The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1045: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (39)

  Chapter 1045 The Demon Who Admits Wrong Benefactor (39)

   Hearing that deliberately pinching her throat, like Huang Ying's female voice, I don't know why, Ye Feihan was a little bit displeased when she heard it.

  Sister Qinghuan Su actually has a younger sister who has the roots of cultivating immortals?

  Why didn’t he hear Su Qinghuan?

  If a mortal without spiritual roots, he wouldn’t be able to come to the Xiuxian Bazaar at the foot of Kunlun Mountain.


   Ye Feihan frowned slightly, turned her head, and saw a young girl with a very feminine figure looking at her inexplicably, the surprise in her eyes could not be concealed.

In normal times, Ye Feihan wouldn’t think there was anything. After all, Ye Feihan gave birth to a good skin. Don’t say he’s asking Yuezong, even the entire righteous immortal gate, it’s hard to match his appearance. Male monk.

  So Ye Feihan was only fourteen or five years old. When he was a teenager, there was a young girl Xiu who secretly contacted the peak owner Qinghe Shangzun of Xuanjian Peak, trying to make an appointment with Ye Feihan as soon as possible.

But these people don’t know that Xuanjian Peak’s swordsmanship has many training modes. Although Ye Feihanxiu’s swordsmanship is Hongchendao, it’s better not to break the body of Yuanyang before the birth of a baby, so Xuanjian Elder Qinghe of the peak, naturally, would not be willing to let his beloved learn about men and women early.

  In this case, even if there are more female cultivators showing good wishes to Ye Feihan, the man completely ignores it.


  Ye Feihan has long been used to the woman's stunning eyes, but what makes him uncomfortable is that this woman who claims to be Su Qinghuan's sister is still very intimately holding a young man in her hand.

   And Ye Feihan could tell at a glance that this son was not only outstanding in appearance, but even more extraordinary in talent, because the aura around him was obviously attracted by this man. It is estimated that the aptitude of the other party would be much better than that of Su Qinghuan.

  Looking at the appearance of this woman who claims to be Su Qinghuan’s sister and Murong Lingtian cuddling each other, it is obvious that the relationship is a small couple belonging to the secular world. If this is the case, how can you look at him in front of your partner in such a straightforward manner?

  The light in those eyes seemed to send Qiubo a little straightforwardly, and Ye Feihan suddenly looked very unhappy.


   "Sister Su, don’t you know who these two are?"

   Ye Feihan looked at Su Qinghuan with some doubts.

  Su Qinghuan's expression was faint. Before she had time to speak, Su Xier was very familiar and started to introduce her cheerfully.

  "This son, I am the younger sister of sister Qinghuan, my name is Su Xier, and the young man next to me is Xier’s fiance, Murong Lingtian."

"I don’t know who is the son’s last name and name, and where does he live? Seeing the son standing with a sword, he should be a sword repairman? Why do you call Sister Qinghuan as Junior Sister Su? Ask Yuezong’s entry trial not two days later. Do you start?"


  Su Xier's enthusiasm, and so many problems like a cascade of pearls, did not surprise Su Qinghuan at all.

  She glanced at Su Xier with a smile, with a cold and mocking expression.

   "Sister Xier, there is your fiancé Murong next to you, but you still have your fiancé Murong, why? You are so enthusiastically inquiring about Brother Ye. Did you like Brother Ye?"


  Why does this woman provoke divorce when she comes up!

  Su Xi'er was anxious, she looked at Su Qinghuan with extreme jealousy. The white high-level robe worn by the little fox was what Su Xi'er had taken before.

  It is said that people depend on clothing, why did she not realize that the little fox was born so beautifully, eyebrows and eyebrows are astonishingly thick, teeth are like braided shells, and lips are like Zhu Dan.

  Originally, this beautiful dress should be in her pocket!

  Who told Murong Lingtian not to buy it for her!

  Although Murong Lingtian said that he did not want to punch too much, after all, this high-level robe was worth a hundred high-grade spirit stones. They first came to the foot of Kunlun Mountain and spent so much money, they were afraid that they would recruit some unkind monks.

   But now I see Su Qinghuan, even if she is a female monk in the late stage of Qi refining, isn't she too weak in the realm of cultivation?

  Why can she wander around in such a magnificent robe, isn't it just the young man in front of her?


   Su Xier felt a bit wronged in her heart for a while.

Because of Xiao Qin's precepts and deeds, she was very strong and worshipped in her bones. Even if she felt that Murong Lingtian was the golden turtle son-in-law she had to hold her hands on, she couldn't bear to see such an outstanding young talent as Ye Feihan. I want to settle down a little bit.

  As for this good measure, it’s hard to say.

  After all, this is not something Su Xier can decide unilaterally.


  Su Xi'er gritted her teeth, and then looked at Murong Lingtian very aggrievedly.

   "Brother Ling Tian, ​​you can see that Sister Huan talks nonsense to me as soon as she meets. Xi'er obviously just met her sister from another country and wants to make more friends."

  Murong Lingtian is indeed good to Su Xier, but he is not completely in love, because Su Xier's previous eyes staring at Ye Feihan seemed to be stuck by something, and the man's heart was also vaguely unhappy.

  Of course he could see that the young sword repairer who was called Senior Brother Ye by Su Qinghuan had an extraordinary cultivation level and was clearly above him.

  Fortunately, Murong Lingtian knew that people in the world of cultivating immortals couldn't tell how old they were. Although Ye Feihan looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, he was afraid that his age was far above him.

   Relying on this little belief, the man suddenly glanced at Ye Feihan proudly.

   "I don't know where this fellow Ye Daoist learned from, is it also a monk under Yuezong?"

   "It's not cold in the next night, it is the direct disciple of Xuanjian Peak Qinghe Xianzun."

  Yefeihan smiled faintly.

   "What, direct disciple?"

  Su Xier stared at Ye Feihan in shock and ignorance for several times. Although she guessed that Ye Feihan’s life was extraordinary, she had never expected that she would already be the heir of the Lord of Yifeng. This is really amazing!

   Seeing Su Xier’s adoration of others, Murong Lingtian said coldly.

   "Oh? A direct disciple? It's not a coincidence that I am about to worship Yuezong. With my aptitude to mutate Lei Linggen, I wonder if I can be your direct disciple of Xuanjian Peak?"

   "Unfortunately, another person has already chosen this position."

  Su Qinghuan, of course, could see that Murong Lingtian was deliberately showing off his talent, and the little fox smiled and said to Murong Lingtian and Su Xier.

   "Just before, Brother Ye has already promised me that as long as I can pass the sect test, I will allow me the position of this Xuanjian Peak Peak Master's personal disciple."


  Why is this woman so fateful, when she came to the foot of Kunlun Mountains, she was taken a fancy to!

  Su Xier was shocked when she heard that, she could only arrange it sourly.

"Oh? But Xi'er remembers that at the time, the immortal head of the outer sect who was in charge of accepting disciples said that in general, you can become a personal disciple at the beginning, and you need a Tianlinggen monk like Lingtian. Sister, are you with this Ye Gongzi, do you have any affair with your children?"

  (End of this chapter)

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