The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1110: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (104)

  Chapter 1110 The Demon Lord Who Admits the Mistakes of the Benefactor (104)

The little fox is not surprised that Murong Lingtian will appear with Shen Qishuang. In her opinion, Murong Lingtian, an exquisite egoist, can marry Shen Qishuang, who has a real background, talent and talent. The big beauty still makes a lot of money.

  It’s a pity that people don’t seem to think so.

   After all, Murong Lingtian's face is a bit ugly.


   Hearing the little fox's ridicule, Murong Lingtian grabbed the spirit sword's hand, and instantly burst into blue veins.

  He opened his mouth and wanted to refute.

   "Sister Su laughed."

   "Are you kidding, I think Mr. Murong knows it in his heart, right?"

  The little fox said with a smile and looked at Murong Lingtian, without paying the man’s account at all.

  And when Shen Qishuang saw her and Murong Lingtian coming, the little fox and Murong Lingtian were arrogant. Shen Qishuang bit her teeth tightly and looked at Murong Lingtian nervously.

  -Even if the younger brother is a little arrogant, he wants to give himself a grand and decent ceremony for the Taoist couple, but now it's like this, he can't watch himself being embarrassed, right?


  Now that the arrow is on the line, I have to post it. If Murong Lingtian really doesn’t want to publicly admit what happened to her last night, what should she do?

  Shen Qishuang looked at Murong Lingtian with worry.

   "Junior Brother Murong, don't pay attention to those who chew the tongue."

  Before, because of Ye Feihan, Shen Qishuang didn't like Su Qinghuan very much. At this moment, the thought that Murong Lingtian had a marriage contract with Su Qinghuan made the woman feel even more uncomfortable.


When Shen Qishuang’s father Qingxu Shangzun saw his daughter coming, almost the whole person’s gaze was inseparable from Murong Lingtian, and he had hardly seen Chao Ye Feihan. At this moment, my heart couldn't help but chuckle.

  Could she really have anything to do with Murong Lingtian?

  Although Qingxu Shangzun had long felt that Murong Lingtian was a suitable candidate for his son-in-law, what he imagined was to make Murong Lingtian grateful to accept his daughter's marriage.

  After all, in the eyes of Qingxu Supreme, his daughter is very talented, she is also beautiful, and she is the only bloodline left by her own, the Yuanying Peak Master.

  Murong Lingtian in the future, even if it is for his own face, he should be very good at bullying.


   But now seeing Murong Lingtian's cold and indifferent face, Qingxu Shangzun secretly cried out in his heart.

  ——Why is Qishuang so confused, she has only met Murong Lingtian for a few days now, and actually entrusted her body of Yuan Yin to Murong Lingtian? !

  Things that are too easy to get, even if the other person is a true goddess, it is easy not to be cherished.


After all, Qing Xu Shangzun has lived for so many years, and he still knows a little bit of human relationships and sophistication. He didn't want the head of Wen Yuezong to confront Ye Feihan on the spot.

  So the middle-aged Uncle Beauty wanted to expose his daughter's shortness in public. He thought about it for a moment, and looked at Ye Feihan with a cheerful face.

"It's not cold, looking at my family's Qishuang like this, it seems that it really has nothing to do with you. The uncle had previously blamed you on the wrong one. You were injured. Later, I will bring you some more elixir from the storeroom. , Counted as compensation for the uncle’s rude offense."

   Seeing that Supreme Venerable Qingxu is still presenting her elders, Su Qinghuan snorted coldly, feeling that Supreme Venerable Qingxu, like Shen Qishuang, was invisibly arrogant and disgusting.

  The little fox immediately interrupted the self-talk of Qing Xu.

"I said, Elder Qingxu, didn’t you vowed to ask your beloved daughter to come over and ask for an explanation? Now that everyone is here, why don’t you ask the person who took away Senior Sister Qishuang’s innocence? Who is it? ?"

   "This... the private affairs of this daughter's family, how can you be allowed to talk in the public."

  Qing Xu Shangzun originally didn't like Su Qinghuan, a woman with too sharp tongue. At this moment, seeing the little fox so unreasonable and unreasonable, Qing Xu Shangzun's face was even more unbearable.

   And when the little fox saw that Qing Xu was so hypocritical, he sneered again on the spot.

   "Elder Qingxu, although our Master Xuanjian Peak has not left the pass today, and there is no Nascent Soul in charge, we juniors don't mean that we deserve to be bullied by you, right?"

"There is no talk of bullying. The deity really shouldn't use spiritual power to hurt others before. Fortunately, Nanhan is a savvy child. I must know that I am a nurse girl who is eager and will not care about an older elder of mine. "

  Qing Xu Shangzun smiled and smiled.

  The little fox didn't care about the steps of Qingxu Supreme, and he was still reluctant.

"Elder Qingxu's words are extremely ridiculous. Your daughter's innocence-white is innocent-white, and my brother's innocence-white is not innocent-white? Earlier, when you slandered my brother and insulted your daughter, what did you do? I never thought that my senior brother would still ask Yuezong to be a man here in the future?"

  "My brother is a dignified man, he is the most upright person. If it is because of your short words that my brother’s reputation is damaged, I don’t know, I thought my brother was doing something wrong with Sister Cheating..."


   "Isn't the misunderstanding solved now?"

  Elder Qingxu insisted not to pick up the little fox's stubble. In fact, he felt extremely embarrassed in his heart at this moment. By all accounts, there has not been such a shameful moment in his life.


  "It’s Elder Qingxu, you keep saying that my senior brother has broken Senior Sister Qishuang’s Yuanyin body. Now that the black hand behind it has not been found, how can the misunderstanding be solved?"

   "I'm afraid that among the juniors, with the golden core cultivation of Senior Sister Deception, the first thing you think of is my senior brother. How can the misunderstanding be solved?"

  The eyes of the little fox seemed to be quenched by ice, and the sharp edge was extremely sharp.

  Looking at the little fox like this, the elder Qingxu didn't even notice that he was horrified, let alone the other disciples of Xuanjian Peak, who originally complained about the elder Qingxu and Shen Qishuang.

   Asked the head of Yuezong to see that today's things are not good, so he coughed lightly.

   "Feihan, do you think it is necessary to pursue this matter?"

  When the Taoist Qingfeng spoke, all the men and women present looked towards Ye Feihan, especially Shen Qishuang, his eyes were even more imploring.

  She knew that she had become a laughingstock, but she really didn’t want her private affairs to be talked about.


   Seeing Shen Qishuang's beautiful eyes that seemed to be watery, Ye Feihan didn't waver at all.

  What he thought was that Elder Qing Xu had always bullied others before, and the man held Su Qinghuan's hand coldly.

   "I heard from Junior Sister Su, her external reputation is small, and the most important thing is that I don't want Junior Sister Su to misunderstand my mind."

   "Fairy Shen, since you have a beloved companion, why not introduce it to the public?"

  Shen Qishuang did not expect Ye Feihan to speak like this, and she burst into tears on the spot.

   "Brother Ye, are you trying to persecute me like this for a woman who has only met for a few months?"

  (End of this chapter)

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