The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1047: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (41)

  Chapter 1047 The Demon Lord Who Admits the Mistakes of the Benefactor (41)

  Ye Feihan’s words are very simple and clear. Asking Yuezong Xuanjian Peak, as long as men and women who want to practice Hongchen Swordsmanship, as long as they are a bit enterprising, they are not allowed to have a Taoist companion in front of the advanced Yuan Ying cultivator.

  In fact, there are three words for Daolu, which is quite elegant. A man's Yuanyang body and a woman's Yuanyin body are not necessarily broken by Daolu.

  Of course, there is also the kind of Xuanjian Peak Swordsman who consciously has no hope of advancement, so simply indulges in the love of men and women, but the number is relatively small.


  For the cultivators in the realm of comprehension, the love between men and women is nothing more than a little love. If you break your path to advancement in order to love others, it will make countless cultivators feel incredible.

  Xuanjian Peak has also come through generations, and there is no lack of that kind of monks who have been unable to break through, and whose appearance is very old.

  Because most of the monks who are willing to cultivate swords are cultivating crazy demons, each of them has a dream in their hearts, what if they have an epiphany at any time?

  If it is because of this difference in thought, you have to make yourself pay for the inability to break through to the highest sword intent in the future, that is the last regret of the monks.


  After listening to Ye Feihan’s explanation, Su Xier felt embarrassed.

  She naturally understood that any monk with a clear mind would not suddenly have anything indescribable with other women at this time.

  She held Murong Lingtian’s hand in a jealousy, her beautiful big eyes were wide open, and her expression was still slightly gleaming, she was so wronged and innocent that you can’t blame me.

"That's Xi'er's misunderstanding, but if you can cultivate to the Yuanying body, wouldn't you be qualified to be the master of the peak of a large sect like Wen Yuezong? If it is a small sect, be a master of the sect. Enough."

   "Is there anyone in this world who wants to be a monk for so long? It's no wonder Xi'er thinks wrong."


  Su Qinghuan faced such a short-sighted Su Xier, she wanted to laugh a little.

   And because Murong Lingtian was not aware of Ye Feihan's cultivation base, he vaguely felt that this white-clothed sword repair might not only be as simple as his own cultivation base.

  Because Ye Feihan just looks similar to them in appearance, Murong Lingtian thought in his heart, maybe this man has already formed a pill and is unknown.

  He immediately asked Su Xier to shut up, not wanting to be refuted.

"Xie'er, don't have to talk to them anymore, let's go. In two days, I will ask Yuezong for the entry test. Whether Su Qinghuan can pass the test is unknown. Right now, there is nothing left besides the direct disciple of Peak Master Xuanjian Peak. , Why bother with them?"


   Seeing Murong Lingtian so arrogant and arrogant, his words completely seemed to regard the position of their direct disciple of Xuanjian Peak as something in the bag, Ye Feihan instantly looked a little unsightly.


   "Brother, let me do it."

  Su Qinghuan gave Ye Feihan a gentle look, and the little fox stretched out his hand first, and grabbed the angry young man in white.

  Ye Feihan looked at Su Qinghuan's self-cooked hand with a slightly startled look, and the warm and soft touch felt like it was just his illusion.

  And the little fox has already looked towards Murong Lingtian.

   "Sister Murong and Sister Xier are indeed a perfect match, they are both so confident."

  Su Xier stood proudly beside Murong Lingtian, and the fox furiously turned back.

"Big Brother Ling Tian is a dragon among people. What's wrong with being more confident? It's you, only Shuanglinggen. There are so many geniuses that you have to rob for the position of disciple. Snatch it temporarily, right?"

"What is there to be afraid of? No matter how I am alone, I am all alone, and the whole family is not hungry. It is Mr Murong who wants to bring you a bottle of five spirit roots. Even if you can successfully enter the sect, I am afraid it will be. In the light of your fiance."


  Su Xier wanted to refute what happened to the man on the spot.

   And Su Qinghuan deliberately wanted to embarrass her and Murong Lingtian, and immediately added fuel to the fire with a smile.

   "Forgot to tell you that Brother Ye is already a monk in the late stage of alchemy, as long as he doesn't find the female dormitory of the fellow practitioner Hongchen Kendo, he will be away from looking for a Taoist companion very quickly."

"But Sister Xier, if Master Murong wants to come to Xuanjian Peak, I'm afraid he can only practice this Red Sword Dao. Doesn't Sister Xier think that Xuanjianfeng's male cultivators are all monks? Wouldn't the time for your marriage be unlimited? Postponed?"


Su Xier's arrogance disappeared for a while. She originally wanted to sway Murong Lingtian for the position of a direct disciple of the Xuanjian Peak, so she must let Su Qinghuan pass the test during the entry test.

   But now it seems that Su Qinghuan still has to be embarrassed, but she must not let Murong Lingtian go to Xuanjian Peak!

  Su Xier did not suspect that Murong Lingtian had no talent to become a Nascent Soul monk. She was afraid that she would be too mediocre. Even if she didn’t want to admit it, Su Qinghuan said she was Murong Lingtian’s oil bottle, which was indeed the truth.

  Once Murong Lingtian became the master of Yuan Ying, she was still an unmarried couple with Murong Lingtian. At that time, how could she **** those red, green and powerful female cultivators!


  For a while, Su Xier tugged at Murong Lingtian's sleeves in a panic.

   "Brother Ling Tian, ​​isn't this Xuanjianfeng cultivation method forcing people to break love? This is not good at all. You must promise me that after asking Yuezong, you can never go to Xuanjianfeng to practice."

   Ye Fei coldly sneered when Su Xier's voice was obviously disgusting.

   "It just so happens that Xuanjianfeng doesn't welcome you men and women who have no moral bottom line. Even if the two pass the introductory test of Asking Yuezong, I don't think my master will welcome you over."

   "Ye Gongzi, because you still look like a human being, how do you talk so rampantly! It makes me and Brother Ling Tian rare."

  Su Xier was a little angry on the spot, she almost wanted to tear it up with someone, but Murong Lingtian was much calmer than her.

   "No need to argue with the meaningless, Xier, let's go."

  Even, Murong Lingtian nodded towards Ye Feihan very politely.

   "Xie'er is still young. Don't forgive her for a weak woman."

  Su Qinghuan chuckled coolly.

   "Heh... a real weak woman, she won't rob her sister's former fiancé."

  To be modern, let alone sisters, or girlfriends’ ex-boyfriends, there will be no such kind of people licking their faces and leaning forward.


  Su Xier wanted to get angry on the spot, but was dragged away by Murong Lingtian.

   "Xieer, let's go."


  Just before leaving, Murong Lingtian gave Su Qinghuan a meaningful look.

  There was a forbearance of surrender in that look, and there was a silent warning, like a steel knife, reaching people's hearts.

   Seeing Su Qinghuan’s eyelids twitched.

  (End of this chapter)

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