The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1140: The demon who admits the wrong benefactor (134)

  Chapter 1140 The Demon Lord Who Acknowledges the Wrong Benefactor (134)

  Su Qinghuan stared at the figure of the demon snake that almost obscured the sky, especially when she swept through the four black paws under Murong Lingtian, she had a vague guess.

  ——The average python doesn’t have claws at all. Murong Lingtian has begun to take the shape of a dragon before he can cultivate a dragon, which shows that his future achievements are even more limitless.

  Just even if he guessed the answer, the little fox still felt jealous and envy in his heart.

   "Tong'er's servant is not dying before. Even if Tiandao opens the plug-in for him, it won't be so outrageous, right?"

  System 233 has a sincere heart.

"Isn't it outrageous? Host, you certainly can't think of it. Murong Lingtian, who has not yet been able to form a pill, has already devoured Zhao Bufan, who has been cultivated as a pseudo-primal infant, and in a short period of time, he will Let it be thoroughly refined into your own nourishment!"

   "Fogweed?! Is it so scary?"

  Su Qinghuan's heart is speechless. You must know that the general demon cultivator who can transform is indeed better than the fellow cultivator's human monk. Now Murong Lingtian has the blood of the heaven and earth python, it is not strange to be able to fight monsters at higher levels.

  It's ridiculous that this fellow hasn't really formed a pill yet!

The most important thing is that Murong Lingtian just grabbed the dragon veins of Yue Kingdom that day and swallowed Zhao Bufan's cultivation base desperately. Obviously, the auras of the two have not been completely refined until now, otherwise it is. Wouldn't let myself maintain the form of such an all-round python.

  Su Qinghuan even suspected that Murong Lingtian could no longer condense a human form now. At this moment, he had to say whether he was sensible or not.

She originally thought that a clever person like Murong Lingtian must be in possession of the Dragon Veins of the Tianyue Kingdom and devour a monk of Zhao Bufan's level to make tonics. She must quickly draw a circle to hide and practice well, just in case. Betrayal.

Who knows, Murong Lingtian has maintained this posture like this. It is scary and scary, but it may also be combined by various cultivators to fight against it. One person is stronger than 10,000. It is still very difficult. challenging.

  Even if Murong Lingtian managed to escape by virtue of the aura of the son of Heavenly Dao, he would have to peel off his skin. Why did he bother to do such a thankless thing?

  This is really inconsistent with Su Qinghuan’s consistent impression of Murong Lingtian’s exquisite egoist.


  System 233 naturally knows what the little fox is wondering, and it suddenly coughed slightly. When it looked at the little fox, it was a bit weird.

   "Host, can't you really guess that this guy came here with great momentum, is it to find you?"


Su Qinghuan suddenly got goose bumps.

In fact, she did not deliberately offer to serve Su Xi'er, who was around Zhao Bufan, but she could guess with her toes that Zhao Bufan was swallowed by Murong Lingtian's servant. I am afraid that her half-sister and cheap half-sister would also be swallowed by Murong Lingtian. Did not escape this terrible fate.

   And Murong Lingtian’s soul-searching technique is not vegetarian. Even if Su Xier is unwilling to explain, Murong Lingtian has ten thousand ways to know the "good things" that this servant has done.

   "Tong'er, so Murong Lingtian knows that his savior is me?"


  System 233 looked at the little fox with some sympathy.

   "You didn't always avoid talking about this matter, just to avoid being entangled by Murong Lingtian's crazy criticism. Now it's good, you actually have this kind of weird trend."

   "Ah, I guessed it too. I can't hide this for a lifetime, but I didn't expect Murong Lingtian to become such a behemoth now."

  It's still...a bit bluffing.


  Murong Lingtian’s python body actually did not look as scary as he imagined. His python body did not look like a snake, but rather possessed the form of a dragon, and because it was completely black, it seemed even more mysterious and unpredictable.

The difference between    and Jiaolong may be that he hasn't escaped from the python body, and the horns on his head are not majestic enough.


  Little fox's heart was in a mess. Shen Qishuang, who had stood beside her before, obviously did not recognize that this terrifying python was Murong Lingtian, the fiance who had just retired from her marriage contract.

   And because Ye Feihan had reached the Nascent Soul Realm, he further improved his understanding of the law between heaven and earth. He watched the giant python in mid-air with vigilant eyes, and subconsciously shielded the little fox behind him.

   "This giant python is strange, and I don't know why, I think this monster seems a bit familiar, especially the look it looks at is extremely uncomfortable."

   Ye Feihan saw Murong Lingtian staring at the little fox's snake pupil, and almost quickly took out the Demon Slashing Sword in his hand.

   Seeing that cold light flashing spirit sword, the little fox was a little bit ridiculous for a while.


  The little fox also had no intention of continuing to conceal Ye Feihan. She instantly pulled Ye Feihan's sleeves, and in the white-clothed Jianxiu's puzzled eyes, the little fox coughed lightly and signaled Ye Feihan to come over.

  "Brother, this giant python is really an acquaintance of a few of us, in fact, Fairy Shen should also know the identity of the other party."


  Shen Qishuang's face changed slightly when she heard Su Qinghuan's words.

  Although she did not have the strong perception ability of Ye Feihan, after all, Murong Lingtian was the person she admired and missed now. Even if she was shaken by Murong Lingtian's unfeeling, Shen Qishuang still couldn't easily forget Murong Lingtian.

  And the sixth sense of a woman is also a kind of super intuition.

Ye Feihan was awakened in an instant. When he heard the little fox calling him "human", Ye Feihan quickly began to calculate. He immediately raised his head in shock, almost incredulously looking into the air. That python.

  "This is Murong Lingtian?!"


   Although Shen Qishuang could faintly guess the answer at this moment, under Ye Feihan's assertion, the woman still couldn't believe it easily. Shen Qishuang immediately looked at the little fox for help.

   And the little fox from Shen Qishuang’s red eyes with teardrops, how can he not know that Shen Qishuang said that he wants to let go, but in his heart he still has no feelings for Murong Lingtian.

  The little fox nodded and sighed.

   "Senior brother is now Yuan Ying Daojun, he can't be wrong with the answer he personally calculated."

   "...Junior Brother Ling Tian... how could he become what he is now?"

  Shen Qishuang bit the corner of his lip, apparently still having silly expectations for Murong Lingtian, thinking that the man might have been seized by a giant python and occupied his mind.

   But Su Qinghuan smiled.

   "He has been like this a long time ago, before he became a teacher."

  While asking Yuezong’s great power, he did not see the real body of Murong Lingtian. What a terrible existence this is!

   Realizing what the little fox meant, Ye Feihan squeezed the long sword tightly, and the handsome face instantly became solemn.

  "Such a monster is hidden in the sect, and its heart is damnable! Junior sister, you use the spiritual ring that the senior brother gave earlier, stay aside to protect yourself, and let me meet him!"

  (End of this chapter)

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