"Let me go, Brother Jiang, what's going on up front? Why do you think these people are so vicious?"

Chen Qian looked at the huge group of people blocking in front of their car and couldn't help turning his head and said to Jiang Hao.

Before Jiang Hao could say anything, Xu Xiang's voice suddenly sounded from behind, with a hint of vibrato in his voice.

"These people don't look like they are easy to mess with, and they suddenly stopped our car. Could it be that we encountered local people who were robbing us on the road?"

After listening to Xu Xiang's words, the expressions of several people in the car changed. The public security in foreign countries is not as good as that in Long Country.

If what they met was really a robber, then they might really be in trouble.

If the guarantee is not enough, each of them has to save some money here!

Jiang Hao was extremely panicked, but he still tried his best to stay calm, slowly lowered the window, and communicated with the people in front of him.

"Who are you and why are you blocking our way?"

"This is what I should be asking you. Who are you and what are you doing in our base?"

One of the men blocking the front with a rough and ferocious face asked in a bad tone.

They just discovered that this car was obviously heading in the direction of their base.

On weekdays, few vehicles dare to come towards them, not to mention that the Blackwater Organization is currently at war with them.

In such a special situation, after they noticed that a vehicle was approaching, their first reaction was that people from the Blackwater organization were coming, and they had already picked up weapons and prepared to attack.

But when they saw that what was coming was a truck carrying goods, and that all the people on the truck were oriental faces, they did not take action.

But, what are these nice Easterners doing here?

When Jiang Hao heard what the other party said, he immediately realized that they should be people from this base, that is, their buyers.

Jiang Hao breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that he was not a robber.

"That's right, we are here to deliver goods to you. We have just contacted your people here."

"Delivery? We haven't ordered anything here!"

The people standing in front of them all denied that they had ever placed an order, and since the situation was so tense now, who would have the thought to place an order? Their brains were flooded!

"But, the person who called just now asked us to deliver the goods here!"

"If you don't believe me, look, I still have the call record with him here. Just take a look and see if it's the call from someone at your base.

Jiang Hao immediately took out his mobile phone, found the call history just now, and handed it to the other party.

The leading man in front frowned and stepped forward to take a look.

When he saw the string of phone numbers on the screen, the unconcerned look on his face instantly disappeared, replaced by an expression of extreme shock.

As a member of the Heiro organization and one of Moll's right-hand men, he naturally recognized Moll's number at a glance, and because of this, he was immediately shocked.

So, that person who has a brain in his head... Bah, the one who is so smart and allows these people to deliver the goods is their leader?

The man said to Jiang Hao and the others, "Wait here for a moment," and then immediately turned around and contacted Moore to report the matter to him.

At this time, Moore was discussing with several capable men in the meeting hall of the base how to deal with the Blackwater Military Resources Company's attack next.

The strength of the two major organizations was already evenly matched, but now Hei Luo has lost the opportunity and has been beaten back by Black Water.

The most critical thing is that their follow-up weapons and equipment are not available.

In this way, they have no hardware capabilities to reverse the situation. As a result, their Heiro organization must be defeated!

Moore was anxious in his heart, but he had nothing to do. They had lost the battle just now and lost two strongholds.

The Blackwater organization will definitely come straight to their base next. By then, is it possible that their home base will be occupied?

In that case, their Heiro organization may not be able to gain a foothold in the underground organization in the future!

And the culprit of all this is that damn fraudster!

If it weren't for the fraudster, he wouldn't have failed to purchase weapons in the past ten days.

I wouldn’t have posted such stupid updates on social media last night.

Let the Blackwater organization know about their insufficient weapons reserves.

All in all, it was all caused by that damn scammer.

It would be best for him to stay in the Dragon Country for the rest of his life, otherwise, if he dares to step into East Africa, he will let that scammer...

"Report, leader!"

Moore was already in a irritable mood today, and when his words were suddenly interrupted by his men who broke in from outside, he instantly became even more irritable!


"Chief, a large truck came outside and said it was here to deliver goods to you.

"What, delivery?"

Moore was just about to get angry, but after hearing what his men said, he was instantly stunned.

"Yes, that's right. A few young people with oriental faces said they called you and communicated that you asked them to deliver the goods here. I have seen their call records and it is indeed your number.

The subordinates simply reported the matter to Morhui.

After Moir heard this, he immediately became more confident.

We just contacted him and delivered goods to his door? Those people actually came?

What the hell, these people are so tough-minded that they actually dare to come?

