The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1116: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (110)

  Chapter 1116 The Demon Lord Who Admits the Wrong Benefactor (110)

  Although Zhao Bufan coveted beauty, he was not a real stupid person. At this moment, his eyes swept sharply. Su Xier, who had never really put this old thing in his eyes, couldn't help but secretly startled.

  She realized how weak she was in this perilous world of cultivation.

  Even Zhao Bufan, who has had an indescribable relationship with him, can easily kill her.

"Xie'er also asks the peak owner to take pity, Xi'er dare not hide the peak owner, I really don't know where this secret method comes from, or Murong Lingtian told me in a joke, if the peak owner doesn't believe me, I You can ask Murong Lingtian to confront and inquire."


Seeing Su Xier shivering and slumping on the ground, looking like a tiger, the old and greasy Zhao Bufan suddenly snorted, and quickly restrained the sharp look in his eyes, and gave Su Xier a little teasingly. Hands.

   "Good Xi'er, there is no meaning in this seat to punish you, but from this point of view, Murong Lingtian still has some mystery."


  Hugged by this old guy, Su Xier felt a chill in her heart, and her eyes dropped innocently, as if she unintentionally began to complain about Murong Lingtian's black appearance.

  "This is also the reason why Xi'er wants to bring the peak master into the Purple Golden Secret Realm together. Since I divorced the heartbreaker of Murong Lingtian, I suddenly began to discover that there is an unspeakable secret in Murong Lingtian."

   "Oh? Come and listen."

   Zhao Bufan raised his brows, obviously interested in what Su Xier revealed.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is certainly a trash who is greedy for beauty, but the juniors who asked Yuezong, except for Ye Feihan's extraordinary strength, he used the spirit tool Lingguo to sling ordinary Jindan disciples. Still no problem.

  This is also the reason why Zhao Bufan is confident that if he can enter the Zijin Secret Realm, he will definitely win Shen Qishuang.

   As for Murong Lingtian, a small late foundation cultivator, he naturally paid no attention to it.

   However, Su Xier said that the method of disguising the realm was revealed by Murong Lingtian, and Zhao Bufan felt that there was something in Murong Lingtian that he did not want to disclose to the public.

Now that Zhao Bufan has been stuck in the realm of the pseudo-Nation Infant for a long time, he is still too far away from the real Nation Infant’s primary level. He wants to climb too much, even if there is only a glimmer of hope of breakthrough, even if it is from Murong Lingtian. He didn't mind the skin on the monk Zhuji.

  In Zhao Bufan’s eyes, Murong Lingtian and Su Qinghuan are different from Shen Qishuang. They are not from the blood of a high-level power. As long as they are allowed to bully in hidden places, it is not impossible.


Su Xier naturally saw the malicious exploration of Murong Lingtian in Zhao Bufan’s eyes. Her hair was on her back, just thinking that Murong Lingtian had abandoned herself with Shen Qishuang, and even paid more attention to Su Qinghuan than to her. Many, she has a feeling of relieving her hatred.

  It's not a pity that Murong Lingtian died!


  Su Xi'er slowly strengthened her will in her heart, and she quickly revealed what she knew.

  "Return to the peak master, the disciples did not come to the peak of refining medicine before, and I don’t know how rare a high-grade pill such as Dahuandan is.

"Unless it’s someone like Senior Sister Shen who is favored by Yuan Ying, or someone who is diligent in doing sect missions like Ye Feihan and can be exchanged for meritorious deeds, there won’t be too many spiritual flowers and fruits. ."

"But Na Murong Lingtian appeared weird. He and I have not yet come to Wen Yuezong, but when we were on the way to apprentice, he saw that I had not been able to draw the breath into the body, so he gave me a spiritual fruit. Let me gather spiritual energy as soon as possible, but in a moment, I succeeded in refining Qi."

"At that time I thought this thing was commonplace in the world of cultivating immortals. It was not until I came to ask Yuezong that I found out that many of the things Murong Lingtian used to bring out were rare things, not just the value of high-grade spirit stones. As simple as that, there is still a price but no market."

   "Moreover, I have seen Murong Lingtian have high-grade spirit stones in his hands. Only those spirit stones flashed past and disappeared. Murong Lingtian usually pays the bills with low-grade spirit stones. He is very cautious about this."

  As soon as he said this, Zhao Bufan's eyes widened in an instant.

   "Oh? You said that Murong Lingtian had a lot of good things before he entered the mountain gate? Isn't he, like you, both from a border town in Tianyue Kingdom?"

  Su Xier hesitated and shook her head.

   "Peak Master Mingjian, Xi'er is now yours. Wherever you dare to play tricks with you, Xi'er promises that what she said is true."

   "Murong Lingtian used to live in Liaoyuan City like me and Sister Qinghuan, but later, for some reason, their family moved, and then the family was wiped out, leaving Murong Lingtian alone with a single seedling."

   "Now that I think about it, maybe Murong's family will get into trouble, just because Murong Lingtian took some great benefits and was chased by others."

  Thinking about it, Su Xier still didn't tell Murong Lingtian's way of avoiding demonic cultivation.

  After all, if Murong Lingtian is a demon cultivator, how can the major peak masters and even the heads of the Yuezong be unable to tell?

  She only had doubts about this matter. Judging from Zhao Bufan's attitude, it was enough for him to be interested in the secret treasure of Murong Lingtian.

   Although Tianlinggen’s direct disciple is rare now, once the time is long enough, it is not impossible to find a new disciple with superior talents when asked by Yuezong.


  After listening to Su Xier's analysis, Zhao Bufan fell into contemplation in an instant.

   Originally, he was only interested in the two beauties, Shen Qishuang and Su Qinghuan, but now that Murong Lingtian may be pregnant with treasures, this bad old man is even more moved.

   "Xie'er, if this seat really caught that Murong Lingtian, he used to be your fiancé, would you feel distressed?"

  Su Xi'er's heart beat, and she quickly cast her five bodies to the ground, looking at Zhao Bufan with extreme sincerity.

  "Xier didn't dare to deceive the peak owner. If Murong Lingtian was taken by the peak owner, Xier would only help the peak owner, but Xier had an unsympathetic request."


"Didn’t the peak master want that fairy Shen and my sister to serve the peak master? Actually Xi'er can lure the two of them to come, but the only prayer is to hope that the peak master can remove Murong Lingtian, who has lost his mobility. Leave it to me."

   "Xie Er wanted to torture him, so she let out a bad breath."

  Out of evil taste, Zhao Bufan instantly laughed with his palm.

   "Why is this difficult? Wouldn't it be more interesting when we tortured the three of them together?"

   "Speaking of which, Murong's boy was born very handsome, but I have never played-a man..."

  Su Xier was dumbfounded when she heard the words, she never expected that this old thing she served was actually good-looking!

  (End of this chapter)

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