East Africa is located in the tropics, and most of the area is the endless Gobi desert.

In the early morning, the night breeze was blowing, and the hot and dry weather was slightly relieved.

In a hidden base on the outskirts of a certain city, it was already early in the morning, and except for a patrol team, everyone else was basically asleep.

On the three floors in the center of the base, a certain bedroom was still dimly lit.

There was no sound in the room. The man on the bed finally fell asleep, but he was still frowning in his sleep.

Suddenly, the mobile phone placed on the bedside table suddenly lit up, and the piercing ringtone suddenly sounded loudly.

Mor, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, was suddenly awakened and sat up with an irritated look on his face.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Moll was furious in an instant. He kept swearing in his mouth and his face was extremely ugly.

He really delivered the goods home today. He set out early in the morning to pick up the goods from the delivery location. He waited all day like a fool and finally found out that he had been cheated!

When he called the police, he was hung up on, and he was laughed at by the group after posting a message. He was so angry that he couldn't sleep for nearly a whole night.

Now in the early hours of the morning, I finally managed to fall asleep, only to be woken up by another phone call.

Moore's mentality is almost broken now. Now he is so irritated that he almost wants to chop up the person who called him and woke him up.

"Hey, do you really know what time it is now? You...

"Hello, this is the Dragon Kingdom International Criminal Investigation Office. Are you the leader of the Black Luo mercenary organization, Moore?"

Moir was just about to get angry at the person on the other end of the phone, but the other person ignored him and interrupted him directly, calling himself the Dragon State Criminal Investigation Office?

Dragon Kingdom?International Criminal Investigation?

Moll suddenly sobered up a lot. He took his cell phone and glanced at the caller ID. The prefix of the phone number was the same as the prefix of the police call he made a few hours ago.

"Hello, are you Mr. Moore from the Heero Organization?"

Seeing that Hei Luo had not replied on the other end of the phone, he repeated it again.

Moll suddenly came back to his senses and snorted coldly at the other end of the phone: "Ha, of course, I am Moll, the leader of the international mercenary organization Heiluo. What, your Dragon Country police now know how serious the matter is, right?"

Just now, I didn’t believe what he said and hung up on him.

These dragon country policemen know that he is Moore, now they are afraid!

At the same time, thousands of miles away, it was already morning in Yanjing City, Dragon Kingdom.

In the city center, five or six people gathered in the office of the International Criminal Investigation Office.

The person who was communicating on the phone was Wu Donghao, the leader of the transnational fraud team of the Criminal Investigation Office.

Wu Donghao is in his early thirties. He is always stern and has a very serious and dull personality.

But now, after hearing what Moore said on the other end of the phone, I couldn't help but want to laugh.

When they made the call, they had already confirmed the identity of the other party through extraordinary means, and there was no doubt that it was Moore.

But, good guy, the leader of the international mercenary organization was actually cheated by telecommunications?

But what really made him find it funny was Moir's words, which sounded like they, the Dragon Kingdom, were afraid of him.

Wu Donghao tried his best to hold back the smile on his lips and kept his tone serious.

No matter how powerful the other party's forces are abroad, they will definitely not dare to be enemies with them.

But no matter what, he was indeed defrauded by people from the Dragon Kingdom, and the amount was as high as 10 million US dollars.

This person from the Dragon Kingdom who deceived him has indeed violated the laws of the Dragon Kingdom, and they should investigate the matter no matter what.

Wu Donghao coughed lightly and asked the other party in a formulaic manner.

"Now this matter has been accepted by our Longguo Yanjing City International Criminal Investigation Office. Please cooperate with our investigation. First, answer your name, gender, time, place, process of the incident, suspect... …

When Moore on the other end of the phone heard these words, he went crazy instantly.

"Are you sick? You don't know who I am. Didn't you confirm the gender just now? Can't you tell the gender? I..."


Wu Donghao shouted directly in a deep voice.

He doesn't care what kind of overseas mercenary leader the other party is, he currently represents the Dragon Kingdom police.

Since the other party called the police in Long Country, they had to follow their rules.

"Now, whatever I ask you, you will answer. This is the case handling rumor of our Longguo police. If you refuse to cooperate, then we will not be able to help you.


Wu Donghao's tone was very strong, not caring about the identity of the other party, and he blocked Moir's temper abruptly.

Moore swore that today was definitely the most humiliating day in his life.

