The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1039: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (33)

  Chapter 1039 The Demon Lord Who Admits the Mistakes of the Benefactor (33)

   "Are you asking Yuezong's new disciple?"

  Hearing the cold male voice in mid-air, Su Qinghuan was slightly startled.

  As soon as she looked up, she saw a handsome face.

  It's just a beautiful skin bag, it can't match the words that the white-clothed youth had offended her earlier.

  Even if you know the facts that the white-clothed youth said, it’s too rude!

  Where is there to talk to girls like this!

   Thinking of this, Su Qinghuan suddenly cast a blank glance at the white-clothed youth.

   "What's the matter with you? I thought you left early. Don't you like the noise of others? How can you be a gentleman on the wall to watch the fun?"


  Of course, the white-clothed youth knew that Su Qinghuan was taunting him with a gun and a stick. The strange thing was that he didn't even feel bored in his heart.

The black woman in front of her was a little bit poisoned, her chest flattened, and she was a little thinner. Only a pair of eyes could allow him to see through, just like asking the sly cat on the mountain after Yuezong. A pair of cat eyes, sparkling and shining.

  The youth in white clothes coughed.

  "My name is Ye Feihan. The night of the night is not cold Feihan. I also asked the disciple of Yuezong. I asked you one more question. Why are you so aggressive?"

   "Am I aggressive?"

  Su Qing looked at the white-clothed youth with a smile.

"Counting out, we are not really considered to be from the same school. After all, I haven't formally worshipped Wenyuezong, but with the permission of those immortal leaders who test the spiritual roots, I can participate in the entrance test of Wenyuezong's mountain gate. ."

   " wonder."

  The young man in white was secretly thinking.

  ——What he said, which peak master would be willing to recruit such a cruel female disciple?

  If there were any, he wouldn’t be asking Yuezong’s reputation that he had never heard of Su Qinghuan.


  The young man in white was feeling interesting in his heart, and suddenly seeing Su Qinghuan turning around to leave, the man realized one thing.

   "Wait, you did not formally apprentice your teacher, so you have reached the late stage of Qi refining by yourself?"

   And asked Yuezong is only recently sent outside monks to the mortal world to recruit disciples, I am afraid that it will only take a month at most.

  Su Qinghuan, as a commoner of the Tianyue Kingdom, has only been exposed to the matter of cultivating immortals for a month, so he can cultivate to the late stage of Qi refining by himself?

   Such a level of genius, I am afraid that the entire Ask Yuezong can't find a few, right?

  Oh, of course, compared to Ye Feihan, he is still a bit worse.


  However, the white-clothed young man saw at a glance that Su Qinghuan was the female cultivator of Shuimu Shuanglinggen, far from his own kind of good cultivation of mutant Fenglinggen.

  So the progress of Su Qinghuan's practice is quite amazing.


   "Is it weird? Don't allow others to be talented?"

  Su Qinghuan once again gave Ye Feihan an angry look. She could see that the man named Ye had a noble and glamorous look, but he was actually arrogant and straight.

  Although it is not completely straight male cancer for the time being, the personality is very unpopular with little girls anyway.

  Of course, there are so many face-controls in this world, and it is impossible to guarantee that there are countless women who fancy Ye Feihan's face and go forward.

   After all, even Murong Lingtian's extremely shameless scum has countless women admiring. That Ye Feihan, a black man with a poisonous tongue and belly, has a group of obsessed girls, and it doesn't appear to be a bit abrupt.


"It's not surprising... it's just Miss Su, you, as the Shuangling Root Sister of Mizuki, it's not easy to cultivate and diligently. With such achievements, it is enough to make Wen Yuezong's peak masters look at each other with admiration. It’s not impossible for a closed disciple."

The monks of Shuanglinggen of Mizuki, regardless of male or female, as long as they passed Wenyuezong’s entrance to the mountain worship test, they are qualified to become Wenyuezong’s inner disciple, but it is not easy to become a direct disciple of the peak masters of each peak. of.

The sentence   Ye Feihan undoubtedly gave Su Qinghuan another reassurance.


   However, Su Qinghuan raised her eyebrows in surprise.

  "How do you know my last name is Su?"

  "Didn’t you tell the scarred man before that your name is Su Qinghuan? It should be the Qinghuan who is fascinating in the world, right?"

  Su Qinghuan nodded.

   And Ye Feihan saw that Su Qinghuan's attitude seemed to be a little milder, his heart loosened, he immediately looked at Su Qinghuan with a smile, the white-clothed youth thought about it for a moment, and took the initiative to extend an olive branch to Su Qinghuan.

  "My master is the elder Qinghe of Xuanjian Peak. Xuanjian Peak has a line to me, and I am the only one who is the master's direct disciple. If you come, Miss Su, you will definitely become our darling of Xuanjian Peak."

   "After all, our female disciple of Xuanjian Peak is scarce, let alone a direct disciple."

"not interested."

  Su Qinghuan has always held a lot of grudges, she glanced at Ye Feihan coldly, and then turned to leave.

   But Ye Feihan did not give up and said to Su Qinghuan.

   "Do you hate me for not helping you earlier?"

  "...Everyone has his own fate, and there are countless injustices in the world. It is not too strange if you don't help."

  For Su Qinghuan, it is a good person who can see injustices and draw a knife to help each other, and as long as he doesn't fall into trouble, he can be regarded as a normal person.

  Hearing Su Qinghuan’s answer, the man suddenly looked startled.

   "Then why do you seem to be unhappy with me?"

   " don't want to think about it, what did you say before?"

  Su Qinghuan slanted at night without angrily. She really didn’t know that a man could not know it to such an extent.

  If Ye Feihan had not given birth to a good skin, I'm afraid he would have been beaten to death long ago.

   "...oh, it turned out to be because of my previous comment."

  The man glanced at Su Qinghuan’s undulating figure, and thought to himself that he was telling the truth.

   Perceiving the man's slightly aggrieved eyes, Su Qinghuan felt even more angry.

   "What kind of look is in your eyes?!"

   "...Sorry, I didn't mean to say this before, I thought you wouldn't be angry."

  Ye Feihan dripped cold sweat on his forehead. In fact, his master Qinghe elders had long been willing to let him find another direct younger brother and younger sister, because they were thin on Xuanjian Peak, so Elder Qinghe would be anxious.

  It's just that the elder Qinghe is eager to break through the late Nascent Soul stage, and has been closed all year round. Those geniuses with single spiritual roots or even mutant spiritual roots are not willing to come to Xuanjian Peak.

  After all, it is well known that Xuanjian Peak is good at swordsmanship, and the cultivation is painstaking, and the peak owner Qinghe Elder may not always be able to personally give pointers.


  Shan Linggen’s good seedlings are not so easy to find. They come and go. Ye Feihan saw Su Qinghuan today, so he subconsciously put the thought of accepting apprentices on behalf of the master on Su Qinghuan.

Seeing that he had offended Su Qinghuan, Ye Feihan was uncomfortable with the world, he suddenly thought that Su Qinghuan had previously told the Scarlet Man that the Sumi Bag was all her possessions.

   "Miss Su, if you come to my Xuanjian Peak, how about I give you five thousand high-grade spirit stones to help you cultivate?"

  (End of this chapter)

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