The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1001: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (127)

  Chapter 1001 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (127)

  The woman's voice was very cold and cold, and even for the sake of irony, she deliberately used a respectful name for Helian Moxuan.

  The men and women present, except for Su Rui and Xiaotao, whoever heard Su Qinghuan’s proposal shuddered.

  They have heard Su Qinghuan describe dreams in previous lives. Even though the world says dreams are fake, the dreams of little foxes can have so many clues that can be connected to the real world.

  Because they care about the little fox in their hearts, Su Rui and Xiaotao understand the impact of that dream on Su Qinghuan.

  It is normal for her to have such extreme thoughts.

  As everyone took a breath, Su Rui stroked Su Qinghuan’s hair very gently.

   "If this is what you want to do, I can keep Helian Moxuan alive, but before then, Helian Moxuan's martial arts will have to be abolished."

  Let Helian Moxuan be a lifelong cripple, and naturally he can’t cause any harm to other people who visit Xiaoloulou.

  However, this sentence undoubtedly made the hearts of the other civil and military officials who were kneeling on the ground chilled.

  Even if Su Rui rebelled, after hearing Su Qinghuan’s explanation, they always felt that Su Rui was forced.

  No way, Su Rui comes with this kind of fairy aura.

   But now, like a young man who is banished to an immortal under the moon, he can calmly discuss with Su Qinghuan about Helian Mo Xuan's stay or stay, or in such an unthinkable way.

   As the saying goes, a scholar can be killed but not insulted. The wishes of Su Rui and Su Qinghuan can definitely make Helian Moxuan better than die.


   Just when everyone was trembling, Su Qinghuan agreed with her proposal because Su Rui was so calm, the little fox couldn't help but smiled and looked at Helian Moxuan.

   "Helian Moxuan, don't you like the feeling of being surrounded by a lot of women?"

  "During the Daqing Dynasty, the young men in the Xiaowo Building were not only surrounded by a bunch of women, they might even be surrounded by a bunch of men."

  I just don’t know if your self-proclaimed majesty will become a waste emperor at that time, and you will still fall into the dust. I don’t know if you can survive. "

  At the moment when he heard Su Qinghuan’s suggestion, Helian Moxuan felt that there was a problem with his ears, and even had a hint of luck with the name of the so-called Xiaoluolou.

  After all, Su Qinghuan was born in the General's Mansion and grew up in the palace. How could he understand this kind of pickling outside the palace? !

  However, Su Qinghuan said so finely at this moment, which undoubtedly made the man raise his head in disbelief. He didn't even care about the sharp edge of his neck, and shouted at Su Qinghuan hoarsely.

   "Qinghuan, I have treated you so kindly. I did not expect that you would completely disappoint my love and trust in you. You are such a poisonous woman!"

  "You still know that kind of pickled place so clearly, no wonder, you would do such horrible things with your brother! You are simply a slut—"Women...

   Seeing Helian Moxuan want to humiliate Su Qinghuan's dignity, before Helian Moxuan finished speaking, Su Rui slapped the past without thinking.

Few people can irritate Su Rui to such a degree. He doesn’t mind how others tell him. Because of the fetal poison of Beauty Sha from a young age, Su Rui suddenly realized that he might live his entire life, not half the life of others. That's so long.

  So although Su Rui didn't see life and death clearly, he didn't want to be so obsessed with other people's rumors, but at this moment, Su Rui almost shot Helian Moxuan's face without thinking.

   "You don't deserve to say Qinghuan like this! What's more, I have already confirmed that Qinghuan is not the blood of his father and mother at all. Helian Moxuan, I'm afraid you can't think of it, Qinghuan turned out to be an orphan from the previous dynasty!"

   "...the former orphans?"

  Helian Mo Xuan's eyes widened in shock.

  He had inquired a long time ago. After Su Qinghuan was born, General Su loved this daughter so much. Naturally, no one else would think that the little fox was born to the Su family.

  And when Su Qinghuan saw Helian Moxuan's surprised appearance, she felt very ridiculous in her heart.

   "Is it weird? Helian Moxuan, your country was originally snatched from my biological father. Now that you have fallen into this kind of fate, you are also to blame."

  Su Qinghuan didn’t feel that the Helian Moxuan father and son had a big problem in seeking a throne, but such a high-ranking father and son Helian Moxuan ignored the lives of Su Qinghuan and even the entire Su family so indifferently.

  In the eyes of a man, I’m afraid I’ll never think of it. One day, the people and things that will bring you down will really make you ignore the existence for a long time.


  The rebellion went smoothly, and Su Rui finally followed Su Qinghuan’s opinion, instead of directly taking Helian Moxuan’s life, instead letting him live better than death, and sent him to the famous Xiaoloulou in the capital.

  Almost that night, it shocked countless people. The former emperor has now become the role of such a land of fireworks.

  There were many people who were scrambling to watch Helian Moxuan, and Helian Moxuan almost thought that he was the prey whose wings were cut off in the hunting ground.

  He looked at those people with hatred, trying to make them feel the majesty of the emperor in the past, but unfortunately, he failed to stop the onlookers from watching.


Helian Moxuan was lucky. At first they were all female customers, but even so, those wealthy female merchants from Jiangnan who are curious and sly, aged to fifty, and weigh more than twice Helian Moxuan, really almost had Helian Moxuan. Lian Mo Xuan was half-lived.

  At first, the other party was still concerned about the identity of Helian Moxuan, but later it became more and more unscrupulous.

  And Helian Moxuan wanted to bite his tongue that night, but was found to stop him.

  Later, I met men and women. Those guests who can get to this point, Benjiu has more than the wealth that ordinary people look up to.

  But how can those compare with the wealth of the emperor? After all, the entire world once belonged to Helian Moxuan.


  One night, Helian Moxuan's accustomed attitude finally became less strict, and he also wanted to escape from this cage at that time.

 It's a pity that he heard a female guest chattering downstairs before he climbed out of the window.

   "I heard that the present-day sage is going to be a queen."

   "Isn't the saint being weak in body, other people rumored that he can't be close to female **** in this life?"

   "Ah, you are all gossip. It is said that the root of the disease has been cured, and you can't even think of the target of the Holy Spirit."


   "The righteous sister of Shengshang, it is said that she is an orphan from the previous dynasty. As the adopted daughter of the Su family, she has no blood relationship with Shengshang."

   "What? Doesn't it mean that the waste emperor in Luliufang is crazy, if he knows that the adopted daughter of the Su family will marry another person, and will be established as a queen, I am afraid that the waste emperor..."

   "What are you afraid of? Now he is just wishful thinking! What a waste emperor is just a waste!"

  (End of this chapter)

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