The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1049: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (43)

  Chapter 1049 The Demon Lord Who Admits the Mistakes of the Benefactor (43)

  Before this month, Su Xier really didn't know anything about the world of immortality, and she hadn't even read a book about this kind of words.

  After listening to Su Qinghuan’s popular science, she was really afraid that Murong Lingtian would be good enough to think about it, what Xuanjian Peak to build and what Hongchen Dao, what is the difference between this and going to a temple to be a monk?

  There is another point that puts Su Xier under a lot of pressure. When he was in a mortal town, Su Xier could still feel complacent that, along the way, there are no two girls on the street who are better-looking than him.

  Even if her facial features are slightly more refined than her by chance, she doesn't have the natural fair and affectionate skin like her, plus this exquisite and beautiful figure that makes a man's eyes glowing when she looks at it.

   Regarding this, Su Xi'er is not obvious on her face, and she is still very proud of it. Who doesn't like the feeling of being gorgeous?


  But since they got closer and closer to Kunlun Immortal Mountain, especially when they just arrived in this Xiuxian town, Su Xier looked at it and found that there were no ugly girls on the street.

Even if it’s a female cultivator who doesn’t look prosperous, she is full of icy muscles and bones because of the entrainment of the air into the body. There is a popular saying in the secular world, which is called a white covering a hundred ugliness. Anyway, as long as the skin is good, It's not too bad to look at it after a while.

  Not to mention, there are really many good-looking female cultivators on the street, not to mention the per capita beauty, but at least they are pleasing to the eye.

   And Su Qinghuan, who happened to be outside the clothing store this time, made Su Xier more stressed. The only Su Qinghuan she has now surpassed, perhaps because her figure is more popular with men.


Only when I arrived at the foot of Kunlun Fairy Mountain, I felt like being compared by most people. Su Xier was really worried. Everyone is more eye-catching than himself in terms of body shape and appearance.

  It is with this secret worry that Su Xier increasingly wants to have that relationship with Murong Lingtian as soon as possible.

   Now Murong Lingtian is young and vigorous, just at the time when he is full of blood and admires the appearance of women, not to mention Murong Lingtian still has the name of an unmarried couple with him, and he takes good care of himself.

  Su Xier was convinced that as long as she lay down in a man's arms while pretending to be unconscious at night, she would be in her own good shape. She did not believe that Murong Lingtian would not give up.


   But when she saw the Tian Zifang was directly divided into two small rooms, plus a thick opaque wooden screen to block it, she really didn't even have a decent reason to dedicate her life.

  Su Xier, after all, relied on her own daughter's home, and wanted to hold the identity of the future main room, it was not good to directly break her own thoughts like that.

  The woman at the scene was a little bit unspeakable, so after retiring from the shop, she began to make various excuses and complained to Murong Lingtian without any explanation.

   "Brother Ling Tian, ​​when you were in front of the clothing store earlier, why didn't you let me refute your sister?"

  Su Xi'er pouted, but after a while, her eyes were already full of tears, and she looked a little bit wronged.

  "Do you just watch your sister arrange me so shamelessly? Obviously, I met you after you retired from your sister. Is it true that we are so intolerant of the world when we are together?"

   "Xieer obviously just loves you sincerely, loves you really, is it wrong to love someone?"

  Murong Lingtian is irritable at the moment, he is not as in love as Su Xier, and what mood he is thinking about at this time is indescribable.

  The man scanned Su Xi'er's tearful face, he frowned, and forced himself a bit of patience to comfort her.

   "Xie'er, at this moment, we are not familiar with the place where we are born. We have not even passed the trial of asking Yuezong. There is no need to get ahead."

  The man paused for half a second, and a pair of sharp eagle eyes flashed darkly.

   "The white sword repairman next to Su Qinghuan is unfathomable. Since he didn't refute Su Qinghuan's late Jindan cultivation base, I am afraid that he is the first person among the juniors except for the peak masters of Yuezong."

   "Nothing will happen in the future, don't provoke that Ye Feihan."

  If it wasn't for this white sword repairman who was born out of the sky, why should he be so forbearing in front of Su Qinghuan?

  ——The man originally thought that he could pinch the little ant Su Qinghuan to death soon.

  I just didn’t expect that she would break through the late stage of Qi refining in such a short period of time, and even found such a powerful backer.


  If Su Qinghuan really succeeded in passing the sect test of Asking Yuezong, Su Qinghuan, who is the direct disciple of the Xuanjian Peak Peak Master, would immediately light up his life lamp within the sect.

   Once Su Qinghuan has something unexpected, it will be transmitted back to the sect as soon as possible.

  At that time, it would be difficult for him to think about Su Qinghuan.


  The more Murong Lingtian pondered, the more he could not restrain Su Qinghuan's killing intent in his eyes.

——If you don’t find a perfect opportunity to kill Su Qinghuan, an eye-catching woman, I’m afraid she’s the speed of cultivation without a teacher. , It is enough to cause endless troubles.


Murong Ling Tiantian already had a plan in his mind, but he was not ready to talk to Su Xier, because during this period of time with Su Xier, he found that Su Xier was thinking too simple, commonly known as chest-big brainless Woman.

When he met Su Xier in Liaoyuan City, Murong Lingtian saw that Su Xier always thought that Su Xier was innocent and lovely, kind and pure, but now that he gets along for a long time, Murong Lingtian found that Su Xier also has his own dark side. As pure as he thought.

  But it doesn't matter. Even if Su Xier is dark, there will be no Murong Lingtian's heart darkened.


  Su Xier heard Murong Lingtian's words, she looked sad and indignant on the spot, she sobbed sobbing.

   "Could it be that we have to live in the shadow of this woman just because of the Ye Gongzi behind her? Why?"

   Seeing Su Xier’s tears and nasal tears, he was still rubbing his brain towards him, Murong Lingtian, who had always been obsessed with cleanliness, turned dark on the spot.

  He already had a lot of worries in his heart now. Wherever he had time to accompany Su Xier as the lover of his sons and daughters, the man glanced at Su Xier faintly, ready to go outside to get some breath.

   "Xie'er, you have just drawn your breath into your body, and you haven't built a foundation yet. You must be a little hungry, right? I'm going to find some food for you."

   "Brother Ling Tian, ​​you are so kind."


  Murong Lingtian nodded slightly, and before Su Xier could say anything, the man pushed the door straight out.

  The man leaned indifferently on the side of the inn’s corridor, and suddenly he heard a clear and sweet female voice when he was thinking about it.

   "Little Er, I want a room to go to."

   "Okay, please go upstairs."

  As soon as Murong Lingtian lowered his head, he noticed the moon-white shadow.

  It’s not Su Qinghuan and who is it?

  (End of this chapter)

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