The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 1143: The demon who confessed the wrong benefactor (137) 2200+ words

  Chapter 1143 The Demon Lord Who Acknowledges the Mistakes of the Benefactor (137) 2200+ words

  Su Qinghuan has always felt that Murong Lingtian’s self-inflicted self-harm at the moment, or an apology, is too cheap and cheap for the original owner’s experience.

The original owner knew about her marriage to Murong Lingtian when she was a little sensible. Even if others didn’t have to look at her with envy and hatred, the original owner felt that there would be no better than Murong Lingtian in this world. The husband is selected.

  I don’t know how much luck it took to be able to become Murong Lingtian’s future wife through her mother’s childhood finger marriage.

  Unfortunately, this person is not her beloved, but the evil **** who brought her the greatest suffering in her life.

  Murong Lingtian owes the original owner, even if it is a million pieces of corpses, it is still unclear.

Compared with directly stabbing Murong Lingtian to death, Su Qinghuan felt that for such a person to feel the pain of the original owner, he had to give back to the people of the old country under the restraint of the oath of heaven, and be tied to the heaven and the Yue Kingdom for a lifetime to not do evil. That is the greatest punishment for him.

   Isn’t he the son of God?

   Then let him give back to the ordinary people he once looked down on the most, wouldn’t it be better?

  Even if it is grass, there is a right to live.

  No one can override the lives of others for their own benefit.


  System 233 is a little amazed at the generosity of the little fox at this moment.

  "Host, you spent 500 points in exchange for reincarnation to show this scum the life of the original owner. It's really not like your stingy character."

  "Bah, this is for Murong Lingtian to take a good look, how ridiculous and shameless my original words are!"


  As soon as Su Qinghuan's voice fell, Murong Lingtian felt the countless pictures presented by the system 233.

   In the man's pair of snake eyes that are as bright as top opals, fragility and madness are intertwined and flashed.

  He saw the young girl in a white dress, her hair turned into a cute and playful single snail, followed behind him, and whispered to him Ling Tian brother.

At that time Su Qinghuan was only nine years old. Although he hadn't fully opened up yet, the pleasing and delicate eyebrows and eyes, although a little timid because of Father Su's harsh treatment, could still see what it would be like in the future. One side is stunning.

  But at that time, how could he be willing to pay attention to such a small thing, he only thought that Su Qinghuan was very annoying.

  Later, when Su’s mother passed away, she indifferently withdrew from the marriage of the little girl in the white skirt.

  The girl who originally looked like a little bun’s face was already extremely thin at that time, holding her mother's plaque as if she had lost her soul, crying in the corner and turning into tears.

  He just walked past her coldly, throwing away his marriage certificate, and then left straight away.


  Murong Lingtian looked at the arrogant young man in the illusion. He wanted to reach out to stop him, but he couldn't stop him. He could only let the picture move forward step by step.

   Soon after Murong Lingtian was chased and killed, he turned into the form of a baby python and was rescued by Su Qinghuan.

  It’s just that although the little girl is much older at this time, her figure looks thinner, and the beauty between her brows and eyes has disappeared a lot, turning into a sorrow overwhelmed by life.

  Murong Lingtian wanted to hug her very much, but saw that in the illusion, the self-proclaimed clever self mistaken Su Xier for the life-saver, made a marriage contract, and later used various means to cover up her spiritual roots for Su Qinghuan!

  Murong Lingtian could not have imagined that in their previous life, the story would develop like that!

  When he saw that Su Qinghuan was taken away by the magic repair with the blue-faced fangs, his heart was more painful than he was close to Su Xier, but the more terrifying still lies behind!

When the thin white skirt girl was crushed by countless magic repairs in the cave and drew aura like a rag doll, in reality, the incarnation of Murong Lingtian, the constricted python, almost constantly hit the mountains like crazy. .

  This time, it’s not just to win Su Qinghuan’s sympathy as before. Even the horns that the man had just given birth were broken in half. The man screamed sternly, and blood and tears fell in his pupils!


  The onlookers were completely stunned when they saw this scene. Those courageous still dared to watch, for fear that Murong Lingtian's aura would be too much, and one of them would explode in a bad way, and they fled with swords.

  Only Shen Qishuang and Ye Feihan stayed, but Shen Qishuang’s cultivation base was not as good as Ye Feihan. She persisted for a while, and felt that the aura overflowing from Murong Lingtian's body was terrible!

  Even others can feel the pain of the giant python and even be scratched by spiritual power. What about Murong Lingtian himself? !

  In the end, Shen Qishuang could only run to a place farther aside, and even kindly counseled Ye Feihan.

"Senior Brother Ye, Junior Brother Ling Tian is afraid that he has lost his mind at this moment, and may blew himself up at any time. Either you stay with me and wait for Junior Sister Su to come out? Sister Su has the magic weapon you gave, and that magic weapon will thunder. Not afraid of the robbery, Junior Sister Su will be fine."

  Although she knew that Shen Qishuang was kind, the white-clothed Jianxiu didn't even look at her. He focused on Su Qinghuan who was in the air.

  Night is not cold and shook his head coldly.

   "No, I have a way to protect myself. I have to wait for the younger sister to come out."

   "Well, then I will wait for you over there."

  Shen Qishuang saw Ye Feihan's indifferent expression, and knew that he had really aroused Ye Feihan's disgust.

  Shen Qishuang glanced at Ye Feihan sourly, and then couldn't help but look at the figure of a person and a snake in mid-air. The two men she liked before and after were happy with this woman in mid-air.

  In the past, Shen Qishuang would feel jealous, but now besides jealousy, he is more convinced.

  It is an indisputable fact that Su Qinghuan saved her life. In the face of fate, the reward of those five thousand high-grade spirit stones is really nothing, not to mention that they still have old grudges.

  This may be the reason why Brother Ye and Brother Ling Tian both like Su Qinghuan...


  Shen Qishuang smiled bitterly, after all she drifted away alone.

   And Murong Lingtian is still immersed in that terrible illusion at this moment.

  He saw the girl who was originally only a weak and weak girl, now after being bullied by one after another, she was almost covered in blood, as well as the indescribable stench.

  There was no gleam in the girl's eyes, and the beautiful face could not see any vitality earlier, almost like a walking dead.

  Murong Lingtian was in terrible pain, he didn't even dare to watch the scene of himself and Su Xier coming to the magic cave to rescue Su Qinghuan.

   Obviously it was him who caused Su Qinghuan to do this, and even in the end he watched Su Xier cut each other's hands, but he and Su Xier did things that were contrary to human relations!


  Is this really just an illusion?

so true.

  It's so terrible again!

  Murong Lingtian broke free from the illusion, his body was dripping with blood, but the body of the python that kept hitting the mountains suddenly turned into a human form.

  Murong Ling Tian’s eyes were about to split, and after transforming, he knelt before Su Qinghuan without hesitation.

  He took the forcibly refined dragon vein alive from his heart. This scene is extremely terrifying, but it may be the only point of sincerity in his life.

   "Qinghuan, I was wrong, please, let me follow you, okay? I really love you, I can't lose you..."

   "If you don't believe me, I am willing to make a vow of heaven, to serve you as the Lord and for your encouragement!"

  "Don’t you want dragon veins? I give it to you, and give it to you!"

  The man had blood in his eyes, and the once insignificant man was kneeling in front of the little fox at this moment.

   Bend your knees and raise your eyes, crawling like a dog.

  (End of this chapter)

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