The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1083: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (77)

  Chapter 1083 The Demon Lord Who Admits the Mistakes of the Benefactor (77)

  Shen Qishuang is a Golden Core cultivator after all, even if he doesn’t practice very seriously, he is much stronger than the little fox in the late stage of Qi refining.

Moreover, this arrogant Bai Fumei also has a father of Yuan Ying, who has a lot of treasures in her hand. The immortal lock she used was not as unbearable as the outer monk who was in charge of enrolling students in Liaoyuan City used it for Murong Lingtian. Great use.


  Su Qinghuan didn't feel annoying in her heart, she only felt that Shen Qishuang in front of her was really a spoiled little girl.

  Even though it is the most beautiful in the world, getting along with it is really disgusting.

  For Su Qinghuan to see, Shen Qishuang is probably also the guardian of the Misty Peak Qingxu in this life, and there are too few severe beatings in the society.

  As long as she doesn't have the care of the Supreme Being Qingxu, relying on her such stunning appearance and arrogant personality, I am afraid that she has not known how much hardship she has to endure for a long time.

   all say that they are sorry for the parents of the world, but the cultivation method of Qingxu Supreme is not much different from some of the common methods of killing stepchildren and stepdaughters, but the starting point is different.

  Shen Qishuang can be seen to be abandoned.


  The little fox glanced at Shen Qishuang indifferently. She was bound by the bundle of immortal locks, but the little fox's expression was not a little humble, but still stopped.

   "I said Fairy Shen, you just want to chase my brother, are you sure you want to do this to me?"

  "You tie me like this, if you are seen by Brother Ye, you will only feel that you are vicious and hateful, or, do you have the guts to kill me?"

  When the little fox talks about her own life, it is as simple as eating and drinking water, as if she is not talking about her own life, but about harvesting other people’s heads.


  Even Shen Qishuang, whose realm was much higher than Su Qinghuan, was intimidated by the calm tone of the little fox for a moment.

  Shen Qishuang immediately blurted out subconsciously.

   "What do I want your life for?"

   seemed to realize that he shouldn't be scared by the little fox, Shen Qishuang immediately snorted again, sweeping Su Qinghuan's eyebrows very arrogantly.

   "How can I slaughter my fellow monk? Your heart is too strange. I just hope you will retreat in the face of difficulties and don't pursue Brother Ye."


Hearing Shen Qishuang’s natural answer, Su Qinghuan laughed dumbly. She really felt that Shen Qishuang was a spoiled child. If she was a femme fatale, Shen Qishuang would of course not be considered as vicious. Go to Su Xier and Murong Lingtian such scumbag men and women.

   But even so, Shen Qishuang is nothing more than a treacherous gangster. To put it bluntly, it resembles the very disgusting bear kids of modern times. In short, it makes people unpleasant.


  Su Qing smiled and hooked her finger at Shen Qishuang.

  "Do you know why Brother Ye doesn't like you?"


  Shen Qishuang was startled, obviously not understanding why the little fox had reason to be so arrogant at this moment.

   "When you come over, I will tell you a secret about Brother Ye."

Seeing that the little fox was just looking at her with a smile, Shen Qishuang gritted his teeth and walked forward.

  She has too many small foxes in her cultivation base, not to mention that at this moment, the little fox is **** with ropes all over her body and can't move too much. How could she pose a threat to herself?


Seeing Shen Qishuang stepping forward so obediently, the little fox felt that this Bai Fumei was an arrogant fool, she snorted in her heart, and quickly grabbed the opponent's wrist.

Shen Qishuang hadn't even realized what the little fox was going to do, she suddenly felt a pain in her palm, she hadn't realized why, she was all over her body, and she was instantly bound by the immortal lock she was using. !

  How could this be!

  This bundle of immortal locks clearly recognizes that he is the master, what's more, Su Qinghuan has not recovered his aura at this moment, how can he drive this bundle of immortal locks!


   "What demon technique did you use!"

  Shen Qishuang's beautiful eyes widened in disbelief, almost staring at Su Qinghuan with splitting eyes.

   Fortunately, she was born beautifully, otherwise she would look ugly if she changed her expression to someone else.

   But this is nothing more than slightly ruining Shen Qishuang's appearance, and it is absolutely beautiful, but it is not as beautiful as before.


Su Qinghuan stared at the beautiful face of Shen Qishuang, and saw that Shen Qishuang was so helplessly bound by the immortal locks. As a face control, she finally had time to appreciate Shen Qishuang's angry expression. .

  She walked forward with a grin, and squeezed Shen Qishuang's face unceremoniously.

  " Fairy Shen's skin is so good, it is flawless when I look so close, so my brother is really blind, after all, there should be few people in this world who can ignore the beauty of Fairy Shen."

  Little Fox is now able to calm down a little bit. She had shown good wishes to Ye Feihan before, but was directly rejected by the straight man, and she was still very upset.

  Now there is a woman who looks better than the original owner. After chasing Ye Feihan for so many years, there is no result. On the contrary, it has attracted all kinds of disgust, and the little fox feels much calmer.


   ", what are you doing!"

Seeing Su Qinghuan pinching his face like this, Shen Qishuang suddenly doubted life, especially the cheesy smile on Su Qinghuan’s face. If it weren’t for Su Qinghuan’s look, she would be a real woman. Otherwise, Shen Qishuang would have thought that he was a disciple. It's a play!

  "Fairy Shen don't know what I do?"

  Su Qing smiled and raised her eyebrows towards Shen Qishuang.

  "Isn’t I treating the person in the same way as the person?"


   Even though it is said, but Su Qinghuan, a small qi-refining cultivator, failed to even build the foundation, how could she drive her to be a dignified golden core cultivator's immortal lock! ?

  Shen Qishuang is very sure, this spiritual tool has not been out of her control at all, but it seems to have recognized the person he was going to tie.


  Su Qinghuan saw that Shen Qishuang and Yu were very incomparable, so he took out a talisman for communication from Naxu Ring.

   "Fairy Shen, I was bullied by you. Now summon my senior brother to come over, right?"

"do not!--"

Shen Qishuang almost subconsciously wanted to refuse, her whole person was not good, she was looking for faults on the hills of others, and was pinched by a Qi-refining cultivator. It was spread out for fear that she would lose all the face of the misty peak. NS!


  But before Shen Qishuang was mad, a fervent magnetic male voice soon sounded behind the two of them.

   "Sister, what's wrong with you?!"

  Obviously, Ye Feihan was very worried about Su Qinghuan’s safety when he saw the little fox rushing to send him a message, but when the man stood still, he took a closer look and discovered that the person trapped by the immortal lock was not Su Qinghuan at all, but Shen Qishuang!

  At this moment, the man couldn't help but admire the little fox.

   Ye Feihan, handsome eyebrows slightly raised,

   "Why is Shen Qishuang here?"

  (End of this chapter)

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