The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1018: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (12)

  Chapter 1018 The Demon Who Admits the Mistakes of the Benefactor (12)

  The cold voice of the woman rang in the hall. Although Su Qinghuan's voice was not high, all the people in the hall looked towards Su Qinghuan in shock.

  Because the original owner was seriously ill before, and his heart was frustrated, the little fox looked pale and haggard.

But even so, the girl’s aura is not half weak, and her delicate thin lips are pressed into a sharp straight line. It seems that there is a sense of coldness and sternness. It seems to be only temporary.


  None of those present did not expect Su Qinghuan to appear.

  Originally, he was flattering Murong Lingtian, so he almost nodded and bowed his waist to express his wish that Su Xier could be pushed to Murong Lingtian's side. Su's father instantly turned pale.

"Bastard! Who allowed you to come out! Didn't I order you to stay in the room and raise your body? You can't stand the wind, so why come to see any foreigner at this time! If you collide What should Master Murong do!"

  Su Qinghuan saw Father Su’s face two or three similar to the original owner, and suddenly felt a little sadness for the original owner in his heart.

  ——It is rumored that tiger poison does not eat its children, but sometimes the human heart is more terrifying than the beast.


  Su Qing smiled happily and Yan Yanyan glanced at Su's father, she stepped forward daringly, patrolling the ugly little Qin family and Su Xier.

In fact, Xiao Qin and Su Xi’er both had good appearances, especially Su Xi’er. Between Xiao Qin’s eyebrows and eyes, there is a sense of shrewd aristocracy from a brothel, and Su Xi’er seems to want The innocent is much weaker.

With curved eyebrows in willow leaves, round apricot eyes, crimson lips, and being loved by Su's father and Xiao Qin, Su Xier is taller than the original owner at a young age, and has a more feminine body than the original owner. Taste, the convex convex, the concave concave.

Although the original owner mainly inherited Su Mu’s beauty and his bright eyes were good at gazing, his body was much thinner and thinner, and his eyes often showed timidity and did not dare to communicate with others. It is no wonder that after so many years in Su Mansion, few people agree with him. The original owner’s beauty is even better than Su Xi’s. Son.


  After looking at the little Qin clan and his step-sister Su Xier, the little fox's eyes finally fell on the cold-looking Murong Ling sky.

  I have to say that Murong Lingtian deserves to be a lucky son who was blessed by the heavens. Just looking at that face, I feel that the dragon and the phoenix are unusual.

With sword eyebrows and star eyes, the bridge of the nose is tall, and the stature is long, even the skin is cold white that is more eye-catching. If you change the skin color of ordinary men with such a cold feeling, you may look feminine, but Murong Lingtian is different. People feel that extravagance cannot be ignored.

  If the little fox has to pick out Murong Lingtian’s shortcomings in appearance, it may be that the man’s lips are too thin, and he seems to be insignificant and unreasonable, and he does not seem to be a reliable person.


  Su Qinghuan nodded meaningfully towards Murong Lingtian, and then very familiarly found a chair to sit down by himself, and returned to Su's father's words.

   "Father, I have recovered from my illness. I was only caught in the rain and the wind and cold. After I get better, I will naturally move around more."

  "And today is a good day for Mr. Murong to advance his sister Xi'er. If I don’t come, doesn’t it mean that our Su family doesn’t pay enough attention to Mr. Murong’s proposal? Mr. Murong, don’t you think?"

  Murong Lingtian saw the little fox with sharp teeth in front of him, and his eyebrows instantly wrinkled.

  Actually, even though Murong Lingtian has not returned to Liaoyuan City for many years, he still has some impression of himself, a woman who had made a marriage contract at an early age.

  It’s just that the last clear impression was when the original owner was nine years old.

  After all, the experience of being rescued outside the mountains of Liaoyuan City, Murong Lingtian didn't put on Su Qinghuan at all.


  Murong Lingtian didn't expect to see him in a few years, Su Qinghuan is no longer like a little pitiful who once stood in front of her mother's coffin, with tears in her eyes.

   On the contrary, it looked more aggressive, not at all as kind and lovable as Su Xier, who was delighted by him.


  Thinking of Su Xier’s nasty things about Su Qinghuan that he had told him secretly, Murong Lingtian was originally tired of the house and the black, and seeing the little fox with such sharp teeth at the moment made the man even more displeased.

  Murong Lingtian looked towards Su Qinghuan faintly.

   "Ms. Su's words are not correct. For the next, my marriage to Xier does not require any outsider to be beaked. Your presence or absence will not change my mind about Xier."

   "Slap! Slap! Slap!"

Su Qinghuan suddenly smiled when she heard the words. She simply slapped her palms. Although there was a smile on her face, the coldness in her eyes made the people present uncomfortable, as if they were all invisible by the seventeen-year-old. The girl saw through.

   "Mr Murong is better than singing, I am afraid that Zhao Lingxi's changes will be nothing more than that."

"How does Qinghuan remember that at my mother's funeral many years ago, Mr. Murong personally brought the housekeeper to retire, saying that he was only having an affair with my mother. Since my mother passed away, my Su family and Murong family naturally came to pass. Broke off friendship."

   "Why now Master Murong has broken his promise, holding so many gold and silver jewels so eagerly, he wants to propose marriage to my stepsister?"


  Murong Lingtian heard the words, and the chill in his eyes instantly spread.

  ——He did say this when he was young.

  Because in Murong Lingtian’s eyes, after Su’s mother passed away, the Su family really didn’t have any network of relationships that he could work hard to maintain.

What's more, Murong Lingtian didn't care about the marriage between Su Qinghuan and himself.

   Even after retiring from the marriage, Su Mansion, especially Su Qinghuan, became the laughing stock of the entire Liaoyuan City at that time, Murong Lingtian did not feel that he had done anything wrong.

  He looked cold, and when he was about to speak, Su Xier, who had been standing beside him with a weak expression, stepped forward and pulled the man's sleeves, beckoning him not to be impulsive.

   "Brother Ling Tian, ​​you let me talk to my sister."

  Su Xier looked at Su Qinghuan with tears in her eyes.

"Sister Qinghuan, I know you are angry. You might be angry that I robbed your fiancé, right? But Brother Lingtian and I really love each other. What's more, my marriage to him is already in your hands. It's been many years since the two retired."

   "Sister Qinghuan, why can't you be more generous and don't mess around? It's yours after all, not yours, no matter how hard you fight for it, it will be nothing!"

  Su Xi'er's remarks were extremely high-sounding. People who didn't know thought that Su Xi'er had done something just and awe-inspiring.

Su Qinghuan sneered upon hearing this.

  She pointedly looked at the bright red bracelet on Su Xier’s wrist.

   "Sister Xier, you are right. Some things are really not something you can grab if you want to. People and objects are no exception, right?"

  (End of this chapter)

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