The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1091: The demon who confessed the wrong benefactor (85) 2200+ words

  Chapter 1091 The Demon Lord Who Acknowledges the Mistakes of the Benefactor (85) 2200+ words

  Su Xi'er guessed that the spirit flowers and fruit that Murong Lingtian hand-given to her would not be too bad, but from the expression of this inner sect senior sister, she still read out the unusual things.

  She pretended to nod her head obediently, her face was just the right shyness, which caused the same elder sister to feel envy and envy.

   "Yes, these are all given to me by Ling Tian, ​​and I let him keep it for himself. Who knows that Ling Tian will give me the fortress."

  Murong Lingtian only said that she was not allowed to claim to be his fiancée outside, but she said something specious, Su Xier did not believe that others would not misunderstand the relationship between the two of them.


  Senior Sister Naimen saw the pretentious expression of Da Su Xier, and she felt jealous in her heart.

  Of course, they knew that Su Xier’s aptitude was useless, and it was completely dependent on the new personal disciple of Miaofeng Qingxu to come here to be an inner disciple like them.

   But didn’t it mean that Murong Lingtian had given up on his unmarried relationship with Su Xier long ago? Why is it so good to Su Xier.


In order to avoid offending Murong Lingtian's lover, Su Xi'er's inner sister, who was still despised, had to pretend to be warm and envious at this moment.

   "Ah, many of these, I can't name many of them, but I know the purple-red fruit. It can increase a lot of spiritual energy after eating it. If you have a cultivation base like yours, you will break through if you eat it."

  "As for the others, I don’t know too well. In fact, you can go to Medicine Peak to find a disciple of Medicine Peak to ask."

  "Pharmaceutical Peak?"

  Su Xier raised her eyebrows, with interest in her eyes.

  Senior Sister Inner Sect gave a light cough.

   "Yes, Refining Yaofeng knows this kind of spirit flower and fruit best, but you are still young, sister, you have to be careful when you get there."

"Zhao Bufan, the peak master of Refining Medicine Peak, is the same age as our peak master, but he is not like the zhilanyu tree like our peak’s Qingxu Supreme. He is already a pale-haired old man. It's very greasy and a hungry ghost."

"Then Zhao Bufan is especially fond of girls. If you ask, Junior Sister, please be careful. Our female disciple of Misty Peak is the one who asked the most about the six peaks of Yuezong. Even our Master Sister Bullying, as the daughter of the peak master, Once when Zhao Bufan was drunk, he almost made fun of her."


Originally, Senior Sister Inner Sect didn’t intend to tell Su Xi'er about these things. Everyone thought she didn't care about her. But now seeing Su Xier and Murong Lingtian relying on her, Sister Inner Sect was also a little bit flattering. Thoughts.

  What if Su Xier is more generous, and give her some spiritual flowers and fruit from Qiankun's bag?


  However, this inner sect senior sister's plan was going to fail. Su Xier was the least angry person. She knew this secret, but her heart moved.

  "Senior Sister, since that Senior Zhao can be the master of the peak, he should also have the Yuan Ying cultivation base, why do you dare to be worthy of your full name? Even if you are inferior, you are a little bit greedy and admired, everyone does not have the slightest respect?"

   "Bah! What kind of old things deserve our respect!"

  The female disciple of the inner sect seemed to have thought of something sad, and immediately screamed again.

  "Junior sister, don’t you know that we have many female disciples of Misaki Peak, and most of them are slender and beautiful, but everyone who has met Zhao Bufan has almost been ridiculed by his various words."

   "If he is maintained as handsome as our peak owner, you will know it when you meet Zhao Bufan. It is really unbearable."

   "And Zhao Bufan said that his qualifications are similar to that of Xi'er Junior Sister and you are just a four-spiritual root cultivation base. I don't know why he is so talented and good at refining medicine, relying on medicine to maintain a pseudo-primary infant's cultivation base."

