The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1029: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (23)

  Chapter 1029 The Demon Lord Who Admits the Mistakes of the Benefactor (23)

   Seeing Su Qinghuan hiding behind the monks who asked Yuezong's outer door so quickly, the anger in Murong Lingtian's heart was ignited like the fire of a prairie prairie fire!

   "Su Qinghuan! Do you think these clowns can protect you for a lifetime?"

Murong Lingtian has always been arrogant. Even when he didn't step into the threshold of cultivating immortality, Murong Lingtian was the eldest son in Murong Mansion who was raised by thousands of spoils. Grieved by being looked down upon? !


  And those outside monks who asked Yuezong, heard Murong Lingtian directly call them the clowns, they were immediately furious.

   "But mere mortals, dare to look down upon us who cultivate immortals and ask Taoism!"

   "Tie him!"

  Qing Yuezong, these outer cultivators who are responsible for collecting disciples, are asking if the status of Yuezong is not high, they are at least one level higher than the handyman disciples, and they can even walk sideways in this mortal world!

  They were called by the immortal master and the immortal master. Where did they encounter an overwhelming "mortal" like Murong Lingtian!

  In that instant, the middle-aged monk headed by him quickly sacrificed his imitation tie immortal lock, and quickly bound Murong Lingtian's slender limbs with the chain!


   "Despicable! Let go of me!"

  Because Murong Lingtian himself was suppressed by the blocking spirit butterfly, he is now only a cultivation base during the foundation period, and he did not dare to rashly use devilish energy in front of these people. The man suddenly lost his ability to move!

  He held his hands tightly, his eyes suddenly turned scarlet.

  "Okay, very good! You all remembered it to me, today’s shame, I will return it doubled by Murong Lingtian in the future!"

   Seeing Murong Lingtian's extremely humiliating appearance, as if someone stepped on the mud, Su Qinghuan was very funny.

  What this person did to the original owner can be described by the words despicable.

  With Murong Lingtian's surly character, he is worthy of accusing others like this?


  Su Qinghuan pretended to pull at the head robe of the middle-aged monk in a panic.

"Xianchang, Master Murong, he seems to be really crazy. He even said to scare us. Qinghuan’s humble capital. It’s an honor to be given a high look by the elders. The elders have been scolded by Prince Murong because of me. ."

  Su Qinghuan was so fanciful, she happened to have a beautiful and thin birth, and immediately attracted the sympathy of those immortal elders who asked Yuezong.

What's more, what Murong Lingtian said was really too much.

  The middle-aged monk headed by the head immediately sacrificed the imitation of the immortal lock, but he chanted two spells. Murong Lingtian's originally beautiful and unspeakable face suddenly twisted together at this moment, and it seemed extremely painful.

  However, he has a arrogant personality. Even at this point, he does not beg for mercy, but looks at Su Qinghuan with extreme hatred.

  On the contrary, Su Xier saw Murong Lingtian's twisted face, her heart was shocking, and she quickly looked towards Murong Lingtian anxiously.

   "Brother Ling Tian, ​​you are like the masters of confession, please don't read it!"

   "Shut up!"


Murong Lingtian’s eyes are scarlet, because he is now fused with the blood of Tongtian and Thorough Python, even his pupils have turned into vertical pupils for a moment because of his anger. Although this change disappeared extremely quickly, it happened to fall into Su Xi. In the eyes of the child.

  Looking at the little white flower Su Xier, both legs shivered with fright.

  She thumped and fell to the ground.

  "Brother Lingtian, you..."

  Su Xi'er took a closer look, and Murong Lingtian was still the pupil of a normal person. Although the blood was a little bit more bloodshot, it was not like the previous python's vertical pupil.

  Brother Ling Tian’s eyes...

too frightening!

  Su Xier's heart was lost and anxious, and her fearful eyes immediately caused Murong Lingtian's heart to be inexplicable.

  ——He just showed his vertical pupils for a while. How could Xi'er be so scared?

  At the beginning, she was outside the mountains of Liaoyuan City, and she dared to rescue a half-meter-long baby python by herself and even carefully held it with her hands.

  If Su Qinghuan knew the thoughts of this fellow, I’m afraid he would laugh out loud.

  -Normal girls are afraid of reptiles like snakes, OK?

  No matter how green tea Su Xier is, in the final analysis, she is just an ordinary girl now.

  Only the original owner, who has pity for small animals because she is not taken seriously by her relatives around her, will dare to rescue a wounded snake in the wild.


  Murong Lingtian's heart condensed slightly, but he didn't expect to go anywhere else, so Su Qinghuan stepped forward without fear and fear.

"Prince Murong, I know that I have had some disputes with you before, but this time, it is because of me that you angered those immortal elders who asked Yuezong. Heaven is above. If you have hatred, count it. I am fine here, what do you think?"

  Others don’t really understand what Su Qinghuan means, after all, in their eyes, Murong Lingtian is just a mortal who can’t cultivate immortality, only the system 233 knows it.

  It sighed.

   "Host, are you afraid that Murong Lingtian will avenge those monks afterwards?"

   "Well, there is a vow of heaven to restrain him, even if he wants revenge, he will just look for me."


   "Why should I promise you?"

Murong Lingtian glanced at Su Qinghuan with a sneer. He deeply examined the monks present. In terms of strength, these people who add up to several hundred years old are not as lucky as those who have just entered the practice for a few years. Own.

   "If you promise me, I will tell you a secret."

   "What's the secret?"

Su Qing happily looked at each other with a smile, and the two of them were pulled very close at once, but Murong Lingtian was **** by the imitation of the imitation of the immortal lock, and his figure was slightly crouched on one knee, but Su Qinghuan was sitting on the ground and looking down. Hold him.

  "Didn’t you just keep asking?"

  Su Qinghuan looked towards Murong Lingtian meaningfully.

  Murong Lingtian hated the aggressive woman in front of him, but at the moment the girl’s beautiful and non-pouring face was close at hand, even though Su Qinghuan’s expression was ridiculed and disdainful, the man had to admit that Su Qinghuan was indeed fascinating.

The beauty revealed by the little fox is not comparable to that of a pretentious and weak woman like Su Xier. She may not meet the beauty of gentleness and virtuousness, which is commonly seen in women at the moment, but it shows another kind of intimidating beauty. Spicy.

  Like the manjusawa in **** in full bloom, it is extremely colorful, even if the poison penetrates every inch and every minute of the flower and leaf, it still attracts many flower-watchers to be heartbroken at first sight.

In a daze, Murong Lingtian subconsciously agreed to Su Qinghuan's request.

   "Okay, the way of heaven is above, and I will not involve a third party for your grievances and my grievances."

  He didn’t say that if those ants provoke him in the future, he will not do it!


  Su Qinghuan nodded, she smiled and approached Murong Lingtian's ears, like a devil's whisper.

   "I saw those butterflies last night~"

  (End of this chapter)

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