He thought he was extremely unlucky on this day, but he didn't expect to be called up by the Longguo police in the early hours of the morning, and they even taught him a lesson.

How had he ever been so angry?

Bastard, they all say that the Dragon Kingdom is a land of etiquette, but in the end, he met a fraudster.

How dare these little policemen talk to him so arrogantly, damn it!

If this were in East Africa, he would have to...

More clenched his fists, tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and told himself that the other party was not in East Africa, but in the Dragon Kingdom.

And he couldn't do anything, and he had to rely on the other party to help him catch the fraudster!

Moore took two deep breaths and spoke word by word through gritted teeth.

"My name is Moore, and I am male. I was defrauded by the other party on the social platform, more than ten days ago..."

Following Wu Donghao's inquiry, Moore told the Longguo police what happened in detail and without omission.

In the criminal investigation office, Wu Donghao and several other police officers heard the contents of the phone call.

For a moment, everyone in the office looked speechless.

Therefore, a dignified mercenary leader received a message from a young man from the Dragon Kingdom on his social account, so he believed what he said and gave him a deposit of US$10 million without saying a word.

And you believed it to be true for more than ten days, and you didn’t realize you were cheated until you didn’t see the goods on the delivery date?

No, is it so easy to be a mercenary leader these days? With such an IQ, you can conquer East Africa?

All the police officers couldn't help but want to laugh, but their good professionalism allowed them to endure it.

Wu Donghao recorded what Moir just said and said it without any emotion.

"Okay, we already understand your situation, are there any other clues?"

It can be said that there is no clue at all about what the other party said. They also checked the other party's external account and found that it was registered anonymously and could not find the other party's location.

The other party's remittance account is also an international bank account, and it is also a space account.

Not to mention that tracing is extremely difficult, even if you can trace the other party, it will probably take a long time.

Strictly speaking, this Mohr did not provide any useful information at all!

"Clues, shouldn't you be checking the clues? How can I have any clues?"

Moore asked back, if he had clues and knew who the other party was, would he still need to waste a long time talking to them here?

Just tell them who they are and let them arrest them.

Wu Donghao on the other end of the phone sighed: "Mr. Moore, please do your best to cooperate. We are also here to help you find the person who defrauded you as soon as possible.'


Morton was speechless for a moment, rolled his eyes and thought about it. Suddenly, he suddenly remembered that the other party had sent him a photo of the shipment.

"The scammer sent me a photo of his shipment two days ago, but other than that, there are no other clues."

"Okay, then you can send the photos over later. Also, be sure to keep your phone open in the past few days and turn it on 24 hours a day so that we can find you at any time!"

Wu Donghao saw that he could not ask for any useful information, so he explained a few words and prepared to end the call.

Damn it! Damn it!

Turn on the phone 24 hours a day and look for him at any time. After he has lived for so many years, no one has dared to make such a request to him!

What do these dragon country police think of his majestic mercenary leader? Is he Moir something they can come and go at a moment’s notice!

Moll was furiously outputting in his heart, and the anger in his heart was almost reaching the critical point.

But he still exhausted all his reason and suppressed all his anger.

According to the method mentioned by the Longguo police, he sent the photo, then gritted his teeth and responded to the other end of the phone.

"Okay, I understand! If you make any progress, you must tell me immediately."



Wu Donghao on the other end of the phone responded and then hung up the phone!

"Fuck! Damn! Bastard!"

"None of these Longguo people are good. I'm so angry! They even hung up on me again!"

When Moore saw that the phone was hung up again, he was so angry that no one had ever dared to hang up on him in his life!

As a result, I got hung up twice in a row today. What the hell are these things?

At this moment, Moore wanted to throw the phone away, but when he thought about the Dragon Kingdom police asking him to keep the call open, he could only squeeze the phone tightly and suppress his anger.

He endured it! When the other party got the results of the investigation and arrested the fraudster, he had two

No, everyone is in the Dragon Kingdom, and he can't do anything!

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he finally decided to wait until the matter was resolved, and then he would post updates every day to blast those people in the Dragon Kingdom to death!

Now Moore could only vent his anger in this way. He tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and then fell on the bed.

It doesn't matter, although the attitude of the Dragon Kingdom police is not good, it is said that their efficiency is still good.

It is estimated that it will not take long for the fraudster to be caught and sentenced.

Yes, that kid not only committed fraud, but also committed fraud. He may have other criminal records. When the time comes, he will be punished for several crimes and may be sentenced to death!