No, since they dare to come, does that prove that they really have the goods? Are they not lying to themselves?

Many thoughts suddenly flashed through Moore's mind.

"Chief, are you the one who ordered the goods? Do you need to put them in?"

Seeing Moore's delay in responding, his subordinates couldn't help but ask.

The other subordinates in the meeting hall also looked at Moore curiously. Did the leader order something? What kind of goods did he order?

Wasn't he just deceived yesterday and actually placed another order? And this time he was smarter and had someone deliver the goods to his door.

Moll suddenly came back to his senses and ordered in a deep voice: "Go and take the people to the open space of the training ground, quickly!"

He wanted to see who the other party was and what kind of goods they brought!


After receiving the order, his subordinates immediately turned around and ran out, bringing Jiang Hao and others into the base.

At this time, Moore couldn't sit still anymore, suspended the discussion, and took the remaining Dewan subordinates to the training ground.

He couldn't wait to see who the other party was.

If they dare to play tricks on him, then he will definitely make those people regret coming to this world!

With this thought in mind, Moore quickly came to the open space of the training ground.

At this time, a group of subordinates and members of the organization are also gathered here, and the Blackwater organization may launch an attack on their base at any time.

Some of them are currently guarding outside the base, while others are gathering in the open space of the training ground. If there is a situation, they will take action immediately.

At this time, I couldn't help but feel a little strange when I saw Moore suddenly coming out.

Moore didn't pay attention to the curious eyes of his men now, and his deep eyes were fixed on the direction of the door in front.

My mood is very complicated, I don’t know who the other person is!

Ten seconds later, a cargo truck slowly drove into the base and headed directly in their direction.

Finally, following the guidance of the subordinate who brought them in, they stopped in the center of the open space.

Then, Moore saw the door of the truck being pushed open, and several young people with oriental faces jumped out of the truck one after another.

After Jiang Hao got out of the car, he immediately noticed Moore standing in the center of the crowd.

After all, he was standing in the center, so he was naturally eye-catching. Moreover, Jiang Hao silently looked at Moir and felt that this man had an indescribable aura.

Then, Jiang Hao took a few steps forward and asked Moir first.

"Are you the person who just called me?"

"Yes, it's me."

Moore nodded in response, and at the same time looked at Jiang Hao and the others calmly.

These people look like they are from the Dragon Kingdom, and they don't really dare to come to your door?

Could it be that he misunderstood yesterday and the other party was really not a fraudster?

No, it's impossible. If the other party wasn't a fraudster, why wouldn't he reply to his message? Besides, he waited all day yesterday and didn't get anyone!

Damn Long Kingdom liar, he wants to see what tricks these people are playing!

"You said you were here to deliver goods? Why didn't you come yesterday?"

Moore asked in a bad tone. When he thought of all the tragic events yesterday, the anger in his heart couldn't be suppressed.

On the opposite side, Jiang Hao quickly explained after hearing this: "We are not late on purpose. It is actually because your inspection procedures in East Africa are too cumbersome."

"When we were in the Dragon Kingdom, we completed the exit inspection easily. We could definitely arrive on time. However, the transshipment inspection in your East Africa actually took more than ten hours. Can there be no delay?"


After listening to Jiang Hao's explanation, Moore instantly remembered that the efficiency of the official offices in East Africa was indeed notoriously slow.

If the other party was really delayed because of this, it would make sense.

The anger in More's heart could not help but decrease slightly, but his tone was still cold.

“Since it’s door-to-door delivery, where are your goods?”

"Here, it's in the car! Could you help your people to unload the goods?"

Jiang Hao pointed to the back bucket of the truck. Moore looked in the direction he pointed and found several containers on the back bucket of the truck.

Then, Moore immediately ordered his men: "Quick, go and unload all the boxes!"

At this time, Moore was mostly convinced.

The other party actually dared to come to their base and pulled several containers. Tian Youbajiu was really here to deliver goods.

Otherwise, if at this point, the other party still dares to play tricks on me, aren't they afraid that their Heiro organization will kill them directly?

Moore felt that no one would risk their own life just to humiliate someone.

However, the truth will not be known until he sees the goods, but at this time, Moir's complexion has improved a lot.

Then, he stepped forward, ready to check the goods brought by the other party.

Jiang Hao saw this and followed Moir over. In any case, it was them who delivered the goods late.

If he makes the other party unhappy because of this and refuses to cooperate with Brother Yi in the future, or even fails to pay the balance, then he will be guilty of a great crime.

