

Several rocket soldiers talked excitedly, just like driving. After driving someone else's luxury car, there will always be a gap when driving your own small car. The same is true for missile vehicles.

Several rocket troops drove missile vehicles in a circle.

When Shen Yi saw the missile vehicle coming back, he introduced it to several people again.

"This Hongqi 9 is equipped with the latest intelligent system. Not only can it fight back on its own when faced with attacks, but it can also turn on the autonomous driving system on weekdays."

"Autopilot system?"

When Zheng Shouyuan heard this, his eyes widened and he looked at Shen Yi in disbelief.

You know, although many cars in the Dragon Kingdom now have self-driving functions, due to the special nature of missile vehicles, all missile vehicles in the Dragon Kingdom are not equipped with this function.

Zheng Shouyuan and everyone present couldn't believe that this missile vehicle had such a function.

But under the guidance of Shen Yi, after several Rocket Forces turned on the automatic driving system, they had to believe it even if they didn't believe it.

After turning on the automatic driving system, as Shen Yi said, this missile vehicle can move flexibly without any manual operation, and even actively attack and evade.

The flexibility of operation is not inferior to that of a top missile vehicle driver.

Seeing this scene, everyone present realized that the miraculous operation of the missile vehicle just now was not the so-called superior driver skills at all.

It's completely the self-driving system of someone else's missile vehicle.

Sitting there, Zheng Shouyuan was even more excited. He has been engaged in the research and development of military equipment for decades and has also spent a lot of energy on artificial intelligence.

However, it has never been successfully installed and placed on a missile vehicle.

After personally experiencing the power of the autonomous driving system of Shen Yi's Hongqi 9, Zheng Shouyuan was so excited that he was speechless.

Even when I finally got off the bus, I was so excited that my legs almost became weak and I couldn't walk steadily.

“Brother Shen, the performance of your Hongqi 9 is really amazing.

It's so awesome, it can even be said to be far beyond the current technical level of ordinary Hongqi in Dragon Kingdom in 1995.

"Your level of skill simply astounds me!"

After Zheng Shouyuan calmed down for a while, he praised Shen Yi generously, his tone still unable to conceal his excitement.

He naturally knew that Shen Yi had modified the car himself, smiled and said: "It's not bad.

Shen Yi was not pretending to be modest when he said this. In order to be able to sell it to the military region as soon as possible, it only took a month for him to manufacture and modify it.

If we study more and spend more time, the performance may be even more advanced than it is now.

At the same time, several other soldiers also drove Shen Yi's tank around the field in front for several tests.

The result is naturally full of admiration for Shen Yi's tank.

After one of the soldiers got off the tank, he immediately came to Shen Yi's side and kept asking questions in an excited tone.

"Shen Yi, you just introduced that this tank was modified by you on the basis of 9A, but its performance is more than one level higher than 9A, especially the power of the barrel.

It’s not inferior to missiles at all, how on earth did you do it?”

"Actually, it's nothing. In addition to being equipped with a fully automatic hydraulic-mechanical integrated transmission system, this tank also has a gun barrel changed to 500mm.

Shen Yi introduced a few sentences with an extremely calm and calm tone, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

However, everyone present was petrified immediately after hearing Shen Yi's introduction.

500mm? What the hell?!!

You must know that the current barrel diameter of the ordinary 9A main battle tank is only 125mm.

This is already the largest caliber tank barrel in their Dragon Kingdom.

In today's world, the largest tank barrel caliber is only 130mm!

Shen Yi changed it to 500mm all of a sudden, this...

After everyone present was shocked for a long time, they finally realized why Shen Yi's shot was as good as a missile. This is the emotional reason!

After seeing these commanders and officers, the verification was verified.

Shen Yi began to change the topic to the most critical point, then turned to Gao Longshan and smiled.

"Commander Gao, look, I didn't lie to you before. Today, I have brought missile vehicles and tanks to you. You have seen their power. You should know that I am not here."

Exaggeration. "

"Of course, I'm not someone who just sits there and raises prices. My Shen Yi products are great value for money, and these two (De Zhao Zhao) are packaged and sold to you so that you can use them the best."

Buy the highest performance military equipment at an affordable price.

He, Shen Yi, is not a talkative person. The price is easy to negotiate, but it must not be lower than the market price.

After Gao Longshan heard Shen Yi say that he was packaged and sold, he was slightly startled, and then asked with a slightly delighted tone.

"You mean, this tank was also sold to us?"

"Of course, didn't Vice President Li make a reservation with me a long time ago?"

Shen Yi nodded. Now that Gao Longshan is willing to buy it, Li Yan should not continue to deny it.

On the opposite side, Li Yan was still in a daze. Hearing Shen Yi's words, he came back to his senses and frowned suddenly.

"No, Shen Yi, when did I ask you to modify the tank?"

Li Yan didn't understand why Shen Yi said that, but he really had never done such a thing to Shen Yi.

Hearing Li Yan's words, Shen Yi was instantly angry.

You Li Yan, you really want to play the trick of defaulting on your debt.

Therefore, Shen Yi directly dumped the evidence journal.

"Adjutant Li, the evidence is here, you have to admit it!"

"Just a dozen days ago, when you went to our school to find me, you asked me to help you modify a tank. At that time, you paid me a deposit of 200,000 yuan.

Forget it!”

Shen Yi directly found the transfer record at that time and placed it in front of Li Yan.

After Shen Yi said this, Li Yan immediately reacted and patted his thigh immediately.

"No, Shen Yi, you misunderstood. We are not talking about the same thing."

"I asked you to help me modify a Tank 300, but... the Tank 300 is an off-road vehicle! It's really not a tank!"

Li Yan finally understood what the problem was. When he said tank 300, Shen Yi understood it as a tank, so he built a tank for him.

For a moment, Li Yan didn't know what to say, but Shen Yi was really good. In ten days, a tank was built!

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