The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1074: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (68)

  Chapter 1074 The Demon Who Admits the Mistakes of the Benefactor (68)

  Previously, the cultivators thought that Little Fox was a fierce girl. She hadn't officially entered the door of Xuanjian Peak, and even the mistress of the Peak Master had dared to open it directly.

Unexpectedly, they still underestimated Su Qinghuan!


Although Su Qinghuan and Murong Lingtian are both direct disciples of the master of the first peak, people with discerning eyes know at a glance that the master of Xuanjian Peak, Qinghe Shangzun, has long since retired and is determined to attack the realm of God Transformation. Even the right to teach disciples is granted. The big disciple of Xuanjian Peak Ye Feihan.

  It can be seen that even if Qinghe Shangzun leaves the customs in the future, he will not be particularly close to Su Qinghuan, a direct apprentice.

  After all, what Su Qinghuan taught by Ye Feihan is like a child who was adopted in the world and was thrown to the mother, so how can you get close with words and deeds?


The most important thing is that Su Qinghuan is just a mere Shuimu Shuanglinggen, and it is not enough to see it in a group of peak master's direct disciples who are mostly Tianlinggens, and Murong Lingtian is nothing in the world. Mutated Lei Linggen!

The mutant heavenly spirits are easier to practice than ordinary single spirit roots. What's more, the Lei Linggen, the most domineering of the universally recognized mutant spirit roots, has always been the most talented person among the cultivating ages. Even thousands of years ago, he had There was a monk who soared from Lei Linggen.

  This is why when Murong Lingtian came before, the peak masters of the major peaks even including the head, even if there are no less than two direct disciples under their names, they still want to accept another disciple.

  Normal Nascent Soul monks continue to rise in their age, but without any breakthrough in their cultivation, most of them will be downplaying the matter of accepting disciples, turning their minds to breakthroughs, so as not to reduce their energy on foreign objects.

   And Murong Lingtian undoubtedly broke this iron law.


  Su Qinghuan, of course, saw the shocked or inquisitive gazes of everyone. Her brows were frowned upon. Even though she became the focus of countless people's gazes, her expression was still consistent and calm.

"Why, Master Murong stopped talking? Could it be a guilty conscience? Maybe after coming here to ask Yuezong, Master Murong will add a few more famous ladies in the future divorce camp. But it doesn't matter, it's just your good sister anyway. That's it."

  Su Qinghuan is grinning, but his mouth is detrimental enough.

  It happened that she didn't carry a single dirty word, but a little girl's tongue was so sharp that it was undoubtedly amazing!

  Murong Lingtian looked at the female nun who was smiling at Yan Yan not far away. The man frowned. If he changed to the previous one, I was afraid that he would hate to draw out the long sword in his hand and quickly put it on Su Qinghuan’s neck.

   But at this time, he was not surprised at all in his heart. Perhaps from the meeting in Liaoyuan City more than a month ago, he had already seen that there was nothing Su Qinghuan dared to say.


   "Enough! Above the hall, how can you allow you to talk nonsense!"

  It was not Murong Lingtian who was the first to stop Su Qinghuan, but a humming sound with spiritual power.

Although the Supreme Venerable Qingxu only released one-thousandth of the pressure, Su Qinghuan, who is a mere qi refiner, was the one who was mainly targeted. Naturally, he was shocked by the spiritual power and almost fell back. go.

  Ye Feihan still stretched out his hand quickly, almost without thinking, holding on to Su Qinghuan.

   "Sister, are you okay?"

"I'm okay."

  Su Qinghuan's mouth was slightly sweet, but she was going to face Murong Lingtian at the moment, and forcibly pressed the blood out of her throat.

  She originally thought that the Supreme Being Qingxu was an exquisite egoist. At this moment, seeing Supreme Being Qingxu staring at herself rather than Murong Lingtian in irritation, Su Qinghuan suddenly felt very ridiculous.

   "Why, Mr. Murong, the righteous master, didn't say anything. Isn't Qing Xu Shangzun prepared to use big bullying to replace his new apprentice to suppress weak women who can't refining qi?"

  Everyone heard Su Qinghuan calling herself a weak woman like this, and they suddenly felt a sense of speechlessness in their hearts.

In fact, these outsiders are not the subject of being targeted. When they were first suppressed by the spiritual power of Qingxu, they felt uneasy and almost bowed down to worship. Su Qinghuan was stabilized, and he was even still in the mood. fight back.

  This woman is a bit too arrogant!


  In the eyes of everyone looking at Su Qinghuan, it is no longer just watching gossip, and even occasionally there is that kind of admiration.

   After all, Su Qinghuan's cultivation base was the weakest among the cultivators present.

Seeing that Su Qinghuan was so aggressive, the middle-aged beauty uncle's face was pale. He glanced angrily at Murong Lingtian, who had not said a word before, and suddenly rejoiced that he did not rashly express his desire to accept the other party as his son-in-law.

  ——Who would have thought that Murong Lingtian is only in his twenties, but he has already retired from the marriage of two women. It doesn’t matter if the other party is a biological sister, they even came to ask Yuezong to ask the immortal!

  One of them even became a personal disciple of Xuanjian Peak Qinghe Shangzun!


   Even if he is dissatisfied with Murong Lingtian, at this moment Murong Lingtian has become their elusive person after all. The Supreme Lord Qingxu is a face-saving person, and he still needs to protect his calf outside.

  He put away his previous elegant posture, and cast a coldly at Su Qinghuan.

  "Tian'er just entered the Yuezong Sect, you are so anxious to pour dirty water on him, Miss Su, even if you are jealous of Tian'er's cultivation talent, you are too anxious!"

  What is so jealous of a peerless scumbag!

  Compared to Murong Lingtian’s Lei Linggen talent, it is obvious that the external halo of his son of heaven is more worthy of her jealousy, OK!

  Su Qinghuan naturally wouldn't say anything about this, and she greeted her with neither humble nor arrogant one.

"Senior Qingxu's words are bad. I and Mr. Murong are old acquaintances. Although they were retired by Mr. Murong as early as eight years ago, they are considered old, but they happened to be buried in the city of Liaoyuan. It can be said that no one knows, no one knows."

"As for Mr. Murong's later engagement with my half-sister Su Xier, it happened to ask Yuezong to recruit disciples. All the content is true or false. You asked the person who was in charge of going to Liaoyuan City to recruit disciples. The monks of the Outer Sect know it when they ask."

  Speaking of this, the eyes of everyone watching Murong Lingtian suddenly became more meaningful.

   And Murong Lingtian finally couldn't stand at this moment, he quickly folded his fists at Qingxu Supreme, and then looked at the little fox, with an extremely sincere look on his face.

   "Master, honorable, all this is so on the surface, but it's not like Miss Su said."

  "The disciple naturally knew something was wrong when he retired on the day of Su’s death many years ago, but that was actually a sad thing for the disciple..."

  If ordinary men are so embarrassed, most of them will be spurned by the audience, but Murong Ling is naturally handsome, as if he has some difficulties, and it really makes many people show a curious look.

  (End of this chapter)

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