So Jiang Hao took the initiative to talk to Moore. ............

"Sir, please rest assured that the quality of our goods is absolutely the best."

"Furthermore, our boss also said that the goods this time are just small items, not worth mentioning at all. Our boss has better goods than these.

"After using this product, if you think the quality is good, we can have greater cooperation in the future."

This is not exactly what Jiang Hao said.

He was just making this up. He did hear Shen Yi say this before setting off.

It is said that the goods this time are just a stepping stone to open international business. They are just small items, mainly to let the other party see the quality of the goods.

Therefore, Jiang Hao exaggerated on his own.

After all, in doing business, you have to bluff people appropriately in order to induce the other party to cooperate with them.

I hope that I can help Brother Yi to attract this customer. I hope that for the sake of this, Brother Yi will not care about the delay with him.

"Small item? Not worth mentioning?"

After hearing this, Moore looked at Jiang Hao in surprise. He had ordered a sniper rifle and rocket launcher!

These are all weapons with heavy firepower, so you can’t say they are not worth mentioning, right?

Although Jiang Hao didn't know what this batch of goods was, since Shen Yi said so at the beginning, it must be like this.

So he nodded very calmly.

"Yes, our boss usually doesn't do this kind of small business. We have to make a special trip to transport it, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive."

"However, our boss said that sir, you are a good partner, so he specially asked us to make a trip."

small business?

Such a large quantity of goods is considered a small business?

Are you kidding me?

With doubts in his mind, Moore walked to the several containers that had just been unloaded.

These boxes are just ordinary containers, nothing special, except that they have white seals on them.

However, Moore didn't know the characters of the Dragon Kingdom and didn't care. He directly asked his men to open the container.


The container in front of Moll was slowly opened, and the goods inside were displayed in front of Moll.

I saw that the box was filled with black guns. At a glance, there were at least dozens of guns in the full box.

And these guns are exactly the Barretts he ordered before.

As a mercenary leader, Moore is very familiar with guns and weapons. He can tell at a glance that these are real and not just models!

So, the other party is not a fraudster, but really an arms boss?!!

"How about it, sir, are you satisfied with our goods? If...well...!"

Jiang Hao took a step forward and was about to ask Moore if he was dissatisfied with the goods, but when he saw the goods in the box, he was so frightened that his eyes almost fell out.

Who can tell him why these things in the box look so familiar!

Isn't this the Barrett he helped Shen Yi test before?

Oh my god, this is a sniper rifle! It’s an arms!

In the Dragon Kingdom, selling arms will result in a prison sentence!

Moreover, he is now helping Shen Yi sell it overseas. There are at least forty or fifty guns in this box, right?

Doesn’t it take at least ten years to start?

On the side, Xu Xiang and others also saw the guns in the box. They were instantly frightened and could not even speak.

What's going on? The goods they sent turned out to be guns!

No, what they are sending is guns, they are clearly sending lives!

Several people stood there in a daze [Cold sweat instantly soaked through the clothes on their backs.

At this time, Moore's mood was completely different from theirs. He had been looking forward to the arrival of these weapons for the past ten days.

Yesterday, I thought I had been defrauded and that I would never get this batch of weapons. However, I didn't expect that today, the situation changed 180 degrees. These weapons and equipment that I had been thinking about were finally released.

Still appeared in front of him.

"You guys, hurry up and open the other boxes!"

The surrounding members of the Heiluo organization were also shocked. Didn't they say that their leader was deceived?

What's going on with this box of Barrett?

Moreover, there are several boxes next to it. Could it be that they contain Barrett?

Under Moore's order, several men quickly opened several boxes next to them.

Good guy, he is not Barrett, but he is more powerful than Barrett.

The L115A3 sniper rifle is the number one sniper rifle in the world today and is known as the king of sniper rifles.

Not only that, the other two boxes contained RPG rocket launchers, which are anti-tank weapons. They are recognized as the king of infantry weapons and are extremely lethal.

These three types of weapons and equipment are extremely terrifying in terms of practicality and lethality.

Moreover, there are a lot of them. With these, they are enough to deal with the Blackwater organization's next attack.

No, to be precise, they can even turn defeat into victory and destroy the Blackwater Organization in one fell swoop!

Moore and everyone in the Heero organization were all excited and overjoyed.

But at this time, Jiang Hao only had one idea in his mind after seeing the few boxes of weapons and equipment behind him.

It's over, no time limit is enough, I guess I have to shoot the beggar directly!

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