"The leader is that he is diligent and diligent in supplying elixir to the major peaks, and then he has managed to make such a greasy old thing become the master of the peak. Otherwise, he will drown him if he asks the saliva of many female disciples of Yuezong. ."


Su Xi'er felt more moved when she heard it. She thought that her five spirit roots of waste wood could not climb up except for washing the essence and cutting the marrow, and turning into a single spirit root, but the cost of reshaping the spirit root is too great. So far, few have succeeded.

  But I didn’t expect that the master Zhao Feng from the inner sect senior sister’s mouth was born from the four spirit roots!

The difference between the four spirit roots and the five spirit roots is really not much. Since Zhao Bufan can use drugs to change his life, even if he is a pseudo-primal infant cultivation base, he can't beat the real self-cultivation, but it is better than ordinary golden pills. The monk is tough, right?

  Why can't you do it by yourself? !


  Su Xier's heart was like a fire, but she didn't ask too closely, so she smiled sheepishly.

"Okay, thank you for your advice. It's just that Brother Ling Tian gave me so many spiritual fruits. He has to practice more recently. I am too embarrassed to disturb him often, so I might as well go to the Medicine Peak when I have time. Come on."

  Senior Sister Inner Sect heard Su Xier's words, and then she turned her attention back to the spirit fruit that Su Xier took out. She couldn't help being greedy when she saw those good things.

   "Sister Xi'er, Brother Murong is so kind to you, these must be bestowed by the peak master himself, Brother Murong was so generous to you."


  Su Xier pretended to be embarrassed and smiled, but there was a chill in her heart. Before she came to ask Yuezong, she had seen Murong Lingtian have these spirit flowers and fruits.

   is not bestowed by Qingxu at all.

  Where did that Murong Lingtian get these good things?


  Su Xi'er almost became more determined, Murong Lingtian has secrets that are unknown, and even hard to tolerate.

  Since Murong Lingtian gave up on himself, why can’t he go back with revenge?

  She wanted to lie down, let Murong Lingtian regret that she had insulted herself like that.

No matter Murong Lingtian or Su Qinghuan, she didn't want to let go of anyone who trampled on her!


  Su Xier's mobility is very strong, and almost ran to the medicine peak the next day.

  I don’t know if it was God’s intention to make her fulfill her wish, but the first time she ran into that master Zhao Feng, who was very humble and unbearable by Senior Sister Neimen.

  Su Xi'er thought that even if the cultivator of immortality is a thousand years old, his appearance will be immortal, and even with gray hair, he should look righteous and awe-inspiring.

  However, Fengzhu Zhao did have a scorpion head, and his sparse bald white hair matched the greasy expression, which made people want to be nauseated.

  That Fengzhu Zhao saw such a fresh face as Su Xier, especially her figure that made a man breathe fire, naturally, his eyes were bright.

   "Where does the beauty come from?"

  Su Xier felt like vomiting when she saw the appearance of Fengzhu Zhao, but thinking about her plan to be a master, she gritted her teeth and cast a wink, pretending to be very pleasantly surprised and greeted him with admiration.

   "You are Senior Zhao, aren't you? Xier has admired Senior Zhao for a long time."

  Speaking, Su Xier seemed to be too excited and accidentally twisted her foot, and suddenly fell into the arms of the white-haired old man with the head of a rat.

  To be honest, this scene is very eye-catching.

  But Su Xier's eyes still flowed with affection, which made Zhao Bufan very useful.

  The old man quickly hugged Su Xier and laughed.


  In less than half a month, a female disciple of the Inner Sect of Misty Peak, who had been asked to leave by the peak master of Refining Medicine Peak himself, was asking Yuezong to spread like wildfire.

  Even Su Qinghuan, who was cultivating hard at Xuanjian Peak, heard the news, and she squirted out the tea directly.

   "What? Su Xier went to the peak of refining medicine, right?"

  (End of this chapter)

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