The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1093: The demon who confessed the wrong benefactor (87) 2200+ words

  Chapter 1093 The Demon Lord Who Acknowledges the Mistakes of the Benefactor (87) 2200+ words

  A chilly male voice rang from his back, and the little fox got goose bumps all over his body.

  She looked back and saw Ye Feihan in a white robe.

  The young sword correction with a crown-like face looked at Su Qinghuan coldly, as if she had done a great mistake with these young disciples of Xuanjian Peak.

   Stared at by those cold-pool-like eyes, the little fox didn't know where to put his hands for a while, so he could only smile at Ye Feihan doglegs.

  "Brother Ye, you are here, sit down, sit down~"

  System 233 saw such a flattering face of the little fox, and immediately laughed coolly.

   "Host, host, you are wise, but now I see you facing Ye Feihan, you are like the kind of dog man who was caught and raped on the spot in the main room."


  Little Fox originally wanted to refute, but he didn’t know why. Looking at the group of handsome men and women who were so dedicated to her, he felt that he was doing something wrong.

  Ah, bah bah, she was just a little finger pointing to those young disciples, where did she open up her harem with Ye Feihan on her back?

  A hallucination, it must be an illusion.

  The most important thing is that she tried to test Ye Feihan's dislike of herself before, and was denied by this 24K straight guy. She was a girl before she could feel wronged. How could Ye Feihan be so embarrassed to be wronged?


  Of course, no matter what the little fox thinks, Ye Feihan is looking at her with a deep look at this moment. When she scans the group of young disciples who are clustered with Su Qinghuan, a pair of ink eyes darken inexplicably.

  He is like an eagle catching a chicken, holding the back of the little fox's neck, and snorting coldly.

  "Junior sister, how do I feel that the disciples seem to be more convinced of you during this period of time? In this great afternoon, I am not busy practicing swords and gestures. Instead, I will serve you tea and water, and beat my back and legs?"


  If it wasn't for the little fox to know that Ye Feihan was not the kind of hypocrite who hated the virtuous, I am afraid she would misunderstand what Ye Feihan meant.

  The little fox continued with a smile, and quickly explained to the disciples.

   "Brother Ye, I was wronged!"

"I just pointed out three disciples in a row, so I was a little tired. Junior sisters and younger brothers thought that I was a little tired. They kindly found me a chaise longue for me to rest. Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t want to take them to change It means laziness."


  As soon as Little Fox spoke, other people began to follow her.

   "That's right, Senior Brother, Senior Sister Su is really kind, and with Senior Sister Su's guidance, everyone feels like it's gone."

  This is true and not a lie.

  Little fox used to be someone else’s master when she was in a certain plane of cultivating immortals. She wouldn’t stay on this plane anyway. She didn’t mean to hide selfishness, so she didn’t hesitate to guide others in their practice.

  As long as those who practice a little bit of work, even if they have average talent, they can surpass themselves step by step, one step at a time. After all, your opponent is not someone else, but you.

  So in this short period of time, those Xuanjian Peak disciples who were originally not convinced by Su Qinghuan to become direct disciples, at this moment have time to be jealous of her, one by one, regardless of men and women, simply want to regard Su Qinghuan as the goddess in his heart.


   Ye Feihan looked at the disciples who were defending Su Qinghuan with a smile.

   "So, when I pointed you before, it was completely unqualified?"


  The other disciples were sweating all of a sudden, for fear that Ye Feihan would be offended. They were bitter. If there is a saying, a genius may not be a good mediocrity. After all, a person who learns well does not mean that he can teach others well.

  Ye Feihan is a typical example. It is not that Ye Feihan's guidance is useless, but that he is a seeded player with epiphany, and he is far less meticulous and profound in guiding others than the little fox.

  The little fox not only learns well by himself, but also teaches people first-class, so of course everyone is more supportive of the little fox.

But Ye Feihan is indeed a good senior, never bullying others, and generous in his actions. Everyone remembers Ye Feihan’s kindness, but for fear that Ye Feihan will have to compete with the little fox at this moment. Wouldn’t it be let them? Are these small shrimps difficult to make?


  Ye Feihan’s expression loosened slightly, he was not afraid that Su Qinghuan would steal his prestige at Xuanjian Peak, but...

  Looking at those young disciples pouring tea to Su Qinghuan one by one, especially when some female disciples even squeezed the little fox on the back, Ye Feihan looked inexplicably upset.

  He suddenly realized one thing, he didn't like to see other people being so close to Su Qinghuan.

  The man looked slightly cold, and suddenly gave an order.

  "In another year, the Zijin Little Secret Realm will be opened. All the disciples of Jindan and below can break through the barrier. Master deliberately recommend me and Sister Su to go there. If Sister Su guides you every day, I am afraid that my own practice will also be lost."

  The Secret Realm of Purple Gold?

  The little fox felt a move in his heart when he heard the words. Isn’t that the little secret realm connected with the dragon veins of the Tianyue Kingdom?

   At that time, the dragon veins of the Tianyue Kingdom were collected by Murong Lingtian into his mustard space, directly preventing the Tianyue people from having a living.


   "That's it... then okay..."

  Everyone saw the little fox who was obviously very interested, and suddenly looked at the little fox with a little disappointment. There was no lack of disappointment in their eyes, and they were embarrassed to force Su Qinghuan to point them.

   After all, Ye Feihan is right, they can't drag the little fox's progress for their own desires.

  The little fox is most unsightly with frowning eyebrows, not to mention there are so many handsome men and beautiful women, she coughed lightly on the spot.

  "Why don't it be better to change it to me to guide them once every seven days. It won't be too burdensome for me, and fighting with the juniors and sisters will also help me improve my personal strength."

  The little fox nodded in agreement, and everyone looked at Ye Feihan eagerly.

  Ye Feihan thought of the previous scene of the little fox being crossed by the stars, the man's heart was slightly stagnant, he said suddenly.

   "You can give pointers, but one every seven days, and you don't have to squeeze all of them to Junior Sister Su as you did before."

  "If an outsider sees it, what does it look like! I don’t know, I think we Xuanjianfeng live arrogantly and lavishly for our disciples, so we want to grind others like this."


  But they are voluntary!

  Everyone looked at Ye Feihan speechlessly when they heard the words, but Ye Feihan looked righteous and awe-inspiring. If he hadn't practiced Hongchen Kendo like the little fox, they would think that the big brother was jealous because he liked the little fox.


  Waiting away from the noisy brothers and sisters, Ye Feihan looked at Su Qinghuan seriously.

   "You know that Su Xier went to the peak of refining medicine."

  In front of Ye Feihan, the little fox didn't dare to be the boss, she obediently nodded to the man.

   "Sister Qiu and Sister Li have told me before."

  If Zhao Bufan is well-maintained...It's fine if he is a handsome old man with a bone and an immortal wind.

  The point is, Zhao Bufan has really hot eyes...

  The little fox admires Su Xier's unrelenting dedication.


  Seeing that the little fox is still in the mood to gossip here, Ye Feihan knocked Su Qinghuan's chestnuts.

"Then you know, Miao Mifeng intentionally recommends Murong Lingtian and Shen Qishuang to go to the Zijin Secret Realm? And that Su Xier, ever since he followed Zhao Bufan, the elixir is eaten like rice, I'm afraid he won't be willing to succumb to others. "

  The man looked at Su Qinghuan faintly, with a deep and earnest speech.

   "They have all had grievances with you, Junior Sister..."

  (End of this chapter)

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