The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1031: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (25)

  Chapter 1031 The Demon Lord Who Admits the Wrong Benefactor (25)

  Father Su has never come into contact with anything about cultivating immortals and asking questions, but isn’t there such a story in the script that one person achieves the Tao and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven?

  Listening to the meaning of these monks in Yuezong, Su Qinghuan’s spiritual roots are very popular with some male cultivators, and it is possible that in the future, he will have a very good marriage.

  If this is the case, there must be some kind of spiritual fruit in the book of that kind of words. They are the parents of mortals, can't they be benefited as well?

  Father Su doesn't want to live forever, but let them have no disaster, pain and disease in their entire life, Su Qinghuan will always do it, right?

  Otherwise, didn't they have raised such a beautiful daughter in vain! ?


  Father Su's inner daydreaming was very good, but Su Qinghuan unceremoniously responded to Father Su in front of those who asked about the immortal Yuezong.

   "Father, how do I remember that my mother passed away when I was less than ten years old? Do you want me to consider Xiao Qin as my mother?"

  Father Su was exposed in front of so many people, and he was a little unsure on the spot. The man blushed and asked roughly.

  "Why not?! The Qin family has also raised you and Xi'er for so many years. Qinghuan, you never see that you have the opportunity to develop now, so you want to be a rebellious and unfilial daughter?!"

  Speaking, Su's father cried out to those immortal longmen who asked Yuezong before the wicked complained.

"My elders, you have to be my master. If my daughter is such a wicked woman who is unfaithful, unfilial, and unrighteous, are you sure you want to recruit her as a disciple of the Yuezong? Will you ruin the reputation of Yuezong?"

   "She hasn't followed you to ask Yuezong, she's just not like supporting her parents. Can you even look at this kind of disciple?"

  Father Su wanted to preemptively, and asked the immortal masters of Yuezong to suppress Su Qinghuan's arrogance. After all, as an orthodox sect, it is impossible to recruit a student of this kind, right?


  Ask those monks of Yuezong who saw Su Qinghuan's frail, thin and beautiful appearance, they didn't look like a natural rebellious female class.

  They looked at Su Qinghuan hesitantly, because they didn't understand the details, and they also consoled.

  "Miss Su, do you have any misunderstandings with your father? According to your father's words, although your biological mother has passed away, your stepmother has the gift of nurturing at any rate. As the saying goes, it is better to nurture a kindness."

  "They are all relatives connected by blood, and the stepmother has no credit and hard work. Why should Miss Su care about some small things with them?"


   and Su Qinghuan laughed directly

"Ha ha."

  First, she calmly bowed to the outside monks.

   "A few immortals do not know something, my family's situation is quite special, it is necessary to have a good talk with you."

   Then, Su Qinghuan looked at Father Su with a pig liver-colored face unceremoniously.

"Father, at any rate, I call you a father, but what you do is really a father of a person? You were born in my house, but when my mother was seriously ill, you were born in the land of wind and moon. Little Qin hooked up together, and got pregnant with a secret knot, and had my sister."

  It is not only Su Xier's white lotus that can act in bitter love drama, you know, the original owner is really bitter!

  Speaking, Su Qinghuan turned towards the immortals with a melancholy expression.

"I'm not afraid of a few immortal long jokes, the previous woman who was slightly taller than me was my sister Su Xier, and the fiance next to her in Yushu Linfeng was my former husband-in-law, ridiculous. Bar?"

  "That’s all. The son of Murong looks down on me next, but once at my biological mother’s funeral, he directly mentioned resignation, making me a weak woman a joke of the entire Liaoyuan City."

   "And my father, when my mother was buried less than a month ago, he carried Xiao Qin's mother and daughter into the door."

  "Xianchang, how much do you think I must have to respect my father and my stepmother?"

   "The so-called poor quality and filial piety. Although I am a woman, Su Qinghuan, I also know the truth of being a man. I am afraid that my fate with Liaoyuan City will be ruined in the future."


Su Qinghuan deliberately told the story of herself and Murong Lingtian, Su Xier and others, because sooner or later Murong Lingtian and Su Xier would go to the immortal world to embark on the path of immortality. If this is the case, she has to plan early. At the very least, public opinion always has to fight for it.

  Although the world of cultivating immortals does not particularly care about such trivial matters of mortals, the things Murong Lingtian and others do are really against the ethics of normal people.

  As long as the immortal cultivators who still have some basic qualities, they will not appreciate the behavior style of people like Murong Lingtian and Su Xier.


   "There is such a thing?"

  Several cultivators who were in charge of accepting disciples immediately looked at Su's father displeased.

   "It's good if Miss Su doesn't resent you. What face do you have, saying that you want Miss Su to return to Liaoyuan City from time to time to support you and continue?"

   "Miss Su, if you have nothing to pack, just let us go."


  Su Qinghuan was lightly dressed and simple, and soon followed the other side's pace.


   "Reverse girl! Reverse girl!"

  Seeing that Su Qinghuan walked out of the house so unrelentingly, Su's father was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

   However, seeing the warning eyes of those who asked Yuezong Immortal Chang's indifference, he suddenly didn't dare to chase after stage fright.


  After leaving Su Mansion with Su Qinghuan, several monks who asked Yuezong looked towards Su Qinghuan with pity.

   "Miss Su, I didn't think that you were also in a rough life. When you ask Yuezong, there will be no such thing as bullying and weak. We will not mention your life experience."

   "It's okay, maybe my sisters and others will change their minds in the future and ask Yuezong or other immortal sects? I don't need to hide it from me, I have already let go."


  Thinking for a moment, the headed monk from the outer door waved his hand and gave Su Qinghuan a small cloth bag.

"This is a Xumi bag, and there are a small amount of low-grade spirit stones in it, which can be used to buy artifacts in the world of cultivating immortals. If Miss Su has anything, she can put it here in the future, and she can recognize the lord with a drop of blood. A gift for Miss Su."

   "Okay, then Qinghuan, thank you all fairy leaders."

  Su Qinghuan smiled slightly, and accepted it without being polite.

  The outside cultivators saw her so cheerful and uncomfortable, and they also admired her a little bit more in their hearts.


  Su Qinghuan has always been the type who must be rewarded for grace. She has decided that after her cultivation level is slightly improved, she will inevitably do more tasks to pick up some spiritual fruits and give them to these monks who speak righteously.

  (End of this chapter)

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