The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1114: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (108)

  Chapter 1114 The Devil Who Admits the Mistakes of the Benefactor (108)

  Because of Murong Lingtian's request, Shen Qishuang could not organize his engagement banquet grandly, but in order to avoid Murong Lingtian's remorse, Shen Qishuang still let the two people make a marriage contract spread throughout the entire Wen Yuezong like Xinghuoliaoyuan.

  Receiving the wedding invitation from Shen Qishuang from Lingniao, everyone on the surface is naturally polite and will say two beautiful words in their mouths, but in the bottom of my heart, it is inevitable that Shen Qishuang, the female repairer, has changed her face too quickly.

You know, Shen Qishuang was still chasing Xuanjian Peak a few days ago, the big brother Ye Feihan, he looked like a non-jun in this life, but the result is good now, so lightly and not like a newcomer. How long did the disciples form in-laws?

  After all, Shen Qishuang's talent is superior, and with the support of Qingxu Supreme, the Nascent Soul Supreme, others dare not bother.

  However, many people witnessed what happened at Xuanjian Peak that day. Even though Shen Qishuang and Qingxu Supreme were pressing hard, some people still talked behind their backs.

  The fact that Shen Qishuang and Murong Lingtian had a husband and wife was secretly circulated among the disciples. There are those who gossiping, it is inevitable that they will be sour and sour.

In fact, the realm of cultivating immortals does not pay much attention to the protection of men and women as in the common world. If Shen Qishuang had not been enthusiastically chasing Ye Feihan before, and she and Murong Lingtian could have known each other for a little longer, then everyone would not. The response was so violent.


  Other people have scruples in their hearts, and they dare not point to Shen Qishuang, a proud woman of heaven, on the bright side, but Su Xier at the Refining Peak, after hearing the news, was too nauseated.

  Since Su Xi'er put down her figure, she opened her face and became the roommate of Zhao Bufan, the peak master of the alchemy peak, and she was like a thunderous in asking Yuezong's name.

  Of course, she was a female cultivator with five spirit roots. Although she was born with a certain beauty, she would not let Zhao Bufan give her the status of a Taoist companion so much.

  According to the world, her relationship with Zhao Bufan for a while is somewhat like a maid who is not a slave.

  Thinking of this, Su Xier hated her to death.

  When she used to be in Liaoyuan City, not to mention that she was the most distinguished woman in the entire Liaoyuan City, but she never imagined that she would become infected with someone who was enough to be her grandfather in the future.

  Of course, Su Xi'er doesn't bother Zhao Bufan as a Taoist companion. She really thinks she wants to marry Zhao Bufan?

  Su Xi'er intends to gain some benefits from Zhao Bufan's side first. When she has enough capital to be close to her, she will leave this Wen Yuezong early and go to a nearby place to cultivate immortals and ask.

  Anyway, there are too many handsome men and beautiful women in the world of cultivating immortals. Even if I use the elixir and elixir that Zhao Bufan rewarded her, I must be able to regain a bunch of ministers under the skirt.


  It's just that the fantasy is beautiful, and the reality is cruel. At this moment, when she heard the news of Shen Qishuang and Murong Lingtian's marriage, Su Xier really couldn't even eat.

Now she has successfully built the foundation with the various elixir given by Zhao Bufan. Of course, her cultivation base is in danger, so she has to reluctantly build her realm. In fact, if she does it with a real sword and real gun from a cultivator in the foundation period, I am afraid she will not Two moves will hit the ground.

  But Su Xi'er is not afraid. She still has a bunch of spirit tools and charms given by Zhao Bufan. She has a lot of resources now, and many direct disciples may be apprehensive.

  Who makes her willing to spend a lot of effort to please a bad old man and make people go smoothly at home and abroad?


  True when Su Xier was so angry that she tore a pot of Lingzhi flowers in front of her into petals, suddenly, an extremely greasy and old voice suddenly rang through her ears.

   "Oh, who upset our beauty?"


   Su Xier's heart tightened when she heard the words, and a strong disgust flashed in her eyes unconsciously, but when she raised her eyes, she changed to a pitiful smile.

   Against the tears in her eyes that never fell, it was really beautiful.

  "Peak Master~Who else would dare to make people unhappy? Xi'er just watched the peak owner's delay in spoiling Xi'er these days, Xi'er would think of your heart broken."

   Saying this to an old man with a big belly and old age spots on his face, Su Xier almost vomited on the spot.

   But the thought of Murong Lingtian and Shen Qishuang’s engagement, and there are rumors that Murong Lingtian’s love for Su Qinghuan is still unsuccessful, Su Xier feels panicked in her heart.

  Now that she has fallen into this field, she has been harmed by these people.

  What Shen Qishuang, what Su Qinghuan, she wants them all to die!

As for Murong Lingtian, she didn't believe that Murong Lingtian was just a foundation-building monk, and she could turn the sky up. When she asked for some high-grade spiritual artifacts for Zhao Bufan, she would bundle it up by Murong Lingtian. Ask him to bow his head to admit his mistake, and talk to her Daofeng-Dianluan!


  Murong Lingtian didn't look down on her, didn't he say in public that he had never had any real **** with her?

  She was about to pull Murong Lingtian off her horse and let the man prostrate on the ground and kiss her toes.

  Zhao Bufan, that bad old man has done evil things to herself, she wants to practice them all on Murong Lingtian.

  In Su Xi'er's eyes, if it weren't for Murong Lingtian's rebellion, the woman who was about to become a Taoist couple with Murong Lingtian would be herself.

  If a man is unkind, don't blame her for being unrighteous.

   But at this moment Su Xier completely forgot, what did she rely on to tie Murong Lingtian, she was only relying on the life-saving grace of posing as a little fox.

   Su Xier and Murong Lingtian's ability to shirk responsibility is exactly the same.


   And that Xiang Zhao Bufan saw the tears in Su Xi'er's eyes, and the corners of his lips were pitiful, with a slightly flattering smile, even if he knew that the woman was not really pleased with him, it was very useful.

   "Okay, okay, you don't have to lie to me, your fiancé who retired in public, this time I heard that you have been engaged to Shen Damei of Weifengfeng? Xier, are you sad for this?"

  Su Xier quickly shook her head and denied it.

   "Peak Master~ I don’t like that guilty man anymore, people clearly only have you in my heart now~"

   "But Peak Master, didn't Xi'er ask you for a place to go to the Zijin Secret Realm? I really want to punish the dog and man."

  The woman said, thinking of the brilliant looks of Shen Qishuang and Su Qinghuan, her eyes twitched.

"Peak Master, Xier sees that you have been admiring Shen Qishuang's beauty. In fact, my sister Su Qinghuan was born very well. If these two beauties are in your bag, will the Peak Master be happier? ?"


  Zhao Bufan's mind instantly saw the appearance of the two women, one brilliant like a spring flower, one bright like a lonely moon, both of them are beautiful women who are all over the country.

  He was moved.

   "Xieer, so, can you help me get them?"

  (End of this chapter)

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