The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1043: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (37)

  Chapter 1043 The Demon Who Admits the Mistakes of the Benefactor (37)

   Seeing Su Qinghuan walking towards a white-clothed male sword repairman, Su Xier's heart jumped.

  She almost headed towards Murong Lingtian with righteous indignation.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​Sister Losing told me that you have a deep-rooted love for Brother Ling Tian and cannot extricate herself for many years. At that time, in order to comfort her, I thought that Brother Ling Tian was her sister’s fiancé, and I gave her hundreds of taels of gold. Woolen cloth."

"Xier became the wife of Brother Ling Tian. She felt a little guilty for her sister and felt sorry for her as a woman walking alone. However, she did not expect that her sister had just entered the foot of Kunlun Mountains and had not formally worshipped Yuezong. That's it. There will be a new love soon!"

   "Brother Ling Tian, ​​the hundreds of taels that Xi'er paid for herself...No, I am not worth it for Brother Ling Tian."

  In order to portray herself as a pitiful saint like herself, Su Xier was naturally embarrassed to say that she still felt sorry for the money, so she hurriedly changed the conversation and continued to complain to Murong Lingtian with righteousness and indignation.

"Brother Lingtian, I am really not worth it for you. My sister must have been moved by that wild man's wealth. The robe worth a lot of high-grade spirit stones on her is proof. It's just that no matter how generous the shot is, others are in Xixi. In my heart, it's less than one ten thousandth of Ling Tian's brother."

  Su Xi'er wanted to continue to ridicule Su Qinghuan, but at this moment, the young man in white with the long sword turned around at the right time.

  It was just a look back, and the various ridicules Su Xier's mouth suddenly couldn't tell.

  —God, what kind of luck is Su Qinghuan?

  She always thought that Murong Lingtian was the most handsome man in the world. Who knew that there could be a rival to Murong Lingtian in the world!

  Zhang is a face that is extremely favored by the Creator.

With long eyebrows and phoenix eyes, the face is like a crown of jade, a thin lip, although the lip color is pale, but it contrasts with the little cinnabar mole between the man’s eyebrows. Between the two echoes, it seems to add a little more to this magnificent and handsome appearance. Ye Yan.

   is cold and noble, if it weren't for the man's powerful aura, I'm afraid that many young women who sprout spring will want to jump on it.


  Su Xier stared at Su Xier and Ye Feihan dumbly.

  She originally wanted to say that Su Qinghuan and the man she was looking for were like a dog and a dog, but could this be a dog and a dog?

   is clearly a golden girl and a beautiful girl, right?


  Because her original rhetoric was not convincing enough, Su Xier had to change her words temporarily. Seeing that Su Qinghuan now has such a good "home", the other party even spent a lot of spirit stones to buy her clothes.

  In contrast, Su Xi'er felt that Murong Lingtian, who was thinking of dormant and reserved his strength, was too stingy towards her.

  Su Xi'er felt sorrow and jealousy in her heart. She stared at Su Qinghuan's face with hatred, and complained while pulling Murong Lingtian's sleeves.

   "Brother Ling Tian, ​​I am afraid that the young man is also following the way of my sister. She has always been a person who can swindle and sell miserably. Hey...Isn't my one hundred taels of gold deceived by my sister in that way?"

   "Even if the young man is devoted to his elder sister, if the elder sister is well-mannered, he won't receive such a big favor from others in just one month."

  If Su Qinghuan knew what Su Xier's thoughts were in his heart, I was afraid that he would laugh at Su Xier while screaming for Su Xier.

  —Su Xier’s arrangement is no different from some arrangement girls of later generations who received large gifts from others, who are shamelessly worshipping gold girls, and all kinds of eight women who betrayed their young bodies.


Su Xier was so sore, but Murong Lingtian did not hear Su Xier's faint complaint. He didn't seem to Su Xier rushing to this kind of love between men and women. Instead, he noticed it. Su Qinghuan has now broken through to his cultivation in the late stage of Qi refining.

  Su Qinghuan is just a water-wood double-spiritual root, and it can have such good luck.

  Could it be that, just like herself, did she fall into some magic cave and get the cultivator's inheritance by luck?

  Murong Lingtian is not a love mind. For the first time in his life, he really saw this woman still have some strength.

   "Xier, maybe it's not what you think, Su Qinghuan...seems to have entered the late stage of Qi refining."

  The man's tone was a bit heavy. Last time in the Su Mansion of the Liaoyuan City, he was humiliated because of Su Qinghuan, and Murong Lingtian naturally hated Su Qinghuan.

  He didn't want to expose his turbulent python bloodline so that he concealed it. He originally thought that as long as he found an opportunity in private, Su Qinghuan was just an ant that could be trampled to death.

   But today's Su Qinghuan suddenly made Murong Lingtian a little jealous.

  "Qi refining...late stage?!"

  Su Xier heard Murong Lingtian's words, her eyes suddenly widened!

  It is necessary to know whether she was fed a lot of spiritual fruit by Murong Lingtian, or the extremely precious kind of heaven and earth treasure, only to feel the key to shedding the mortal womb and entraining air into the body.

   But even so, Su Xier still failed to break through.

Still Murong Lingtian couldn’t stand it anymore. He concentrated Su Xier's aura at such no expense. In the end, he simply forcibly gathered the aura of a mortal town to Su Xier's side, and then it poured back into Su Xier's meridian. , Su Xier successfully entered the early stage of Qi refining.

Su Xi'er still felt dissatisfied after being covered by Murong Lingtian's external practice. She felt that Xiuxian was exhausted. When she took off from a mortal fetus, it was dirty and smelly. She felt that cultivation was so hard and she lay flat. Doesn't the leg holding Murong Lingtian smell fragrant?

  So later, I don’t pay much attention to cultivation.

   Anyway, Murong Lingtian can feed her a spiritual fruit every three to five.

  After she successfully stepped into the Qi refining period, she can gradually absorb the spiritual energy of Lingguo. How hard it is to rely solely on her own words!


  As a plug-in player, Su Xier blurted out in shock and jealousy.

   "Brother Ling Tian, ​​this is impossible! If it is true, then Sister Qinghuan must have been exposed to the light of that young man repair! I don't know how many spiritual treasures have been harmed by others!"

  "I’m the fiancee of Brother Lingtian, but Sister Qinghuan, I’m not getting engaged to someone so soon, right? She meets each other in Pingshui, why is she embarrassed to speak so loudly?"


  Su Xi'er felt extremely jealous for a while, how could Su Qinghuan meet Ye Feihan, a man who is willing to give and is extremely handsome?

  Why? !

  Su Xier knows very well that her current good fortune is obtained by imposters.

  Who would have thought that even if Su Qinghuan missed Murong Lingtian, he could turn around and have another golden turtle!

   But Su Xier really guessed one thing wrong, and Su Qinghuan really entered the late stage of Qi refining on his own.


  In Su Xi’er’s eyes, Ye Feihan was a ghostly obsessed heart. Although he gave Su Qinghuan a lot of good things, he didn’t feel any pain at all.

Outside the clothing store, Baiyi Jianxiu walked towards Su Qinghuan with a bit of amazement.

  He looked at Su Qinghuan a few times, his eyes confused.

   "Are you really... Junior Sister Su?"

  (End of this chapter)

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