The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1015: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (9)

  Chapter 1015 The Demon Lord Who Admits the Mistakes of the Benefactor (9)

  Su Xier looked at the thin original owner who was only a handful of bones and looked older than the middle-aged woman, and a secret pleasure rose in her heart.

  ——People are superficial. Even if Mr. Murong knows the truth one day, Su Xier is sure to let Murong Lingtian turn to his side.

After all, Su Qinghuan nowadays is not just as simple as lack of beauty. People in the world of cultivating immortals have the opportunity to become more and more beautiful as long as they have a high level of cultivation, but the original owner is affected by so many demons. Repair bad practice.

  Although the monk is not like the common people of the mortal kingdom, so that pays attention to the so-called female virginity, but it does not mean that the original owner can be trampled by so many demons and still be alone.

  Su Qinghuan also has no cultivation realm that can crush others. Once such a thing is exposed, it is unavoidable to be despised in the realm of cultivation. The so-called sound of sympathy has been said a lot, isn't it all rhetoric?

What's more, Su Xier did not believe that Murong Lingtian, who was born in the mortal world, could see Su Qinghuan's past so indifferently.


  Actually, Su Xier was worried about these things because Su Xier didn't know that Su Qinghuan would fall to this point because of the young Master Murong who was like a **** among her.

  If Su Xi'er is despicable and grieving, then Murong Lingtian is not surprisingly looking at the original owner, his expression is cold, and he doesn't treat the original owner as a living person at all.

Only in the dazzling sunlight, the original owner suddenly saw Su Xier and Murong Lingtian who had stepped on the light, and the original owner who had been locked in the dark magic cave. She only felt like a mouse in the gutter, and the person in front of her , But it is a couple of gods and goddesses,

  The original owner cried bitterly at the time, and she didn't have any image at all. At this moment, she suddenly saw the righteous monks who did not belong to the demon world, not to mention the people related to her in the mortal world, even if there had been some festivals, she still felt happy.

  At that moment, all the grievances broke out at that moment, and she almost humbled like dust to beg Su Xier and Murong Lingtian to take her away.


  In fact, Murong Lingtian and Su Xier apparently agreed to take the original owner away.

Only when she was on the road, Su Xier was afraid that the original owner would recover day by day. She thought that she was only a waste of spiritual roots in the world of cultivating immortals, and she relied entirely on Murong Lingtian to have such a happy master. Life.

  Even if it was only a slight possibility, Su Xier didn't want to be disrupted by others.

  ——After all, no one can keep a secret more easily than a dead person.

  So, when Su Xier asked about Yuezong Road, she agreed to send Su Qinghuan back to Liaoyuan City for retirement, but in fact she secretly killed the original owner.

No matter how much she wastes wood, she is still a little monk who has managed to draw air into the body and build a foundation by relying on Murong Lingtian’s spirit fruit. This kind of thing, without even splashing blood, made the original owner die.

  It was a very moonlight night. The original owner opened her skull-like eyes. She looked at the beautiful and exquisite woman in disbelief. The inferiority in her eyes could not spread in the future and turned into panic.

——Even at the last moment of his life, the original owner could not believe that he did not die in the hands of those very vicious and disgusting demons in the cave, but died in a moonwhite dress, looking beautiful and clean. Jing Su Xier's hands.

  Anyway, she is Su Xier’s half-sister!

  Su Xier grabbed her fiancé. She didn't resent the other party, but sighed for her life.

Why? !

Why? !


  The original owner opened his eyes, and the questioning in his eyes flowed with tears, but Su Xier just chuckled without guilty conscience.

   even closed her eyes for the original owner pretendingly.

   "Sister Qinghuan, don't blame me. If Daddy knows that you are out there with so many demons, I'm afraid Daddy will hate you to let you Shentang in public."

   "I treat you the way I am now, and it can be regarded as an early release, so that you don't have to suffer so much."

  Su Xier sighed. She didn't know whether these excuses were comforting the original owner or comforting herself.

  But at the very least, she is indeed less psychologically burdened.


  This matter was actually seen by Murong Lingtian, who had already entered the Golden Core Stage at the time, because Su Xier wanted to conceal it but couldn’t hide it.

  He watched in secret with a cold expression, but he didn't come out to stop him at all.

  From the bottom of the eye, Murong Lingtian and Su Xier are essentially the same kind of people, and they are selfish to the point where they are sinister and irritating.

  Murong Lingtian didn’t expose Su Xier’s broken things on the spot, but at night, Murong Lingtian waited for Su Xier, who had a guilty conscience.

  Su Xier also guessed that Murong Lingtian, the ruthless hand under her, had seen it. She thought that Murong Lingtian had not stopped her, so she must be on her side.

  But Su Xier still wanted to set up a person with a kind, weak and kind person in front of Murong Lingtian.

  So, she raised her head pityfully, her eyes were already full of tears.

"Brother Lingtian, you must have noticed that I let my sister pass away. I didn't mean to do this, but I saw that my sister was in pain every day. She was still so young, but she was already living in her eighties. The old woman."

   "I really can't bear to do this, and when I waited for Liaoyuan City, how do the people of Liaoyuan City, father and mother, and the people of Liaoyuan City treat my sister? Do you treat her as a monster, or something?"

   "Woo woo woo..."

   Before Su Xier had finished speaking, Murong Lingtian held her face in her arms, and the man said every word.

   "Xier, you don't need to explain to me, I will always be on your side."

   "Really? Brother Ling Tian?"

  Tears in Su Xi'er's eyes. Regardless of today's death of her own sister, she stood on tiptoe and kissed Murong Lingtian's lips without hesitation.

  The man was stunned in an instant.

  In fact, since they have been together for so long, Murong Lingtian and Su Xier have never achieved a good thing.

  But at this moment, driven by this weird atmosphere, these two dog men and women who don’t know what their faces are, are under the night, in front of the bones of the original owner, indescribable.

  If the original owner can really turn into a ghost, I am afraid that even if he is a ghost, he will strangle the dog and the man alive.


  The most unfair thing is that the combination of Su Xier and Murong Lingtian this time has also allowed Su Xier to be alive by Murong Lingtian and successfully stabilized the foundation and cultivation base.

   Su Xier cut her hand by chance, and the blood dripped on the red jade hand ring robbed from the original owner.

  It turns out that this red jade hand ring turned out to be an ancient magic weapon!

  (End of this chapter)

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