When he thought that the other party might be sentenced to death, Moore felt much more comfortable.

He had been tired and angry all day today, and now that he had relaxed his mind, he couldn't help but feel a little sleepy.

So, I turned over directly and prepared to fall asleep.

However, he never expected that as soon as he closed his eyes, there was a burst of rapid footsteps outside.

Immediately afterwards, his door was pushed open forcefully.


Due to excessive force, the door hit the wall directly, making a harsh noise.

"What the hell, you want to die, don't you?"

Moll's anger that he had finally suppressed was instantly ignited. He sat up from the bed and roared at the door.

The men who rushed in looked anxious, and when they saw More's livid face and furious look, they didn't even care and hurriedly said to him.

".々Chief, what's wrong, the Blackwater organization has launched an attack on us and has now occupied our stronghold five kilometers away.

"What! These bastards actually

Dare to launch a sneak attack! Let me kill them!"

When Moore heard that Blackwater Military Resources Company had taken the lead in launching an attack on them, he became furious.

They and the Blackwater organization have already reached the point where they are incompatible with each other, and the war is about to break out.

He had been preparing for this before, and he had been waiting for the batch of weapons.

As soon as the weapons are prepared, they will launch an attack on the Blackwater organization.

As it turned out, the other party was a fraudster. He didn't have the weapons he expected, and he didn't have much chance of winning against the Blackwater organization.

Now the other side struck first and caught them off guard!

Moore knew that they did not have the advantage now, but the other side had hit him on the head, and he was determined not to swallow this breath.

"Notify everyone, dispatch immediately, grab all the weapons and equipment in the warehouse, and fight against the Blackwater organization!"

Moore shouted sharply, and his men immediately took orders and went to call everyone to gather.

Maul also immediately changed his clothes. Could it be that the insidious villains of the Blackwater organization knew that he was deceived and lacked weapons, so they deliberately took this opportunity to attack them?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he placed all the blame on the fraudster.

Damn it, he went to destroy the Blackwater organization first, and when the Dragon Kingdom police find the other party, he will make him look good no matter what!

After Moore changed his clothes, he immediately rushed down and led his men to counterattack without any time to think about it.

At this time, on the other side, in the office of the Yanjing International Criminal Investigation Division.

Naturally, several police officers had no idea about the situation on Moore's side. They were gathering together to study the photos that Moore had just sent.

The photo shows several containers, and they seem to have seals on them.

It's just that because of the angle, they couldn't see the appearance of the seal, but it was probably just a sticker for sealing.

They didn't pay much attention to it, but the fraudster was quite attentive and even found a few containers to take pictures of for Moore.

"This container does look decent. No wonder Moore believed it."

A policeman looked at the photo and sighed in amusement.

He never expected in his life that one day he would receive a case in which a mercenary leader was defrauded. It was a long time since his life.

Wu Donghao shook his head with a complex expression after hearing this.

"This photo only shows a few containers, and I can't find any useful clues. I really have no clue at all."

"No, are you sure that the other party is from our Dragon Kingdom? What if that person also lied to him?"

One of the police officers suddenly asked, if this was also fake, then it shouldn't be under their control.

Wu Donghao actually had this doubt in his heart, but now that Moir has posted on the Internet, netizens all over the world know that it was the people from the Dragon Kingdom who defrauded Moir.

If they don't care, then the Internet may condemn them as the Dragon Kingdom.

Therefore, whether the fraudster deceived Moore on this point or not, they must investigate clearly.

It’s just that I really can’t find any clues or clues now. How can I continue to investigate this?

"Hey, look, look, are there ten business cards on the container in the corner?"

Qin Ziyue, who came to assist in the investigation, pointed to the upper right corner of the photo and said.

Everyone looked over immediately. Only half of the container in the upper right corner of the photo was photographed, and there was a business card-sized card on top of the box.

If you look carefully, there seem to be two lines of words printed on the card.

It’s just that the card is relatively small and its position in the photo is relatively biased, so it is not easy to notice.

After making this discovery, Wu Donghao immediately enlarged the picture on his computer.

Then, professional technical means were used to circle the position of the card separately, and the image was enlarged while ensuring that the image was not distorted to the greatest extent.

After this enlargement, Wu Donghao and others discovered that this small card was actually a business card.

The two lines above are now clearly visible. They are a person's name and phone number.

[Jiang Group: Jiang Hao]

[Tel: 187*****fork].

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